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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Another Astounding Great Medical Effect for CBD Oil

I have a "trick toe".    The bio-mechanics are wrong, but the problems don't start until the soft materials get inflammed, and then it is like a cat chasing it's tail.  

As an avid water skiier, farmer, solar installer, I actually need full function of my feet.    And if I don't have it, it can be really dangerous for further injury or inability for sport or work.  

Bottom line....morning application of CBD paste makes a serious problem almost a non-issue.  

$40 has lasted a month, and it's not close to half gone. 


From Medscape

SAN FRANSICO — A clear transdermal cannabidiol (CBD) gel (ZYN002, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals) improved emotional and behavioral symptoms experienced by children and adolescents with fragile X syndrome in a phase 2 open-label study, the company reports.


  1. Jeg tror CBD olje er et ikke-psykoaktivt, ikke-farlig cannabinoid som finnes i industriell hamp og cannabis. Basert på de mange studiene som er tilgjengelige på Internett, føler jeg at det er trygt å si at CBD er her for å vare - i hvert fall her i Norway.

  2. Does CBD Oil Relieve Chronic Pain?
    CBD Oil is often used by people with chronic pain. CBD oil may reduce pain, inflammation, and overall discomfort related to a variety of health conditions.
    Researchers believe CBD interacts with the receptors in your brain and immune system. These receptors are tiny proteins which are attached to your cells and receive chemical signals from different stimuli and help your cells respond, thus creating anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects that can help with pain management. This means CBD oil benefits for people with chronic pain.


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