3 replies on “Excellent Compilation of Maui, DEW, and Numerology — The Satanists use Numbers For Their Dirty Deed All The Time”
It’s the “Lets kill all the people” game.
A continuation of “The Great Genocide”
A revelation I should have known long ago….my Ancestor Keirstein wrote a book called the Red Star Over Poland. He an his wife were Ashkenazi from Poland. I am 25%, I feel good about that, however, I shall call out the jerks that be that are making our lives intentionally worse. Many Jesuits too are in that club, and all the others, Masons, Illuminati, Skull and Bones. I see none of them working for the good of the real people.
3 replies on “Excellent Compilation of Maui, DEW, and Numerology — The Satanists use Numbers For Their Dirty Deed All The Time”
It’s the “Lets kill all the people” game.
A continuation of “The Great Genocide”
A revelation I should have known long ago….my Ancestor Keirstein wrote a book called the Red Star Over Poland. He an his wife were Ashkenazi from Poland. I am 25%, I feel good about that, however, I shall call out the jerks that be that are making our lives intentionally worse. Many Jesuits too are in that club, and all the others, Masons, Illuminati, Skull and Bones. I see none of them working for the good of the real people.