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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Naomi Seibt -- The Anti-Greta Who Gets It, Pretty Much All of It

stock here

Naomi Seibt will apparently be speaking at the CPAC. 

Just didn't want to lose this one.   I normally prefer to "make the news" but here I will just repeat the news.
This is her YouTube channel


In 2015 she became a skeptic

One you start exploring these topics on the libertarian side

Migration Crisis in Germany
Climate Change

are all related in some way related to totalitarianism.   


 But it is sure a weird photo of Seibt on the cover of that video. I wonder why, highly photoshopped to make her look much younger than 19. Why would they do that?

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Finally, The Answer To Hundreds Of Dead Birds Falling From Sky. Reverse "Lightning"

stock here.    This has always been a mystery.    Hundreds of Dead Birds falls from sky has
Other sources I have show that we are already in a new peak, either way, it's high!
occasionally popped up, it seems like just the last decade, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention before.  

The answer came to me right after I reviewed the Kp index and for the first time, it had amazingly (after a 4 or 5 month dearth) hit the red zone.      And then the bird story.  

This also portends action on earthquakes.  

Before earthquakes hit, ultra long wave radiation leaves the earth and heads towards the uppermost atmosphere or even space.    Earth and the Sun continually trade in odd loops, magnetics, electrical fields and sheets, plasmas and particles.    The ULW radiation is not on every quake, but on much of the largest quakes, and a few countries have sent up satellites to monitor just that.

There are large electric based transfers that are poorly understood.    One of these types of transfers is killing these flocks of birds.   What else could it be?   Don't worry, it's not HAARP.   HAARP is in fact so weak, as to be laughable in the overall scheme of things global and galactic.

So there is the answer, now to gather the evidence and refine that hypothesis.


We should be able to build a data set of Mass Bird Sky Drops.   And then correlate that with Kp or other space weather events.  

If only the time was unlimited, what could be discovered.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A Review of the Very Partisian 180 DOJ Attorneys Who Signed Letter To Create Fraudulent Mueller Investigation

 stock here, saw this on Gateway Pundit.

The Deep State is getting worried and desperate.    As such, they are dangerous, but at the same time, can be led more easily into traps.

Funny how they pretend that the attack on Trump and now the attack on Barr is bi-partisian.    In reality a bunch of leftists goons, who have some idea of their own crimes, and the crimes of the politicians that they act to protect.

NOTE many of the names have links embedded, showing their slanted interests.

They have now made a spreadshseet with 1147 names, years of "service" and what president they worked under.    They are trying to show this is "non-partisan".

So I broke it down by which president they worked under and how many total years.  

Then I made one main "Clan" Obama and Clinton, and I threw Bush 2 in there for good measure, because they are all really the same thing.

The "Non Clan" is every other President back to Kennedy, and I didn't kill him or Epstein.   There are democrats and Repubs in the non clan.

You can download my spreadsheet via Box

CLAN protesting Barr ---            12,352 total years in "career"

NON CLAN protesting Barr ---   2,258 total years in "career"

That sure look non partisian, doesn't it? 

Right click on images below, and "open in new window" and you will get a much larger view that is readable.




A group of 180 former U.S. Attorneys and Assistant U.S. Attorneys for the Southern District of New York have sent a bipartisan letter to Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein asking that the Department Of Justice appoint a special counsel “to oversee the FBI’s continuing investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 Presidential election and related matters.”
Of course this was all pre-planned as well as the corrupt attorneys asked for a corrupt investigation to remove the President they hated from office.  Here’s the list with some additional observations on a few of the participants:

