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Did Russia DEW Zap 40 of Elon Musk StarLink Satelites Bound for Ukraine?

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The scandal surrounding the latest launch of American Starlink satellites via the Falcon 9 rocket is noisy not only in the United States, but also beyond its borders. The disappearance of 40 out of 49 satellites of this system is not just an accident, it is a failure at the geopolitical level. Officially, SpaceX has announced that the electronics on board the satellites have overheated due to a geomagnetic storm. However, experts are not sure about this.

Boris Webber, a researcher at Rice University, expressed doubt about the official version of SpaceX. According to him, Merlin engines have limited performance and cannot cope with extreme conditions. Some even suggest that the entire incident is the result of the actions of the so-called “Russian boiler”, an atmospheric ionization system capable of perturbing the geomagnetic field.

Webber, referring to a number of studies, noted that the Merlin engines were originally designed to operate under ideal conditions. But ideal conditions are rare in space, where any external influence can lead to disaster. Perhaps SpaceX is trying to hide the problems with the second stage of the rocket, disguising them as a geomagnetic storm.
Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.net/blog/starlink-v-aute-kak-40-amerikanskih-sputnikov-prevratilis-v-kosmicheskiy-hlam

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