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COVID Was A Terror Tactic To Beat Down People So They Could Be Coerced Into the Real Weapon, the VXX!

Sometimes I see a comment so spot on, its deserves to be preserved and promoted… here is one of those

Finally, the underlying agenda is laid bare.

I’ve wondered watching the hysteria on the part of all the Authority figures – especially the Federal Government- to get EVERYBODY jabbed with their ‘genetic cocktail’ exactly ‘what’ the press to do so was motivated BY.

IF the preceding is to be believed, then COVID was simply used as a terror tactic to allow the PTB to manipulate the general populace into accepting the actual weapon with sheep-like docility… that being the vaccine itself. Naturally, any such weapon would need to have a sufficiently long period of relative quiescence before manifesting symptoms; if people started dropping dead a week after the jab the jig would be up in short order, wouldn’t it? No, this approach is utterly BRILLIANT in it’s conception (again, IF true!) since by now multiple Billions of People have received the vaccination World-Wide.

If, the assertion regarding the ongoing diminution of immune response is scientifically factual, then not only will the UK be virtually depopulated by the coming March but everyone Stateside who received the ‘vaccine’ will by – Oh say, late June – be on the cusp of final immunological collapse. According to various reckonings that would be between 30-45 per cent of the American population DEAD by not later than August at the outside…without a shot having been fired. You almost have to admire such ruthless efficiency…it’s simply breathtaking in it’s scope, truly.

FWIW, neither myself, nor ANYONE in my family has – or WILL – be receiving ‘the Jab’ regardless of the level of coercion involved. That said, there IS a limit to how much bullshit we’re going to put up with before responding in kind; remember Frank Herbert’s famous line from his epic, Dune, “He who can DESTROY a thing CONTROLS a thing.”…and Civilization as we know it is very, very frail indeed. Nuff said…


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