Jonathan S. Abernethy – One of the  720 former federal prosecutors who signed letter saying Trump would’ve been prosecuted if he weren’t president.
Elkan Abramowitz – Complained about Comey reopening Clinton email investigationIs also Weinstein’s lawyer.
Richard F. Albert
Marcus A. Asner – Donated only to D candidates
Martin J. Auerbach – Has a client who would benefit if Trump wasn’t POTUS, and is an Obama crony
Miriam Baer – Doesn’t get more swampier than she
Thomas H. Baer – Democrat strategist/Clinton supporter
Kerri Martin Bartlett-- A Democrat, Who is Assistant Editor of a Staunchly Leftist Newspaper.
Maria Barton
Andrew Bauer
Bernard W. Bell – Bill Clinton defender
Richard Ben-Veniste – Worked on the Benito Romano investigation, which places him close to Preet Bharara/Bruce Ohr/Lisa Page/Comey/Gaeta
Neil S. Binder
Laura Gossfield Birger – Alex Van Der Zwaan’s attorney
Ira H. Block – I’m betting he has something to do with the Tokhtakhunov investigation
Suzanne Jaffe Bloom – Clinton donor
Barry A. Bohrer
Daniel H. Bookin – Clinton donor
Jane E. Booth
Katharine Bostick – Microsoft
Laurie E. Brecher – Former Covington & Burling atty
David M. Brodsky – NeverTrumper
Stacey Mortiz Brodsky (Wife of David Brodsky)
William Bronner  (Did not sign Barr resignation letter)
Jennifer K. Brown
Marshall A. Camp
Bennett Capers
Michael Q. Carey
Neil S. Cartusciello
Sarah Chapman
Robert J. Cleary
Brian D. Coad
Glenn C. Colton
William Craco
Nelson W. Cunningham
Constance Cushman
Frederick T. Davis
John M. Desmarais
Rhea Dignam
Gregory L. Diskant
Philip L. Douglas
Sean Eskovitz
Jesse T. Fardella
Meir Feder
Ira M. Feinberg
Michael S. Feldberg
Steven D. Feldman
Edward T. Ferguson
David Finn
Eric P. Fisher
Sharon E. Frase
Steven I. Froot
Maria T. Galeno
Catherine Gallo
Robert Garcia
Kay K. Gardiner
Ronald L. Garnett
Scott Gilbert
Barbara S. Gillers
Mark Godsey
Joshua A. Goldberg
James A. Goldston
Mark P. Goodman (Did not sign Barr Resignation letter)
George I. Gordon
Sheila Gowan
Stuart GraBois
Paul R. Grand
Helen Gredd
Bruce Green
Marc L. Greenwald
Jamie Gregg
James G. Greilsheimer
Jane Bloom Grise
Nicole Gueron
Barbara Guss
Steven M. Haber
Jonathan Halpern
David Hammer
Jeffrey Harris
Mark D. Harris
Roger J. Hawke
Steven P. Heineman
Mark R. Hellerer
William Hibsher
Jay Holtmeier
John R. Horan
Patricia M. Hynes
Linda Imes
Douglas Jensen
James Kainen
Eugene Kaplan
Steven M. Kaplan
William C. Komaroff
David Koenigsberg
Cynthia Kouril
Mary Ellen Kris
Stephen Kurzman
Nicole LaBarbera
Kerry Lawrence
Sherry Leiwant
Jane A. Levine
Annmarie Levins
Raymond A. Levites
Donna H. Lieberman
Jon Liebman – Member of CFR
Sarah E. Light
Jon Lindsey
Robin A. Linsenmayer
Edward J.M. Little
Mary Shannon Little
Walter Loughlin
Daniel Margolis
Walter Mack
Kathy S. Marks
Mark E. Matthews
Marvin S. Mayell
Sharon L. McCarthy
James J. McGuire
Joan McPhee
Christine Meding
Paul K. Milmed
Judith L. Mogul
David E. Montgomery
Lynn Neils
Peter Neiman
Rosemary Nidiry
Tai H. Park
Robert M. Pennoyer
Elliott R. Peters
Michael Pinnisi
Robert Plotz
Henry Putzel
T. Gorman Reilly
Emily Reisbaum
Peter Rient
Roland G. Riopelle
Michael A. Rogoff
Benito Romano
Amy Rothstein
Thomas C. Rubin
Daniel S. Ruzumna
Robert W. Sadowski
Elliot G. Sagor
Peter Salerno
Joseph F. Savage
John F. Savarese
Edward Scarvalone
Kenneth I. Schacter
Frederick Schaffer
Gideon A. Schor
Julian Schreibman
Wendy Schwartz
Linda Severin
David Siegal
Marjorie A. Silver
Paul H. Silverman
Charles Simon
Carolyn L. Simpson
David Sipiora
Dietrich L. Snell
Peter Sobol
Ira Lee Sorkin
David W. Spears
Katherine Stanton
Franklin H. Stone
Richard M. Strassberg
Howard S. Sussman
Erika Thomas
Richard Toder
Timothy J. Treanor
Paula Tuffin
Peter Vigeland
David Wales
Max Wild
Samuel J. Wilson
Elaine Wood
Paulette Wunsch
Thomas Zaccaro
Ellen Zimiles

One individual, Josh Mogil, who signed the the Barr letter but not the Rosenstein letter worked for the corrupt Sally Yates and attended meetings with her regarding FISA requests, which now all know were fraudulent and used to call for the therefore fraudulent Mueller Investigation.

