stock here: here you go:

stock here: here you go:
stock here, story of my life, also
From Lot’s Wife in Alaska
Over 20 years ago, I selected Fairbanks water fluoridation as a item of interest. My investigations of fluoride’s effects, beyond government claims of tooth caries reduction, opened new questions about its safety and effectiveness. They evolved into a formal campaign to stop it. My commitment to the project was fueled by clarity of purpose. Writing about ‘vaccines’, Midwesterndoctor echoes my experience with fluoridation.
Throughout my life, I have had the experience of being able to clearly see something, and have everyone around me, including a lot of “experts,” insist that what I’m seeing does not exist, and then a few years later have my observation become generally accepted as true.
stock here jackschick knows more than Jack Sh$t
Maybe the iconic example of the
Chinese cultural revolution is more
applicable to these times, leaving aside
the blatant LGBTQ face of protest.
The purging of any Elders, any educated
experienced wisdom is necessary for
their enslavement goals. Of course,
Adolf Schicklgruber was a good Catholic boy.
A-Eye of Sauron Unpacked that comment!
Certainly! Let’s break down and expand on the comment which seems to draw parallels between contemporary events and historical examples, particularly the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and makes some additional statements about purging experienced individuals and Adolf Hitler’s background.
stock here:
can you elaborate on these statements seen at zerohedge The brown shirts were the first to be cast out, as will the woke army. 3 hours ago (Edited) The SA leadership was purged in June of ’34 yet the SA continued on until 1938 when they participated in the pogrom Crystal Night. Useful idiots to be sure. The homosexual leadership got uppity and were dealt with. ChatGPT
Certainly! The statements you referred to seem to be drawing parallels between historical events involving the Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung or Brownshirts) and contemporary political movements. Here’s an elaboration on the historical context and the possible implications of the comparison being made:
The statements on ZeroHedge appear to use the historical example of the SA to comment on contemporary social movements. The analogy suggests that just as the SA was purged by the Nazi regime once it became inconvenient or threatening, modern movements that are currently tolerated or supported by those in power might also face elimination once they are no longer useful or become problematic. This interpretation carries a cautionary message about the potential fate of politically instrumental groups.
stock here: I feel bad that I have been trained in schools, but have missed all the important parts of history. It must be self taught.
The statement refers to the period of the Russian Revolution and subsequent civil war, primarily between 1917 and the early 1920s. The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks were two factions within the Russian socialist movement that emerged from a split in the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) in 1903.
By the early 1920s, the Bolsheviks had effectively “taken out” the Mensheviks as a political force in Russia. The Menshevik movement was severely weakened, with its leaders either imprisoned, executed, or in exile, and its followers suppressed. The Bolshevik victory in the civil war and their subsequent establishment of a one-party state marked the end of significant Menshevik influence in Russian politics.
This detailed explanation covers the historical context, ideological differences, key events, and methods used by the Bolsheviks to suppress and eliminate the Mensheviks during and after the Russian Revolution.
——————————– More info
How about the top 5 commander of each group, can you name them, and their age in years, not birth yearChatGPT
Certainly! Below are the top five commanders from the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, along with their ages around the time of the October Revolution in 1917:
These ages are approximate and reflect the leaders’ ages during the crucial year of 1917 when the Bolshevik Revolution took place.
now calculate the average age of each group and standard deviationChatGPT
This calculation shows that the average ages of the top leaders in both groups are very close, with the Menshevik leaders being slightly older on average. The standard deviation indicates that the ages of the Bolshevik leaders varied more than those of the Menshevik leaders.
how did they overthrow the provisional governmentChatGPT
The overthrow of the Provisional Government by the Bolsheviks, known as the October Revolution, involved a series of strategic actions and events orchestrated primarily by the Bolshevik leadership. Here is a detailed account of how this process unfolded:
The October Revolution was marked by careful planning, strategic use of force, and significant popular support, which enabled the Bolsheviks to overthrow the Provisional Government and establish Soviet rule.
Were any of the key figures from either the red or the white jewishChatGPT
Yes, several key figures in both the Bolshevik (Red) and anti-Bolshevik (White) factions were Jewish. Here are some notable individuals:
The White movement was a loose coalition of anti-Bolshevik forces, and while it included people from various backgrounds, there were fewer prominent Jewish figures due to the movement’s association with Tsarist and nationalist elements, which often harbored anti-Semitic sentiments. However, some Jewish individuals did participate in the White movement, but they were not typically in key leadership positions.
