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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

3rd Day of over 100 Earthquake in Hawaii, Per Day! "Slump" would create a massive Tsunami

Updated lava flow map indicates this is the largest flow in over 170 years. Strange "stuck" EQ on the other side of the globe in Madagascar is waiting to "clear" a large earthquake to release pressure. Is this pressure being caused by Hawaii, and maybe the magnetic pole shift, or is this pressure pushing all the way to Hawaii?

Tuesday update -- over 100 Earthquakes in Hawaii today, 180 yesterday.

UPDATED-- purely stock's work here ----unusually, on the other side of the world, on another island that is not on any fault line....15 large EQ over 4.5 in the last week, but only 85 others in the last 100 years.

Massive important movements of earth's crust are going on now

See bottom for awesome video, boots on the ground!

Normally, there are 30 or 40 EQ over 2.5 on EARTH in 24 hours.    Last few weeks have seen 20 or 30 EQ over 2.5 in Hawaii in 24 Hours.

BUT JUST NOW!!!!   Massive Swarm of 180 EQ over 2.5 in Hawaii.   Big landmass is moving and a huge chunk of island could slide off, triggering a massive Tsunami.

Review all the charts below, each one is for one day and date is labelled.  BUT NOW!!! 180 EQ


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A poll 1307 votes so far, Who do you Trust? Wiki? Qanon? MSM, US Intel

-------------------------------- oh this is funny, I guess she doesnt have many dem followers?

Monday, May 28, 2018

Swarm of earthquakes (180!) in Hawaii Volcano, Last 24 Hours -- Whole Section of Island to Slump Off

Tuesday update -- over 100 Earthquakes in Hawaii today, 180 yesterday.

UPDATED-- purely stock's work here ----unusually, on the other side of the world, on another island that is not on any fault line....15 large EQ over 4.5 in the last week, but only 85 others in the last 100 years. 

Massive important movements of earth's crust are going on now

See bottom for awesome video, boots on the ground!

Normally, there are 30 or 40 EQ over 2.5 on EARTH in 24 hours.    Last few weeks have seen 20 or 30 EQ over 2.5 in Hawaii in 24 Hours.

BUT JUST NOW!!!!   Massive Swarm of 180 EQ over 2.5 in Hawaii.   Big landmass is moving and a huge chunk of island could slide off, triggering a massive Tsunami.

Review all the charts below, each one is for one day and date is labelled.  BUT NOW!!! 180 EQ

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Volcano, Boots on The Ground Video, Drones in the Air -- And A 1000' Tsunami Possible

stock here -- great YouTube site, they sent boots on the ground to really report and it is REAL.

Be prepared, not scared.   

First off let me say this.    NONE of the nuclear plants on the Fukushima coast have been restarted, but that does not lessen the risk because of all of the stored nuclear waste that has been gathered and bagged up.

Let's get clear on this out of the gate.    Prior to Fukushima, The lava lakes in the Kilauea area of the Big Island of Hawaii "drained".    Then a week later, the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan.

Last week, the Lava Lakes of Kilauea drained almost 1000'.

So if another Fukushima style Tsunami hits, all of the expensively gathered nuclear contaminated waste, mostly stored in high tech "garbage bags" will be swept into the ocean and the entire inventory of radiation will be released to the Pacific ocean.

If this waste gets swept into the ocean, I predict that the Pacific will be decimated for around 100 years.    As it is, it will probably take 30 years to recover the food chain.

3 generations with no Pacific food chain, could cause the mass die-offs to go beyond just the whales, get it????

There is another risk, even larger.    That being an island flank "slide off" is what I call it.   With
Tsunami's up to 1000 feet tall.

Geologists suggest that a Kileauea flank collapse is the next most likely to occur in Hawaii, that is the Big Island of "Hawaii" the youngest, and therefore the steepest of the islands.   

This video does a decent job of explaining it, although it states there have been 70 major slide offs in 20 million years.    I have studied Hawaiian Geology and it is widely accepted that Kauai made its first "stand" against the ocean about 4 million years ago, putting up massive dyke formations on the Napali coast, which are still totally visible today, and an awesome sight if you know what you are looking at.    I have pictures somewhere, probably on mainland now.    