Of course the corrupt Democrats could obtain a list of 1,100 attorneys from the DOJ who would want AG Bill Barr to resign.  As Rudy said, the US Constitution no longer matters to them.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Quick Revisit to the Neo-Corona Virus

I've been trying to focus on work tasks that must be put in the rear view mirror. 

I have been kind of in a "let's see what happens" mode.    Figuring my best strategy is to live healthy, plenty vitamin D3, probiotics, Iodine/Selenium, good exercise and sleep.   And in a pinch, I can pretty much isolate for months without a problem.

LOL been using my "Bio Scarf" when out and about.   More on that later.   Price is double and triple what these used to be.


Liberalism, at least as modified by the narratives of the Globalists, approaches that of a mental disease.     Cause and effect cannot be linked, because feelings and "doing the right thing on high moral ground" are more important than thinking 1 checkers move ahead.

CASE IN POINT:  Hawaii State Health Officials, after discovering a Japanese couple visiting both Oahu and Maui, confirming COVID-19 infection. 

John Fujiwara, a friend of the visiting Japanese had spent around a half hour with the infected man, on Feb 4th.

He reported himself to State Health Officials, and offered to "self quarantine".

In amazing hubris that could make NOAA look smart, they told him to just go about his normal business, and if nothing happened by the 16th, he could just forget about it.....because.....they are so convinced that they know everything about the incubation time of this virus, conveniently exactly 2 weeks.

New information implies that 3 weeks is a more likely window.

For some unexplained reason, state health officials believe the infected Japanese patient didn't have any "prolonged, close contact with Hawaii residents." What we want to know: How can they be so certain of this while claiming to know so little about the man's movements?

Well more than just that....WTF does prolonged contact have to do with anything.   This stuff is highly contagious.  

Stupid stupid actions and comments.  

and from Lot's Wife The virus burning through Wuhan (China), a city of 11 million on the Yangtze
River, is vividly represented in this collection of clips. The river connects Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, and Chongqing. Captured by dozens of people with cell phones, the scenes offer a horrifying glimpse of the plague. Residents being shut-in by neighbors fearful of contagion; others being pulled from homes by police. Overwhelmed hospitals the size of several football fields; staff garbed in full protection. Dead piling up in the corridors. Crematories running at full tilt. People are collapsing in the street, in restaurants, on the rail system. Also seen are apparent suicides. Warning - among the clips: Sudden heart attacks and/or pulmonary rupture resulting in frothy blood erupting from mouth and nose.

And more

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Anon's Sometimes Ask About D5, Here is the Explanation

stock here, like this stuff?   Sign up as a follower, I might think people actually appreciate a different viewpoint.

This is the real D5, Shiny objects presented by Grand Master Troller Aleksander Wojtkiewicz

This is how the squares are labelled on a Chess Match / Board.    On the link below in purple, you can see the game played out step by step.

I found that at you can play against the computer, and you can set the board up exactly like this 1990 game in which the D5 move was essential.   

But I backtested Black's move based on Black being the computer, and playing of levels of 4, 8, and 10.    4 is "kind of stupid" and 4 replicated the totally failed response in the 1990 of moving Black Rook to threaten a pawn.    When the computer played BR to D4, I beat them handily in any number of permutations.    When I upped the level to 8, Black did not play Rook to D4, but I was still able to at least beat or draw the game, the D5 move is that powerful!
When I upped the Computer level to 10 (expert) it was hard but I was only able to draw.    But that said, I played fairly fast, like 30 minutes to conclusion.

------------------------------------- some of the analysis below is borrowed (ok stolen, LOL) and some is my own.   All the ones that use capital letters on the positions are mine.    In chess it is common to use lower case letters, but I find that annoying, and harder to read.

Beginners tend to focus on protecting their pieces on the board and their moves are just a succession of short term tactical arrangements while the experienced player focuses on optimizing his position and achieving an ownership of the chess board that will inevitably result in the death of the opponent’s king.
When the experienced player detects this focus on material, he turns it to his advantage and sets up traps that the greedy and short term sighted rookie would systematically fall into, until he dies with an aborted smile and a distended belly full of the well-packed junk that were graciously served to him.
So you want to know about D5? Watch this 1990 Wojtkiewicz vs Kuczynski game where Wojtkiewicz wins in 25 moves (the YT title is incorrect but the video is accurate) video
As you can see, the first major mistake Kaczynski playing black makes is his 14. a5 move. He allows Wojtkiewicz to take the pawn and is forced to lose time and make the Queen d8 extra move to get the material back.

