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Blogs Of Interest

stock here: I choose this list because they are not on my Purusal reading list. Broaden the horizons so to speak.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Other McCain has thoughts on the brain damaged election
  2. The Right Scoop features lefty rage over an ACB joke
  3. Weasel Zippers notes how many private jets flew in Egypt for COP27
  4. Independent Sentinel covers how Pennsylvania’s new Dem gov will shut down energy
  5. Sultan Knish discusses politics killing the culture
  6. Powerline covers Dementia Don
  7. Pacific Pundit notes Woke Disney looking to lay off lots of employees
  8. Never Yet Melted calls Pennsylvania the national capital of stupid
  9. Moonbattery covers yet another fake race hoax
  10. Jihad Watch notes the Elites eating well at COP27 while telling the peasants to eat bugs
  11. IOTW Report wonders how someone could get 1100 votes in a town with 700 people
  12. Flag And Cross discusses the fuel emergency in many states
  13. Dissecting Leftism features that latest bit of mask insanity
  14. Cold Fury tries to make sense of the scam
  15. And last, but, not least, Don Surber discusses a life after Trump

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