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Pirelli, Satanism, and The Trilateral Commission

Are we really back here to the MK Ultra Fractured Triggerable personality, and Satanism?

I have copied all the images to the bottom. They are quite creative, if you like the Satanic twist.

Lifted From



Sigil of Baphomet? Check.

Profuse butterflies and prominent mirrors signaling mind-controlled sex slaves (MKUltra-induced fractured personas / Dissociative Identity Disorder). Check.

A golden cherub mocked and scorned through reimagining as a lascivious sex object/Whore of Babylon? Check.

Serpent — in the ill-disguised form of an oversize golden bracelet — encircling the arm of a sex slave who is flecked with rainbows, controlling and devouring her? Check.

Transhumanist, anti-soul and anti-nuclear family agenda represented by a gender-fluid warrior who, on closer inspection, turns out to have nonhuman lower legs and feet? Check.

Eve’s Apple held close by a model as a precious and vaunted objet d’art worthy of its weight in gold, in mocking defiance of its true meaning as a symbol of humankind’s susceptibility to enslavement by unchecked lust and greed? The model representative and celebratory of humans chained to — enslaved by — based desires run amok? Check.


Pirelli — Controlled by those that control the Trilateral Commission

“Marco Tronchetti Provera is an Italian businessman. He was the chief executive officer of Pirelli & C. S.p.A. from 1992 to 2022 and its executive vice chairman since October 20, 2015.

“He is the chairman of Marco Tronchetti Provera & C. S.p.A., a holding which he controls and which indirectly holds 50% of Camfin S.p.A. (where he was Chairman until December 2013). Camfin indirectly holds 41% of Marco Polo Industrial Holding S.p.A., the major shareholder who controls Pirelli & C. S.p.A.”

“Member of the Italian Group of the Trilateral Commission.”

“Since September 2020: Member of the Italian Aspen Institute.”



Marco Tronchetti Provera
Lord Mandelson
David Miliband
Zanny Minton Beddoes: Editor-in-Chief, The Economist

etc. etc. etc.

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