In response, White, pretending to still care about his challenged pawn on a5 and to be interested in the b7 pawn, moves his Queen to b4 for (in fact) further positioning on e7.    For one, it just looks like a "Black Knight Pin" and then with WQ to E8 Check, the only defense is to block the check with BK to F8, again pinning the BK

At this moment of the game, the highly strategic D5 position is unveiled but Wojtkiewicz skillfully temporizes and while his Black is losing time focusing on material, White is focusing on position.

Blacks' next moves show he is not seeing the position coming, he protects his b7 pawn with Queen C7


Defeated by greed of being able to take one more Pawn, Black falls into the A4 pawn trap (Black doubles up rooks on the A line, pressuring the White A4 pawn,

which would require White to defend with the Queen, but then white would be "self pinned" into using her Queen and a rook to protect a lowly pawn.  Black then trades Rooks in order to take the A4 Pawn.    Move 21.

Now the D5 Setup! (Move 22).....White appears to be taking pressure off the D4 Pawn from the Rook by moving it out of the way to D5.    But this is a feint, White is setting up Black.

The Analyst "Serial Brain" had this to say....

This allows Wojtkiewicz to finally play the 22nd D5 deadly move which, at first glimpse does not seem to be bloody but in reality only offers to Kaczynski the bad or very bad options leading to his unavoidable defeat.
I disagree, I think that Black is just outplayed, and I agree greedy.   Rather than protecting Black King by opening up an escape route, via pawn to H6 (a defensive maneuver) Black focuses on trying to take pawns and create a "passed pawn" situation with it's pawn on the B column.

This is the famous Pawn to D5 (Move 22)

Rather than protect Black King......

A better Move

Black continues with Rook to D4 (Move 22, as in "the left can't meme).    This is an infantile move.   It appears that Black is trying to pressure the D5 space to prevent white from reinforcing D5 with Pawn to E4.   At this late stage of the game, Black is focused on taking material, an extra pawn.   Black already has a 1 pawn advantage, but Black has a Knight and White has a Bishop.
This is the Level 4 Mistake, Insuring the Loss
That’s the spirit of D5: shiny objects strongly advertised and kindly offered to achieve the final victorious position.

Easy win after the R to D4 Mistake

neat stuff above


From, the setup just after the D5

This is PGN format

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
Starting play from this position, against the computer at different levels
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "6k1/1pqnQppp/2p1p3/8/r2P4/5BP1/4PP1P/5RK1 w - - 0 1"]

The Black Queen Move Is Powerful!

This is FEN

6k1/1pqnQppp/2p1p3/8/r2P4/5BP1/4PP1P/5RK1 w - - 0 1

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Obstruction of Justice: Slow Walking of Mandatory Discovery Documents -- and Judge Reggie B. Walton

When you dig into things, some names just keep popping up.

Judge Reggie B. Walton

1) Bush's Chief in the horrifically executed war on drugs.
2) Allowed slow investigation of McCabe, and then pushed for "Charge McCabe now or cancel the investigation"
3) Allowed the slow roll out of Strzok Page communications, while talking tough about it.
4) Presided over the IRS targeting Tea Party non-profits, hobbling them.     Talking strong, but no real positive results or punishments or real plans to prevent in the future (although it was a key talking point)
5) Chief FISA court judge starting in 2013 and presiding over the worst of the Obama administration abuse.
6) Suspicion that Brennan and Clapper had spied directly on Reggie Walton, and gained information to manipulate him with.    John Roberts also spied on.   And Comey in there to cover it up.

On Item 6, there is a few audio interviews with the insider who set up the early spying

And sometimes the same name is linked to multiply horrible, almost unfathomable decisions.

Other times, they simply show obstructionist tactics.    Slow production.   And excessive redacting, very intentionally done and without justification (well the justification is usually "protection of criminal actions and governmental fraud").    

