stock here, this took some close viewing, but I think you will like my screen caps, open screen caps on one monitor and scroll through the video on another monitor. Spread the word.
Also around 7:00 watch eye witness talk about flying fireballs.
Also noted, a YouTuber, curiously named Hustle Bitch, was making great videos about the Maui Massacre, and then went radio silient for a month, nothing at all out of him. His channel was not banned, he just stopped.

2 replies on “Excerpted Images from The Maui Massacre”
The Mystery of Emerald Plaza Burned Buildings in Lahaina
That’s a good one. Eric West is doing epic work, even a month later. I noted a ton of trolls on his video comments now. Apparently he removed a bunch of his best earlier work, I have them all archived and many already on Bitchute.