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Earthquake Alert: Earth Crossing Sun Equator From Southern Magnetics to Northern Magnetics As Massive Coronal Hole Centers on the Equator

12-6-23 is the date the Earth in it’s 7% variability over the Sun’s Equator passes from South to North. So we are in the direct path and effect of this massive coronal hole. I expect good Aurora even without any mass release of filaments.

I expect EQ at 7+ and maybe even 8, it’s been a long time since release of energies in those ranges. Utility outages “unexplained”, stay frosty and check your generator, change to fresh fuel.

7 replies on “Earthquake Alert: Earth Crossing Sun Equator From Southern Magnetics to Northern Magnetics As Massive Coronal Hole Centers on the Equator”

Wow, Doctor Bret understands CME pretty well. The interviewer is curious, with light skin and a light Muzzie beard, and 7 million followers. I shall get him on the radar.

I have always thought that auto traffic signals and train controls would have to rely on physical electrical relays so that a state of green and green could never occur. I wonder if they have become so impressed by technology that they now discard the relays, and depend totally on programming…decent article but everyone misses the point….in a country wide power outage with blown up transformer, the nuclear power plant would almost all, probably all, melt down, then their spent fuels pools would go up. Say average radiation of 33,000 nuclear bombs of radiation in a spent fuel pool, time 100 in USA. Equivalent of 3 Million nuclear bombs going off. Game over.

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