Introducing Judge Reggie B. Walton.    An original Bush appointee.   The start of the serious rollout of New World Order.
 One of Reggie Walton's clerks had a personal relationship to the defense attorney for a case involving a high profile civil rape case of Tigers Pitcher Alfredo Simon.      The implications are that she took actions to sway the Judge's decision to the defense''s benefit.
They tried to get Walton to recuse himself, or to be removed from the case, and that failed.


Reggie Walton appears to talk strong, but in the end the results are usually nothing important.  

Like he presided over the Tea Party Scandal in which Obama directed the IRS to attack and hobble hundreds of Tea Party non-profits.   It seems like a main goal of the prosecutorial misconduct was to point to the goal of "make sure it doesn't happen again."

Hmmm....what else Reggie Walton been doing.....well it looks like he was the one that got McCabe off the hook.

But Reggie Walton also made the call that the woman who married not just 1 ISIS fighter, who then died, but then married another ISIS fighter and then wanted to "come home to USA" but her passport had been revoked in 2016.   Walton held that she did not have a passport or visa and could not therefore come to the USA.    Good job!

FISA  Court

We know that Supreme court justice John Robert is compromised.    Obama reapproved the vast spying program in Dec 2012, also expanded it's scope.    Roberts appointed Reggie Walton to be the presiding judge for the FISA court in Feb 2013.

FISA court eh?  

And how 'bout that war on drugs?    Since 1989 that sure worked out well, eh???

Reggie Walton was on the front lines, starting in 1989.    Any one with any sense knew this war on drugs was going to make smaller and stronger and more dangerous drugs become the choice of smugglers and dealers.     But Walton and Bush pushed on with "instinct" and incarcerated a crap load people to the "full extent of the law", and really screwed the pooch on that gambit that backfired.

In September 1989, Bush astonished the American public by brandishing a bag of crack cocaine during a nationally televised address. The drug, a seemingly bemused president remarked, “looked like candy, but it’s turning our cities into battle zones, and it’s murdering our children.”

McCabe "Trial" A Plethora of Anti-Trump Judge, Defender, AND the PLAINTIFF ALL Rabid Anti Trump

stock here, I was shocked when reading this transcripts of judicial events related to McCabe.

All parties in this "trial" all express extreme Anti-Trump view, openly.  

In the left world, the left narrative, as well as McCabe's own TV statements pretend that this thing was dragged out so long because Trump wanted to inflict as much pain as possible on poor little McCabe.

In reality, the defendent was dragging this out as long as possible, with the Judge pressing them for movement, but not enforcing deadlines, and then with the defense just incredulously coming back time after time for delays....and get this playbook.....because another investigation which they can't even mention had information "under seal" and therefore the need to come back in "3 Months"

The left is now spinning the Judges, and the Plaintiffs totally biased nature, as "Proof that orange man is bad".     Banana republic, good lord, they are describing themselves on their high moral ground.

I spent a lot of effing time on this yesterday, and I am going to let my annotated screen captures speak for themselves.   Although nothing should shock me, I am astounded that any high level case would have such obvious partisianship.

The evidence against McCabe is beyond obvious.    So their tact is to pretend "there is nothing even there".    But they want 9 years for Roger Stone, who lied about something that he should have never even been asked about.   Same with Flynn, that was a total setup by Strzok and gang.   Manafort now....yeah he was guilty of some real shit.

Case closed.
The PDF of everything is here on my Box account.

click on the images for a larger easier to read display.

Why Would The Mayor of SF, Last Year, Need a "Loan" for a $5,600 Car Repair?

stock here.


Kind of shocked when I first saw that name.   It is so fitting.   And of course, there is the Willie Brown and Kamala Harris connection.

I will say this all her pictures, she does really seem like a happy, upbeat person.

OK I haven't heard that question asked yet, so I am asking it?

  • She doesn't have any savings?   Living week to week?
  • She doesn't even have a credit card?

  • She doesn't have any property that she could HELOC?

  • She couldn't just use a liars loan and get a new car on payments?

------------------------------------------------------   Said it I have.

But it gets better.    This was not just a bribe (she said the "loan" has still not been paid back).....

The apparently black mayor with the unusual English last name, had slept with this Muslim city "civil servant".     

And just now as Mohammed Nuru is indicted by the FBI for corruption, trying to bribe and airport commissioner to steal a "sweet heart" spot in the airport for  a concession.    And taking bribes from a Chinese developer to get special treatment.

Mohammed's partner in crime, Bovis, ran a non-profit charity, which was used to launder money and through huge parties......