While Jewish individuals played prominent roles in the Bolshevik movement, their presence in key leadership positions within the White movement was less significant due to the prevailing anti-Semitic attitudes among many White factions.
how did russia ever break free from these bolsheviksChatGPT
Russia did not break free from the Bolsheviks in the sense of overthrowing them. Instead, the Bolsheviks, who later became known as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, retained control and established the Soviet Union, which lasted until its dissolution in 1991. Here’s a detailed account of how the Soviet Union eventually dissolved, leading to the end of Bolshevik rule:
The end of Bolshevik rule came not through a direct overthrow, but through a combination of internal reforms, economic decline, rising nationalist movements, and political upheaval that led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. This marked the transition from a communist state to the Russian Federation, which adopted a new political and economic system.
my understanding is that Gorbachev did not resign, but he became a persona non grata of power because the soviet union no longer existedChatGPT
You are correct that Mikhail Gorbachev did not formally resign in the typical sense but rather became effectively powerless due to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Here is a more accurate account of the events surrounding the end of Gorbachev’s power and the dissolution of the Soviet Union:
The dissolution of the Soviet Union was a complex process involving political, social, and economic factors. While Gorbachev did not formally resign in a traditional sense, he effectively lost his power and position as the President of the Soviet Union due to the country’s dissolution. His final address on December 25, 1991, marked the end of his political leadership and the end of the Soviet Union as a geopolitical entity.
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I hope AI can assist in mitigating those medical errors, maybe as a “second opinion” type of caution
Absolutely, AI and advanced technology have immense potential to assist in mitigating medical errors and improving patient safety. Here are some ways AI can contribute:
While AI holds promise in improving healthcare delivery and patient safety, it’s essential to integrate these technologies thoughtfully. Collaboration between AI systems and healthcare professionals, along with rigorous testing and validation, will be crucial to ensure AI’s effectiveness and safety in clinical settings.
stock here: Their idea about helping humanity, is to eliminate as much humanity as possible. Flying through Seattle Airport this week, I noted for the first time 3 Bins for materials. Waste, Compostible, and Recyclable. And on the Compostible, they had a good description of everything that can be composted! Good on them, ultimately our fate comes down to the quality of the soil that we grow food in. It really is that simple, and if we can scale it up and replace the chemical based fertilizers (think chemo for plants) with a rich soil full of bacteria, fungi, and base nutrients, that make element more bio-available, and therefore plants that are not attackable by the usual suspects, then we will have a much better society.
It should be noted how the assholes that be, were putting out articles last month on how home gardens produce 400% more carbon than neo-farming. They have no shame, no basis in fact. We have expressed many times, that even from their own lips…the “existential climate crisis” is not enough to convince people to give up their soveriengty, their families, their freedom, their dignity. And there, I have not said it enough, although I have said “Eat Ze Bugs” enough, but a big part of what they are trying to do is to de-humanize Humans, to get people to willingly give up the dignity of life.
According to Hooper, it’s because “every part of the economy is fundamentally dependent on nature.”
As a result, globalists must seize control of “the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the soil, the oceans that we need for the food that we need to consume, the minerals that we need as inputs to technology and into infrastructure,” Hooper declared.
“Without these forms of value, these forms of natural capital, we won’t have economies.
“They are the fundamental building blocks of our economies.”
In addition to putting “nature on the balance sheet,” another proposal coming at the end of the panel discussion suggested putting a tax on natural systems like water in the same vein as carbon taxes.
"The ways in which we have grown our economies.. have been incredibly successful for global prosperity. The unintended consequences of current models of growth are simply not sustainable on a finite planet" Lindsay Hooper, WEF #AMNC Summer Davos
— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) June 27, 2024
Now this Chinese female wants to control 100% of “carbon”, not just 25% as it is. And she next mentions water. Integrating “natural capital” aka best example is carbon “pricing”. Note they shy away from using the reality Carbon Taxes. I find her particularly annoying.
"Beyond carbon [taxes] let's think about other aspects of nature that are easier to quantify.. What about water? That's quite possible for us to start integrating systematically into current trading carbon pricing mechanisms" WEF managing director Gim Neo #AMNC24 Summer Davos
— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) June 27, 2024
If it wasn’t so terribly important, this could pass as comic. CNN designed all the questions to help Biden as much as possible, and Biden and his ilk had the questions for at least a full week. So it appears “they were trying” in earnest. But were they?
I knew it was going to be bad for Biden when he first walked out and started waving to the crowd that wasn’t there.
Many believe this, and the late convention, were to allow time for a switcharoo. Gaven Newsome is easy to hate, but for those that run the outrage factory, maybe this is useable
I have considered that part of their plot, may be to make America such a a laughing stock, that even patriots feel that “there is nothing left fighting for”
And the strong efforts by all the congress peeps to strengthen all the voting procedures….oh wait, that never happened. They must like the system the way it is.
stock here: and why did he go to a Taylor Swift concert. Did he learn that those who follow the Globalists get richly rewarded like those Rich Men?
Submitted by the Cuttlefish, weird the arabic type subtitles though.
Never did like this guy. Now they got him on gun control. And like that trans-POS, they got him dressed in military garb. It;s worse than a movie.
Last week, he attacked social media. Does anyone have any trust in the :medical system: anymore?
stock here
stock here, this was hilarious in a sick sort of way.
You can immediately regain control of your phone’s full usefulness after a 911 call by turning off your phone and turn it back on. Then you can restore access to all your phone’s functions again.