Here is prior story on Hawaii lava lakes draining prior to to Fukushima

from Flying Cuttlefish, which ought to be on your daily "check it" list

Hawaii braces for worse lava flows from erupting volcano

“As a lava lake at Kilauea’s summit drains inside the volcano, magma is running underground. It could burst to the surface as large, fast-moving and intensely hot lava flows and produce higher levels of toxic gases, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientist-in-charge Tina Neal said.“

As events move faster than we can post them here’s

HVO Live Cams –

LIVE CAM (split screen view) –

CNN‘s Live Updates page

The USGS channel has science updates

KHON2 News has breaking news

Hawaii 27/7 has daily updates

Media Propaganda -- Tools of the Deep State, The Globalists, The NWO

With 80% of all people easily swayed by propaganda, and 95% of media is controlled by just 6 people, this should be seen as one of the biggest problems that we face today.

Former Editor of Time Magazine "I am for propaganda, every country must do it to it's own people"

Per Lot's Wife

At a Council of Foreign Relations forum about ‘fake news', Richard Stengel, former TIME editor, provides the sophisticate's view regarding mass communication, wherein government and journalism direct social and political agendas through propaganda.

To dig into the modern origins of Stengel’s support of authoritarian control, plug this into YT - "Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses”. The video will defrock your notion of a ‘free press’. Its exposures may put a crimp in your eagerness to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at your next public appearance. 

Further dissection of the body politic is here:

Meanwhile, space in the local newspaper’s letters page is dedicated to complaints about snow plowing and notes of appreciation to helpful strangers.

More Propaganda from Wikipedia

I used to "trust" Wikipedia, until I edited 2 articles that I had direct knowledge of and added a lot of good information.   The next day, my entries were scrubbed.    These were months apart, and after the first scrubbing,  I re-entered the information, which briefly appeared, and then was scrubbed.
The latest report about Wikipedia’s corruption comes from the great investigative journalist Craig Murray, who had been in the UK’s Foreign Service from 1984-2004 and who was forced out in 2004 because, having been since 2002 UK’s Ambassador to Uzbekistan, he decided to whistleblow instead of to accept the corruption by his own and Uzbekistan’s Governments.
It's not likely to get better anytime soon, as a generation of debt slaved millenials has been indoctrinated by the serious left.
"...from the college campus to the corporate boardroom, ...things that once were personal now are utterly political... The hard left now controls not only higher education, but also much of scientific research upon which the future of humanity as we know it depends..."
And more from my Alma-Mater --- the University that relentlessly spams me with full on liberal articles, never once thinking that thinking people may actually not prefer to see an educational institute promote an ideology.    But this female author from northwestern "won" after a battle of sorts.    Good to see some common sense going on.

Here is her twitter if ye tweet

And her book, one of them
Highly-accomplished Northwestern University film professor Laura Kipnis in 2015 found herself being investigated by her employer for alleged Title IX violations because of an essay she published in The Chronicle of Higher Education entitled “Sexual Paranoia Strikes Academe.” Kipnis, it would seem, had the necessary credentials of a feminist, but that did not matter to the new campus Snopeses. (Northwestern did rule in her favor, but only after Kipnis fought back. She then published another essay, this one on her “inquisition,” and recently publishing a book, Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus, about her experiences.) 
-------------------------------------------- The CFR Council on Foreign Relations stated goal is to educate the USA about the rest of the world. They control Main Stream Media

Tech Super Giants Making Big Changes To Make Sure They Can Sell You Out -- And You "Approved It"

stock here

Not a day goes by without some new "Privacy Policy" shows up in my inbox, and becomes obvious

in social media, both workstation and phone based.

This is all fallout from what should have turned into a shit storm following the open admissions by Facebook that they have been selling your most intimate details in nefarious ways.   Instead, Zionist Zuckerberg was "soft walked" through a little uncomfortable display at the US Congress and then in Europe.

Google Blogger is now forcing people to log in each time and from each device, with scary warnings about unauthorized access attempt, which persist even after you acknowledge that it was really you who logged in.    Its the tracks of the beast, and annoying.

Now I can't even comment on my own blog, not as the site owner, not as anonymous, not as a new url log in.

Skype today took me 30 minutes to figure out how to make it work, although I have used it before.   They also somehow grabbed a separate Microsoft account and name (an alias that I use) and scuttled my legitimate account.

Prior to this non-sense my use of Skype was easy and and I got it to the point of seem less.    The point of their new programming seems to be to force the user to allow Skype to access everyone in your contact list, in order to contact just one person

through Skype.   

Dead Fin Whale on the West Coast Continues The Trend of Decimation of Life in the Pacific

stock here -- first I promise below to tie this dead Fin whale into Kayne West--yes it can be done.
We have been talking about the "Slightly Overblown" description of the Death Of The Pacific for many years, predicting it actually.   This article from 2015 is 61 pages of hyperlinks to said demise.