Think Clinton Foundation.   Think Netflix deals.

And the Willie Brown connection.....

“London Breed: Raised $85,461 from pro-development interests, attorneys and medical professionals. Notable individual donors include Willie Brown partner and attorney Steven Kay; Brown protégé Bevan Dufty; California Attorney General Kamala Harris (another Brown protégé); Angel investor Ron Conway (Ed Lee booster)”…

Friday, February 14, 2020

J.P. Cooney, Who Let the Spy Awan Go Free, Now Let's Andrew McCabe Off The Hook

Decision made by JP Cooney

Why isn't J.P. Cooney under investigation??   He is obviously a bad actor.

His real name is Joseph Patrick Cooney, which was amazingly hard to find even that.   You know the story of James Corney....spelling errors to make issues harder to research......

Cooney IS the section Chief of the Criminal Fraud and Public Corruption, Washington DC.

I pretty much think that Cooney is a CIA asset.   There is nothing on the web on this guy, except for some high profile cases.   There are no articles, no Wikipedia (I tried to make one), no images, no quotations.    He is a freaking spook.

He likes to go by J.P.
His linked in page is super sketchy

Is this a relative, US Attorney for Chicago?   No corruption there!

Until we remove these obvious bad actors, the necessary improvement cannot do you eliminate Fraud in Government, when the Chief for Investigating the Fraud is part of the
Fraud, part of the deep state globalists.

Cooney was responsible for the plea deal for Imran Awan Aug 21, 2018.    Cooney was inserted into the Awan "matter" to replace the original prosecutor Michael Marando.

In the plea deal, even though he was guilty of horrendous crimes against the USA, including espinage of congress and selling state secrets, and stealing $2M of Government computer equipment....Cooney only required Awan to plead guilty to 1 count of bank fraud, and then he let him out of prison that day, on "time served".


Cooney is a ghost.     There is not a single picture of him on the internet, or the DOJ website.

And the DOJ has repeatedly failed to produce documents related to the Iwan's, even though under a lawsuit to do so.      This is still happening in real time.

“The cover-up of the Awan Brothers Democratic IT scandal shows the FBI and DOJ’s penchant for dishonesty isn’t just limited to FISA abuse,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The DOJ’s handling of the Awan Brothers case has long been an issue of concern and now we are expected believe some secret investigation prevents the public from knowing the full truth about this scandal. We are skeptical.”
Imran Awan and his family were banned from the House computer network in February 2017 after the House’s top law enforcement officer wrote that Imran was “an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems,” and that a server containing evidence had gone “missing.” The inspector general said server logs showed “unauthorized access” and procurement records were falsified.
Imran Awan was Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s (D-FL) top information technology aide. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Wasserman Schultz kept him on until he was arrested in July 2017, trying to board a flight for Pakistan.

here is an Example of Cooney, as a prosecutor, using stupid arguments, and having the Judge rip into him, but he continues on the same path.

I like to read the WaPo, because it makes the left narrative so clear.    But they only give you a few articles....but you can clear the WaPo cache with this link....

Cooney prosecuted another case in which a man admitted taking bribes to allow $1M of equipment to be stolen from Marine Base.     But Iwan was accused of taking $2M of gov computer equipment and he stated that was "inconsequential".

hmmm.....double standards everywhere in the Swamp. 

Georgia Man Admits Taking Bribes to Allow $1 Million Theft of Government Equipment from Marine Base



8 Ways Treasonous Actors Attempted to Steal the 2016 Presidential Race

stock here.    Not my work, but deserves to be spread far and wide.   Highlights are mine, summary is

By the Way --- This "accuracy" site has quite a bit about Fukushima too, check it out.

The image here is kind of funny, but given that the article is from 2010, it means that there were some waken people even before

The bottom line?   Monied interests basically took over one of the 2 main USA political parties.   They did this by

  1. By lies, 
  2. By using a controlled media to spread their lies, 
  3. By accusing the other side (Sanders) of having violent followers
  4. By Voter Fraud (illegal removal of 117,000 Brooklyn voter)    
  5. By illegally releasing Debate and Townhall questions ahead of time only to HRC
  6. By illegal deals to increase illegal amounts of funding to HRC
  7. By having multiple media outlets "calling" the nomination for HRC ahead of time and without basis, voter fraud, discouraging many who may otherwise have likely voted for Sanders. 
  8. DNC broke their own articles of organization by not being "evenhanded"

They did all this to install Hillary Clinton in order to continue the Globalist takeover of the USA.