Not really… 911 already has your number, esn, Mac address, etc .. turning off your phone does not change these values, so the second your phone reacquires a signal is the same second 911 can again assume control of said phone if so desired. In fact .. the newer phones on the market are even discoverable when thy are turned off! You would need t remove the battery and SIM card to stop that. Furthermore, with things like googles find my phone, Google relies on every other customers phone to scan for devices nearby, so if another Google phone is near yours, well that other Google phone is going to report the location of your phone that you thought was disconnected…. In other words, just don’t get a cell phone because you aren’t even aware of the myriad of ways you can be tracked that they even publish to inform you about if you took the time to read about all the features on your device and android version…. Oooo get an iPhone then… Yeah, because apple would never try to compete with Google or replicate the same features and functionality of their competitor… Might as well just ask the DOJ/DOC if they will provide you with one of their GPS ankle bracelets combined with random landlibe phone voice recognition verification… You would at least be giving big tech and the government less information about you at any given moment then.
stock here: after the fires in Maui…….
I knew this was big, right away. I was collecting evidence immediately, downloading everything from Eric West, even guiding him on the phone on melting points of automotive materials, and what to look for. He found it the day later with a local guide who took him to 2 cars that were the smoking gun. I was surprised that I was already calling out the Ukraine money flows.
stock here, buy a shirt!
he was good, maybe they took down his channel, he used to be HustleBitch.
Microwaves or ultrasound
stock here: One rabbit hole leads to another!!! from AI
“Voice to skull” technology, often referred to as V2K, is a concept where sound is transmitted directly to the brain using microwave auditory effect or other advanced technologies. This concept is often discussed in contexts involving mind control, non-lethal weapons, and various conspiracy theories. Here are some key points:
While the scientific community does recognize the microwave auditory effect, the broader claims about V2K and its widespread use in non-kinetic brain injuries are often met with skepticism and are not widely accepted in mainstream medical practice.
——————- I was just curious about the acronym V2K, but AI took it differently
“V2K” stands for “Voice to Skull,” which describes a technology that purportedly transmits sound directly to a person’s auditory cortex, bypassing the ears. The term is often associated with the microwave auditory effect, where microwave pulses can produce auditory sensations within the human head. Here’s why V2K is significant and controversial:
While V2K technology has intriguing applications and potential uses, it also brings about a host of ethical, legal, and medical concerns. The lack of mainstream acceptance and the potential for misuse make it a highly controversial topic. Understanding and addressing these concerns is crucial as we navigate the implications of such advanced technologies
stock here: I have seen this, and in normally “nice” Hawaii, there has been say a 500% increase in assholes, from like 2/100 to 10/100. I am very wary of taking on any new customers because of this.
A number of my customers have developed cancers just this year, one died last week. Weeks after doing a few solar services for him. That was a gut punch, super nice guy and so full of hope even degraded by chemo just a few days prior.
The zombies are in force, driving cars, many cars all banged up and people don’t see the need or can’t afford the bodywork. Poor driving is a daily event, I often take 2 or 3 evasive actions to mitigate accident chance. Hawaii is heavily injected, I didn’t have time to compare on a per 100,000 basis for adverse reactions reported. But even that may be a poor statistic using VAERS as many of the nice people in Hawaii would never suspect that the Injections caused harm, much less report it.
Horrifying… Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “Depending on where the vaccine damage occurs, a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric illnesses can occur. Nerve failures and paralysis, but also dementia, psychoses and personality changes are on agenda for vaccinated people. The unbelievable horror story doesn’t end there. Chopped DNA fragments have been found in large numbers as vaccine contaminants. Fragmented DNA sequences have increased propensity to be incorporated into the chromosomal DNA. The possible consequences are endless. The finely tuned network can be disrupted that controls cell division and differentiation. Cancer and developmental disorders can result. Mutations in sperm and fertilized eggs could make altered characteristics heritable.”
Mirrored Fritjof Persson
————————- Comment
Dr Sucharit, thank you for sharing your views, pls pay serious attention to Dr Ber video did you ever heard from NKBI ? non kinetic brain injuries can be diagnose by biological elements and supported with tests, auricular damage, neurological disorders and/or voice to skull elements
The experts explain the person suffer from an energy that crossed the gray matter in the brain causing damage. T
he myriad of symptoms may be interpreted by ignorant doctors and psychiatrist as psychosis, and/or other mental problems the reality is that the mental situation is artificially provoke from the outside Of course at the moment the differential diagnosis hasn’t arrived 2the main medical practitioners. It is not convenient, too many patients are in title to compensation by being misdiagnosed by psychiatrists, that have failed 2accept the voice to skull as a reality for patients Is already accepted in the scientific, military &political world
Those with the covid are now even easier to target as a result of their nano routers circuits assembled by nanographene as show the Mac address that scientist and researchers including the public have shown appears on many of those vaccinated, to the world Those diagnosed with psychosis and other mental illness have been most probably misdiagnosed Psychiatrist make themselves deaf to the evidence that appears everyday stronger showing that psychosis can be provoked by external ways by making a person to hear a voice in their skull.
Why are you silence on the possibility that the G5 anthenas may be part of the problem for those inoculated with the nanotechnology? Many people is now aware that the story of the DNA and the virus seems a cover up to a more sinister reality that includes the autoasemble of the nanocircuits in our bodies and the control by external energies including but not only G5 anthenas… Is now clear there is a conection between Havana syndrome, Targeted Individual and those injected thank y