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Oliver Anthony Versus What The Woke Entertainment Industry Thinks Country Music Should Be

Try that in a small town…..This “Country Star” Complete with the Baphomet Hairstyle, and looking down with complete disdain for the people. I have had this image kicking around for over a month, and it amazes me every time. I guess some “country people” are woke too and suck down the lies of the industry and “like this”


This is not funny though….she was hospitalized with blood clots. And still people don’t “get it”. Let’s talk masks, which they are trying to make all the rage again.

It’s Octoberfest in my neck of the woods, the big celebration is all this weekend. It’s primarily northern European in this area, although much of the entertainers are more “ethnic”. Noted that last year there were very few mask wearers in public, but the year before I would say 97% of the mask wearers were non-white. The theory is that many of these are immigrants who just never got fully a hold of the idea of freedom and lack of government control over areas they should have no control over. Just saying, it’s odd, I would think it to be the other way. It’s an observation, I see it in other venues also.

OK, back to the point of the article….Country Music. The rapid rise of Oliver Anthony (not his real name) is a sign that many people are tired of the bullshit forced upon us, and ready to get back to their roots.

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