It is illegal?   On what basis?   Giving aid and comfort to the enemy.    Treason.  

All who participated, even if they are now Fox news staff, LOL, looking at you Brazille.

Dems and Libs working hard to keep dead voters on the Rolls.....of course, Soros and Loretta Lynch
are involved.    And the "Brennan Center for Justice".


Timeline: How DNC Manipulated 2016 Presidential Race 

by Michael Brennan
December 16, 2014: President Obama signs into law omnibus spending bill that increases maximum possible individual political contributions from $129,600 annually to $777,600, substantially increasing the amount of money flowing through party committees. (Congressional Research Services)

April 7, 2015:Clinton campaign memo to the DNC articulates “Pied Piper” strategy to elevate the most extreme Republican candidates: “Our hope is that the goal of a potential HRC campaign and the DNC would be one-in-the-same: to make whomever the Republicans nominate unpalatable to a majority of the electorate. We have outlined three strategies to obtain our goal: 1) Force all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election; 2) Undermine any credibility/trust Republican presidential candidates have to make inroads to our coalition or independents; 3) Muddy the waters on any potential attack lodged against HRC.” (Salon)
May 26, 2015: An updated confidential Clinton campaign memo to the DNC is circulated, including new language (as disclosed by “Guccifer 2.0” on 6/15/16): “3) Use specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics, transparency and campaign finance attacks on HRC… Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message. ”

August 27, 2015: DNC announces “Hillary Victory Fund” joint fundraising agreement with Hillary Clinton’s campaign with a maximum possible individual contribution of $356,100 ($2,700 to Hillary for America, $33,400 to the DNC, and $10,000 to 32 of the state parties).

November 13, 2015: Associated Press releases a widely-cited survey of superdelegates’ public support: 359 for Clinton, 8 for Bernie Sanders, 2 for Martin O’Malley, and 210 uncommitted.

February 21, 2016: New York Times publishes front-page story proclaiming Sanders faces “steep climb” in delegates, despite trailing Clinton by only one pledged delegate following the Nevada caucus. Clinton’s “inevitability” narrative was largely based on the implicit assumption that her institutional support — including public commitments by superdelegates — would be too powerful for Sanders’ insurgency to overcome.

March 5, 2016: DNC vice-chair Donna Brazile provides Clinton with a debate question on the Flint water crisis the day prior (as disclosed by Wikileaks on 10/11/16).

March 12, 2016: Brazile shares question with Clinton on the death penalty the day before a CNN town hall (as disclosed by Wikileaks on 10/11/16). (Washington Post)

April 19, 2016: More than 117,000 Brooklyn voters are unable to cast their New York primary vote due to illegal “voter purges” by the New York City Board of Elections. (New York Times)

April 26, 2016: DNC staffer shares messaging preparing for when Sanders ends his campaign (as disclosed by Wikileaks on 7/22/16). (The Intercept)

May 2, 2016: Politico reports bombshell on how the Hillary Victory Fund was being utilized to circumvent campaign contribution limits by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

May 5, 2016: DNC officials conspire “atheist” smear against Sanders: “It might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist,” said DNC CFO Brad Marshall (as disclosed by Wikileaks on 7/22/16). (Washington Post)

May 14, 2016: The Nevada Democratic convention unfolds chaotically: Chairwoman Roberta Lange passes a motion to arbitrate unverified voice votes. 56 Sanders delegates were denied voting status for administrative reasons, swinging the at-large and party leaders pool to Clinton. Lange rejected a voice vote to reconsider the delegates’ rejection and abruptly adjourned the convention to the dismay of Sanders’ supporters. Despite no evidence suggesting violence, major outlets uncritically repeat the myth of “pro-Sanders violence and chair throwing.“

May 17, 2016: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz calls Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver a “damn liar” in DNC internal emails (as disclosed by Wikileaks on 7/22/16).

May 18, 2016: Wasserman-Schultz promotes “pro-Sanders violence at Nevada convention” myth on MSNBC.

May 21, 2016: DNC national press secretary pitches an anti-Sanders story to DNC comms director: “Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” (as disclosed by Wikileaks on 7/22/16). (The Intercept)

June 6, 2016: On eve of the second biggest primary day (California, New Jersey, New Mexico, Montana, and South Dakota), Associated Press publishes major story calling the primary for Clinton: “Clinton has delegates to win Democratic nomination.” This count includes public superdelegate commitments who will not vote until July 25.