It will be interesting if the "authorities" ever release the cause of death, which clearly wasn't a
ship impact or the like.   A team went to study cause of death, but nothing has been released.
Urenda, like the others present, took photos and videos of the carcass.
“There was a hippie-like woman playing a drum next to the whale’s remains,” he said, “she was performing a ritual.”
The residents that live close by aren’t so amused by the carcass. Many are worried that the rotting scent will travel into their homes and stick on their linens and clothing.
Urenda agrees. “After that I went home and still smelled the stench on me,” he said. “I felt like vomiting.”
Cota used to work for PROFEPA (ProcuradurΓ­a Federal de ProtecciΓ³n al Ambiente), which is the agency in charge of the care and preservation of the environment throughout Mexico.
He said that his contact in PROFEPA and their team of biologists, went to the site on May 21st to do the official investigation of the carcass to determine the cause of death.

here is how--Kayne with this necessarily succinct tweet, but brilliant.   Sigmund Freuds newphew ties directly into CIA and propaganda, and the advent of "consumerism" which is a big problem with environmetal over burden. 

the century of self  It’s 4 hours long but you’ll get the gist in the first 20 minutes Basically Sigmund Frued’s nephew Edward Bernays capitalized off of his uncle’s philosophies and created modern day consumerism

Judicial Watch Is a Group Doing Real Work to Reign In Our Out Of Control Government

stock in

Here is another interesting site submitted by Lot's Wife

<iframe width="580" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And -- pre-warning-- this is explicit, but pretty funny too, as they hit most of the "key points" in one short song.   They have missed Fukushima though, too bad they couldn't roll that in.

 the original source, formats it better.

Fuck the banks they're all dead to me Fuck capitalism and democracy Fuck tax, and the country, and the GDP
Just fuck the whole economy Fuck anyone who works in the CBD Fuck anyone who went to university Fuck the reptilian dinesty And fuck the whole illuminati The lizard people watch with their all seeing eye Atop skyscrapers, infinity stories high Spitting on us from the top of the towers Flying first class getting goldern showers Such is the life of the affluent you can get peed on by a flight attendent You can go stab a dolphin at the cove You can wank on an owl at bohemian grove BOOM BOOM BOOM that's the sound of a truth bomb Ring-a-ding-ding that's Barrack Obama's intercom Get Dom and Adrian off the waves Coz we're dropping truth bombs like it's the end of days The United Nations of the new world order calcifying your third eye Putting flouride in the water Don't believe everything you see on the news Dom and Adrian are dishing out the brutal truths On the dark side of the moon there is an alien space station broadcasting a signal to the earths population You're just a hologram living a holographic life and there is no such thing as anything You're not even alive And if all the agenda of the thirteen families Munipulating markets towards the one mores currency Dumping chem trails causing infertility And the mother fuckers have the gaul to call that shit a conspiracy And to lending to lenders to reinvest your investmants Reinvest reinvestmants to fund elections for presidents Who amend the amendments that will decay your intelligence Welcome mother fuckers to the age of aquarius BOOM BOOM BOOM that's the sound of a truth bomb Ring-a-ding-ding that's Barrack Obama's intercom Get Dom and Adrian off the waves Coz we're dropping truth bombs like it's the end of days. Spend my lifetime gathering bling, but money isn't even a thing An abstract collection of dollars and cents, but I can't even pay the rent The 1% are managing the frequency, limiting your creative capacity Using MTV and fuck channel E to make you want to be, what they want you to be Not me Fuck the ecultast celebrity, fuck Miley fucking Cyrus and Fuck Jay-Z Fuck Rupert Murdoch and pay TV I download all my shit for free Fuck ownership and fuck copyright Fuck coke and pepsi and fuck off sprite Fuck the 1% and their backwards thinking Fuck the lizard people with their sideways blinking Now I'm not looking for sympathy, but it fells like the system is fisting me So just because I want to pursue the arts I've gotta live off my daddy's credit card? And now what I'm supposed to do the 9 to 5 Just to cover the costs of the costs of life? I won't get on my knees and suck a managers knob Just to be another another dickhead with a full time job BOOM BOOM BOOM that's the sound of a truth bomb Ring-a-ding-ding that's Barrack Obama's intercom Get Dom and Adrian off the waves Coz we're dropping truth bombs like it's the end of days. When will I get my golden ticket abord the illuminati spaceship Currently in an existential crisis Will I ever get to fuck Miley Cyru

Friday, May 25, 2018

Nuclear in the USA is Dying, Economically, And Good Riddance -- 5 Plants on the Way Out!

