I’ll detail the AI censorship that is now coming at me. My last work was dealing with the 30 Trillion Spike S generated over months after injection with the so called COVID vaccine. ChatGDP totally defended the mainstream medical narrative, and dismissed my statements as if they were Barnum statements not even worthy of consideration. It’s too bad, I had a lot of good work in there that I can no longer access. I should have copy pasted all of it. I screen captured the whole process and will present that at some point. I stand outside the Overton window, looking in at the fascist suppressors who run the tech world. Rush 2112 comes to mind.
Here is “You” AI, on defining fascism:
Elements of Fascism in Mussolini’s Regime
Fascism, as defined by Benito Mussolini, encompassed several key elements that characterized his regime in Italy. Here are some of the main elements of fascism in Mussolini’s rule:
- Authoritarianism: Mussolini’s regime was characterized by one-party, totalitarian control over the nation and its economy
Nationalism: Fascist regimes, including Mussolini’s, placed a strong emphasis on nationalism, often building nationalist fervor around a concept of shared racial or ethnic superiority.
Militarization: Fascist regimes valued militarization and often pursued aggressive foreign policies. Mussolini’s regime sought to revive the greatness of the Roman Empire and reinforce his authority through military strength
Rejection of Liberalism: Fascism rejected individual rights, civil liberties, free enterprise, and democracy. Mussolini’s regime targeted democratic institutions, dismantled free speech, and attacked political opponents.
Propaganda: Fascist regimes, including Mussolini’s, used sophisticated propaganda techniques to arouse popular enthusiasm and promote their ideology. Propaganda was employed to promote anti-liberalism, anti-socialism, and the exclusion of certain groups
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It is important to note that these elements are not exhaustive and that fascism is a complex and multifaceted ideology. Mussolini’s regime also had its unique characteristics and historical context.
Leaders Considered Fascist in the Era
During the era when fascism was prominent, there were several leaders who were considered fascist or had fascist tendencies. Here are some notable leaders:
- Adolf Hitler (Germany): Adolf Hitler, as the leader of the Nazi Party, implemented a fascist regime in Germany. His ideology, known as Nazism, shared many similarities with Italian fascism under Mussolini.
- Francisco Franco (Spain): Francisco Franco led a fascist regime in Spain after the Spanish Civil War. His regime, known as Francoism, was characterized by authoritarianism, nationalism, and suppression of political opposition.
- António de Oliveira Salazar (Portugal): António de Oliveira Salazar established an authoritarian regime in Portugal known as Estado Novo. Although not strictly fascist, Salazar’s regime shared some characteristics with fascism, such as strong nationalism and corporatism.
- Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (Romania): Corneliu Zelea Codreanu founded the Iron Guard, a fascist and anti-Semitic organization in Romania. The Iron Guard gained influence during the 1930s and played a significant role in Romanian politics.
- Engelbert Dollfuss (Austria): Engelbert Dollfuss was the Chancellor of Austria and established an authoritarian regime known as Austrofascism. Dollfuss aimed to suppress both communism and Nazism in Austria.
- Hideki Tojo (Japan): Hideki Tojo served as the Prime Minister of Japan during World War II. Although Japan’s political system differed from European fascism, Tojo’s government pursued aggressive militarism and expansionist policies.
It is important to note that while these leaders and regimes shared some characteristics with fascism, each had their own unique ideologies and historical contexts.
The term “anti-Semitism” was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns underway in central Europe at that time . Prior to the emergence of the term, anti-Jewish hatred and discrimination existed throughout history, with various forms of persecution, expulsions, and violence against Jews dating back to ancient times
Wilhelm Marr, the German agitator who coined the term “anti-Semitism” in 1879, did not express a rational basis for choosing the term specifically. However, it is believed that Marr wanted to give Jew-hatred a more scientific-sounding name and create an all-encompassing word that would include Jews who were no longer practicing the religion or had converted. He chose the term “Antisemitismus” to refer to the anti-Jewish manifestations of the period and to voice and gain support for his opposition to Jews. Marr favored the term “Semite” because it already had literary advantages and reminded him of Sem Biedermann, his Jewish employer from the Vienna period
It is important to note that the term “Semite” itself refers to a group of languages traditionally spoken in the Middle East and parts of East Africa, including Hebrew, Arabic, and others. It is not a racial category, but Marr used it in the context of anti-Jewish sentiments
I apologize, but I couldn’t find any specific works by Wilhelm Marr that provide translations of his writings from old German into English. However, there are resources available online that can help decipher and translate old German script, including Fraktur, which was commonly used during Marr’s time.
Here are a few websites and tools that may assist you in deciphering and translating old German script:
- Brigham Young University: The German Script Tutorial
- FamilySearch Wiki: Germany Handwriting
- Genealoger: German Genealogy Language, Handwriting, and Script
- My Ancestors and Me: Helps for Translating That Old German Handwriting
- Omniglot: German
- Transkribus: Software for converting old German scripts into readable text
These resources offer tutorials, translators, and transcription editors that can aid in understanding and translating old German script. You may find them helpful in deciphering Wilhelm Marr’s writings or any other old German texts you come across.
Please note that the accuracy and quality of machine translations may vary, so it’s always recommended to consult with experts or professional translators for precise translations.
It is important to note that the term “anti-Semitism” specifically refers to hostility or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group, rather than being directed towards a language group The term was used to describe the hatred or hostility toward Jews and has since been widely accepted and understood to mean prejudice against Jewish people
Please let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with.