June 15, 2016: “Guccifer 2.0” releases documents stolen from the DNC server including opposition research on Donald Trump, Clinton donor information, and the 5/26/15 strategy memo.

June 28, 2016: Donors to Sanders file a class action lawsuit against the DNC and Wasserman Schultz alleging fraud, specifically that they violated Article 5, Section 4 of the Charter of the Democratic Party: “…the Chairperson shall exercise impartiality and evenhandedness as between the Presidential candidates and campaigns. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party Presidential nominating process.”

July 22, 2016: Wikileaks releases first batch of DNC emails three days before the Democratic National Convention, demonstrating anti-Sanders bias from senior DNC officials.

July 24, 2016: DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigns on the eve of the Democratic National Convention. (Reuters)

July 26, 2016: Sen. Nina Turner, a prominent Sanders surrogate, is prohibited from joining Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for Sanders’ nominating speech. Following the roll call vote nominating Clinton as the Democratic presidential candidate, hundreds of Sanders delegates stage a “No Voice No Unity” walkout protest off the convention floor.

October 11, 2016: Wikileaks releases “The Podesta Emails Part 3,” revealing collusion between Donna Brazile and Clinton.

April 25, 2017: In class action lawsuit alleging DNC fraud, DNC attorney argues the party has the right to ignore primary voters: “The party has the freedom of association to decide how it’s gonna select its representatives to the convention and to the state party. Even to define what constitutes evenhandedness and impartiality really would already drag the court well into a political question and a question of how the party runs its own affairs. The party could have favored a candidate. I’ll put it that way… We could have voluntarily decided that, ‘Look, we’re gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.’” (See Newsweek: “Was the Election Rigged Against Bernie Sanders? Dnc Lawsuit Demands Repayment for Campaign Donors.”)

August 25, 2017: Judge dismisses DNC lawsuit on lack of standing: “Not one of them alleges that they ever read the DNC’s charter or heard the statements they now claim are false before making their donations. And not one of them alleges that they took action in reliance on the DNC’s charter or the statements identified in the First Amended Complaint. Absent such allegations, these Plaintiffs lack standing.” (Washington Post)

November 2, 2017: Brazile reveals Hillary Victory Fund agreement “specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised… [Clinton’s] campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.” (Vox)

Big Island -- Solar Cycle 25 Startup Could Trigger Another Eruption

stock here -- just a smattering of some screen captures that describe Moana Loa.

Solar cycle 25 is sure starting slow, but if it's really a Grand Solar Minimum we are in, that isn't so unexpected.

But the Kp index (Earths magnetic field measured at ground level) hit the RED ZONE for the first time, in many moons.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Smollett Indicted Again, 6 Charges. They Are Not Yet Up to TREASON For Attempting to Start a Race War

let's break it down here.....orchestrating a fake hate crime, is in fact a hate crime.

Calling It Out Now, Eruption of Moana Loa In Hawaii, Highly Likely, USGS Downplaying

stock here:

Nothing says "the sh*t is going to hit the fan" like USGS downplaying a real situation. 

In the video way at the bottom, please watch after reviewing my data, the USGS attempts to show that Moana Loa and BI Earthquakes are just the new normal, "Steady as She Goes".    Volcano is still settling from 2018.    And they produce charts to "prove it".

Except that the real data do not support these charts. 

REALITY:   Quiet Sun, and the RECORD Cosmic Rays have "charged up, primed" the Magma chambers.  

I have recently plotted the Magma Chamber within Moana Loa, the the Main Feeder Magma
Chamber (which feeds Moana Loa and Kilauea, it's a combo feeder).   I have not published this stuff yet.     It really is world class work, but in a totally Hill Billy format, and I kind of want to tune it up first.

I have also correlated all large eruptions of Moana Loa with the "Quiet Sun" aka Sunspots.    And I have the proof.    This changes everything.

I have postulated this for years, but now I have the proof.  

This is kind of back to average for World Wide (WW) EQ at 2.5M and up, 24H.     Recently EQ have been firing at 70 per 24H which is quite high.   

Quiet Sun phase is going into very minor sunspot activity, but quiet a few coronal holes, which let more "stuff" escape the sun and fire towards earth.    This shows up in "proof" as an increase in Kp index, but even that just got into the first band of yellow last week.