stock here: I choose this list because they are not on my Purusal reading list. Broaden the horizons so to speak.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- The Other McCain has thoughts on the brain damaged election
- The Right Scoop features lefty rage over an ACB joke
- Weasel Zippers notes how many private jets flew in Egypt for COP27
- Independent Sentinel covers how Pennsylvania’s new Dem gov will shut down energy
- Sultan Knish discusses politics killing the culture
- Powerline covers Dementia Don
- Pacific Pundit notes Woke Disney looking to lay off lots of employees
- Never Yet Melted calls Pennsylvania the national capital of stupid
- Moonbattery covers yet another fake race hoax
- Jihad Watch notes the Elites eating well at COP27 while telling the peasants to eat bugs
- IOTW Report wonders how someone could get 1100 votes in a town with 700 people
- Flag And Cross discusses the fuel emergency in many states
- Dissecting Leftism features that latest bit of mask insanity
- Cold Fury tries to make sense of the scam
- And last, but, not least, Don Surber discusses a life after Trump