One surprising thing is that the "bid" for the wholesale pricing on electricity almost doubled year
over year.   Sure odd no article discussion on that or how it will affect retail pricing. 

Some Plants That Will Be Closed

  1. Three Mile Island in Pa
  2. Oyster Creek in New Jersey
  3. Perry and Davis-Besse in Ohio
  4. Beaver Valley in Pa

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Don't Bring Spies into Your Own Home -- Echo Dot

This should be beyond basic, yet I have friends who have "embraced this technology"

Do not put spies into your own house.   Good thing they were just talking about "hard wood" (floors that is).
The woman, named only as Danielle, received a phone call from one of her husband's employees in Seattle, who received a recording of the conversation. On KIRO's video, Danielle holds up a number of Echo Dots, claiming that "it was one of these that sent it."

"We unplugged all of them and he proceeded to tell us that he had received audio files of recordings from inside our house," she told KIRO news. "At first, my husband was, like, 'no you didn't!' And the (recipient of the message) said 'You sat there talking about hardwood floors.' And we said, 'oh gosh, you really did hear us.'"

and a newer more detailed article


stock here --- if they can abuse information, on you, they will....look back to the 1960's and then now

Again and again, Weizenbaum witnessed ELIZA evoke an emotional response from users. And yet, he didn't see this as a triumph. A decade after ELIZA, Weizenbaum reveals in Computer Power And Human Reason that what he "had not realized is that extremely short exposures to a relatively simple computer program could induce powerful delusional thinking in quite normal people."
In the wake of ELIZA, Weizenbaum became an advocate for social responsibility in science and a critic of artificial intelligence. "The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone is the lawgiver," he writes in Computer Power and Human Reason. "No playwright, no stage director, no emperor, however powerful, has ever exercised such absolute authority to arrange a stage or field of battle and to command such unswervingly dutiful actors or troops."

100 Ways The EPA Will Lie to You After a Nuclear Event

Long ago, I did a post on the 87 one liners lies of nuclear....that post is here, and still worth visiting.

100 Ways the EPA will lie to you after a nuclear event in the USA

What they'll say: "As appropriate: Lives have been lost, people have been injured, and homes and businesses have been destroyed. All levels of government are coordinating their efforts to do everything possible to help the people affected by this emergency. As lifesaving activities continue, follow the instructions from emergency responders... The instructions are based on the best information we have right now; the instructions will be updated as more information becomes available."

Progress Polls -- What Is The Real Thoughts Of The American People? Brennan Kicker

During 2016 election I did multiple polls mostly on my Anti Nuclear website (here) which showed about 80% thinking Trump will win.     This went so far against the MSM fabrications.  

Most anti-nuclear, aka environmental people have a liberal bent to them.    Many think that capitalism is the root of all evil.    Many would never think of supporting Trump, the vulgar, "grab 'em by the pussy" guy.  

So why the poll results that I got?   Good question.    Is part of it that low income and immigrant "voters" don't have access to a real computer, which seems incredulous in this day of everyone having a cell phone with web capabilities.    Or perhaps they just don't care, or don't think that 1 second to click a choice is "worth it". 

I ran across another site on Twitter with 123,000 followers that puts up polls.   The results seem to
indicate that their readers support much of the things that I do.

Why doesn't the so-called left show up at these sites and promote their views?    Good question, let's leave that open for now.

Some interesting side shoots arose from digging deeper on their polls, this one from CIA director Brennan, who left in 2017.   Brennan claims that he is "non-partisian" and I guess, maybe that is possible, i guess you could be a "Never Trumper" and hate Trump not based on party lines.   I guess that is possible, some republicans (the establishment, often globalist, ones who see corporate money as more important than the benefit of the American people)

here are some of the "rules of engagement" for CIA activity.

Here is another version purportedly of the same thing, but looks like a hand scan


May 20
John O. Brennan Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Senator McConnell & Speaker Ryan: If Mr. Trump continues along this disastrous path, you will bear major responsibility for the harm done to our democracy. You do a great disservice to our Nation & the Republican Party if you continue to enable Mr. Trump’s self-serving actions.
John O. Brennan added,

Brennan's Tag Line on Twitter is "Non-Partisian", he only follow 28 people.   Here they are:
Representing California's 28th Congressional District and Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee.

Global Head of Trust & Risk Management | Fmr CIA Deputy Chief of Staff | Advises , , Culper Partners &…