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Parallels Between COVID Government Actions and Lockdowns, and An Abusive /Coercize Relationship

Saw the comment below the line at the off-guardian, which to me looks like the Old Zero Hedge before they were bought by the Brits and now run totally as Controlled Opposition.

I said — Nicely played, there was a video that started out as purporting to be describing a malevolent man abuses his girl…..then at the end, it switches to…..that is exactly what they did to us during the COVID story and the lockdowns. That video was deplatformed and could not be found, because it was so spot on. I searched again today, because it was so powerful. It would trick a normie into drawing the obvious conclusion, and then when it was spun to reveal exactly what they did to us under COVID….it could be an “aha moment”, and the powers that be just hate the thought of a significant amount of people waking up.

————————————————————- This regards a UK on Controlling or Coercive Behaviour…the entire statue is below the next line, for conciseness I am just putting the bullet items here — Compare then to how we were treated under COVID.

– The behaviour has had a serious effect on the victim;
– The behaviour takes place repeatedly or continuously; and
– The perpetrator must have known that their behaviour would have a serious effect on the victim, or the behaviour must have been such that he or she “ought to have known” it would have had that effect.

Examples of a serious effect on the victim may include, but are not limited to:
– Stopping or changing the way someone socialises
– Physical or mental health deterioration
– A change in routine at home including those associated with mealtimes or household work
– Putting in place measures at home to safeguard themselves or their children
– Changes to work patterns, employment status or routes to work
– Being monitored by and needing to report back to the perpetrator
– Having their financial independence restricted e.g. the perpetrator denying access to money, preventing the victim from working, sabotaging employment or welfare benefits, denying access to joint bank accounts, or coerced debt
– Being deprived access to medication, phone and internet usage
– Feeling unable to have family or friends visit
– Feeling unable to take part in activities which they previously enjoyed
– Becoming socially isolated
– Being told what they can and cannot wear
– Emotional and psychological harms including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder
– Being punished or having to follow rules
– Living in fear of punishment of any kind


In January 2022, Greenwood was arrested on suspicion of raping and assaulting a woman, and a few days later on suspicion of sexual assault and threats to kill. Since then, Greenwood has not trained with or appeared for United or England. He was charged in October 2022 for attempted rape, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and controlling and coercive behaviour. In February 2023, all charges against him were dropped.

Statutory guidance
Controlling or coercive behaviour: statutory guidance framework (accessible)
Updated 27 July 2023

Executive Summary
This statutory guidance is issued under section 77 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 (the 2015 Act). Any persons or agency investigating offences in relation to controlling or coercive behaviour under section 76 of the 2015 Act must have regard to it. This guidance is primarily aimed at statutory and non-statutory bodies working with victims, perpetrators and commissioning services, including the police, criminal justice agencies and other agencies.

This guidance provides information on controlling or coercive behaviour, to assist in identifying, evidencing, charging, prosecuting and convicting the offence. This guidance also provides information on: reducing the risk of harm to and supporting the victim and their family, including how other agencies and support services can assist; and managing the perpetrator.

This guidance is intended to be read alongside . . .

15. The controlling or coercive behaviour offence is only applicable where:
– The victim and perpetrator are personally connected at the time the behaviour takes place;
– The behaviour has had a serious effect on the victim;
– The behaviour takes place repeatedly or continuously; and
– The perpetrator must have known that their behaviour would have a serious effect on the victim, or the behaviour must have been such that he or she “ought to have known” it would have had that effect.

Examples of a serious effect on the victim may include, but are not limited to:
– Stopping or changing the way someone socialises
– Physical or mental health deterioration
– A change in routine at home including those associated with mealtimes or household work
– Putting in place measures at home to safeguard themselves or their children
– Changes to work patterns, employment status or routes to work
– Being monitored by and needing to report back to the perpetrator
– Having their financial independence restricted e.g. the perpetrator denying access to money, preventing the victim from working, sabotaging employment or welfare benefits, denying access to joint bank accounts, or coerced debt
– Being deprived access to medication, phone and internet usage
– Feeling unable to have family or friends visit
– Feeling unable to take part in activities which they previously enjoyed
– Becoming socially isolated
– Being told what they can and cannot wear
– Emotional and psychological harms including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder
– Being punished or having to follow rules
– Living in fear of punishment of any kind

Notice any parallels?


Nicely played, there was a video that started out as purporting to be describing a malevolent man abuses his girl…..then at the end, it switches to…..that is exactly what they did to us during the COVID story and the lockdowns.

———————— After my comment, this Comment Policy came up…..

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