I apologize, but I couldn’t find specific information about Wilhelm Marr’s related works in the search results provided. However, Wilhelm Marr is known for coining the term “anti-Semitism” and for his involvement in promoting anti-Jewish sentiments in Germany during the late 19th century. He was a prominent figure in the early development of modern anti-Semitism and played a role in shaping the ideology that would later influence the Nazi Party.
Marr’s ideas and writings contributed to the spread of anti-Semitic propaganda and the formation of organizations such as the League of Anti-Semites. His work, “The Victory of Judaism over Germanism: Viewed from a Nonreligious Perspective,” published in 1879, is considered one of his notable works. In this book, Marr expressed his anti-Semitic views and argued for the exclusion of Jews from German society.
It’s important to note that Marr’s writings and ideas were influential in promoting anti-Semitism, which had significant consequences in the following decades, particularly during the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany.
If you require more specific information about Wilhelm Marr’s works, I recommend consulting academic sources or books that delve into the history of anti-Semitism and the development of far-right ideologies in Germany.
A Google search led me to the following:
Wilhelm Marr (1819–1904) and the Left in Germany: The Birth of Modern Antisemitism
- Chapter
- First Online:
- 387 Accesses
The birth of modern antisemitism in Germany is often associated with journalist Wilhelm Marr, whose life stretched through both the upheavals of 1848 and the birth of the German Empire. Marr does not occupy an important place a priori in the antisemitic movement, unlike pastor Adolf Stoecker, nationalist Heinrich von Treitscke, or Houston Stewart Chamberlain. However, because of his fame, the study of his life and impact in German society makes it possible to better understand the modes of dissemination of antisemitism, and to better measure its originality. Although he is credited with coining the concept of antisemitism, a point we will examine later on, Marr’s career has interested only one biographer, Moshe Zimmermann, who published a work entitled Wilhelm Marr The Patriarch of Antisemitism. Born in Magdeburg in 1819 to an actor father, who then became director of a Hamburg theater, nothing in Marr’s itinerary predicted his notoriety or originality. Politically speaking, he was on the left side of the spectrum, and he did his ideological apprenticeship in Switzerland, a refuge for Europeans who were being persecuted for their political commitment. Marr was introduced by Julius Fröbel, a member of the Radical Party and director of the newspaper Der schweizerische Republikaner (The Swiss Republican), and his circle, and to poet Georg Herwegh, who also belonged to this radical fraction. Under the influence of Wilhem Weitling, the first German theorist of communism, who had moved to Zurich in the spring of 1843, Marr became a communist in connection with utopian socialism. After six weeks in Switzerland, Marr was expelled from Zurich because of his political activities. He then moved to Lausanne, where he established contacts with the Young Germany (Jungedeutschland). This radical movement of the first half of the nineteenth century advocated for democracy, the constitutional state, and emancipation. In the spring of 1843, Marr joined the Young German Confederation of Lake Geneva, founded in Switzerland by socialists Hermann Döleke and Jules Standau. It is around this time that he became an atheist and an anarchist, and began his career as a journalist and editor. After being deported several times from Switzerland and Germany, he moved to Hamburg in 1845, where he was when the 1848 revolution broke out. His expulsion from Switzerland in 1845 was motivated more by his atheism than by his political activities.
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- 1.Marr, generally recognized as the inventor of the term antisemitism.
- 2.The term “Young Germany” describes a rather heterogeneous group of writers from around 1830 to 1850, the journalist Karl Gutzkow Ludolf Wienbarg, Theodor Mundt, Heinrich Laube, the poet Georg Herwegh, the satirist writer Karl Ludwig Börne, or Heinrich Heine. These authors were only in loose contact with each other, but were connected by the rejection of the restoration, the absolutist state, and their struggle for freedom of the press and free speech as well as for socialist ideas.
- 3.See the anthropologist’s works of Richard Andrée. He argued for the continuity of Jewish physical traits over time (Andrée 1881: 37, Hart 1995: 162).
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Here are 3 of the more influencial anti-semites of the time
Here is a summary of the influencers you mentioned:
- Pastor Adolf Stoecker: Adolf Stoecker was a German cleric, conservative politician, and reformer who founded the German Christian Social Party and promoted political anti-Semitism in Germany. He served as an army chaplain during the Franco-German War and later became a court preacher in Berlin. Stoecker aimed to win the working classes back to Christianity and away from the radical secularism of the Social Democratic movement. He played a significant role in the mass movement against Jews in Berlin and the German hinterlands during the late 19th century
Nationalist Heinrich von Treitschke: Heinrich von Treitschke was a German nationalist historian, journalist, and politician. He held anti-Semitic views and contributed to the anti-Jewish conditioning of the time. His writings and speeches stigmatized Jews as a dominant force in German cultural life and advocated for the limitation of Jewish civil rights, their exclusion from public office and schools, and the restriction of Jewish immigration. Treitschke’s influence on anti-Semitism was significant during the late 19th century
Houston Stewart Chamberlain: Houston Stewart Chamberlain was a British-born Germanophile political philosopher. He advocated for the racial and cultural superiority of the so-called Aryan element in European culture, which influenced pan-German and German nationalist thought, including Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist movement. Chamberlain’s work, “The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,” had a significant impact on German nationalist and anti-Semitic ideologies. He played a role in shaping the intellectual climate that contributed to the rise of Nazism in Germany
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These individuals, along with others, contributed to the development and spread of anti-Semitic ideologies during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Germany. Their writings, speeches, and political activities had a profound influence on the social and political climate of the time.