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The Carrington Event, Wisconsin Apparition of Mary, by Adele Brise, and How Adele Saved People and the Church in the Great Peshtigo Fire, Exactly 1 Solar Cycle Later

stock here, more amazing coincidences. Note that the Peshtigo fire occurs exactly one half solar cycle, 12 years, after the Carrington Event and the Mary Vision.

The Carrington Event, the most powerful geomagnetic storm on record, occurred on September 1-2, 1859. This solar storm was observed and documented by British astronomer Richard Carrington, who witnessed a massive solar flare. The event caused widespread auroras visible as far south as the Caribbean, and it induced electrical currents that disrupted telegraph systems across Europe and North America.

  • In October 1859, Adele Brise, a young Belgian immigrant, reported seeing a woman in white standing between two trees, a maple and a hemlock. The woman was clothed in dazzling white with a yellow sash around her waist and a crown of stars above her head.
  • Adele was frightened and prayed, after which the woman disappeared.

The Peshtigo Fire, one of the deadliest wildfires in American history, occurred on October 8, 1871. Here are the key details:

Key Facts:

  1. Location: The fire primarily affected Peshtigo, Wisconsin, but also spread to parts of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and across a large area of northeastern Wisconsin.
  2. Cause: The exact cause remains uncertain, but it is believed to have been a combination of factors, including extremely dry conditions, strong winds, and the widespread use of controlled burns by settlers and railroad workers to clear land.
  3. Extent of Damage:
    • Area Burned: Approximately 1.2 million acres were destroyed.
    • Casualties: The fire resulted in an estimated 1,500 to 2,500 deaths, making it the deadliest wildfire in U.S. history.
    • Impact on Peshtigo: The town of Peshtigo was almost completely destroyed, with a significant loss of life and property.
  4. Simultaneous Disasters: The Peshtigo Fire occurred on the same day as the Great Chicago Fire, the Great Michigan Fire, and other fires in the Midwest, overshadowing the Peshtigo Fire in historical accounts due to the high-profile nature of the Chicago disaster.
  5. Survivors’ Accounts:
    • Many survivors described the fire as a tornado of flame, with winds reportedly reaching hurricane-force speeds.
    • Some residents survived by immersing themselves in the Peshtigo River or wells to avoid the intense heat and flames.
  6. Legacy:
    • The Peshtigo Fire led to improvements in forest management and fire prevention techniques.
    • A monument and museum in Peshtigo commemorate the victims and provide historical context about the fire.


  1. Wisconsin Historical Society
  2. Peshtigo Fire Museum
  3. Smithsonian Magazine
  4. National Geographic

These sources provide a comprehensive overview of the event, its causes, and its impacts, helping to understand the scale and significance of the Peshtigo Fire in American history.

————————————————– Chatty searched only 4 sites…..

Fires in the Midwest and Canada on October 8-9, 1871

In addition to the devastating Peshtigo Fire and the Great Chicago Fire, several other significant fires occurred across the Midwest and into Canada on October 8-9, 1871. Here are the details:

  1. The Great Michigan Fire:
    • Location: Various parts of Michigan, including cities such as Holland, Manistee, and Port Huron.
    • Details: A series of forest fires swept through Michigan, exacerbated by strong winds and dry conditions. The fires destroyed thousands of acres, numerous homes, and led to significant loss of life. The exact number of casualties is unknown, but estimates suggest that hundreds to potentially thousands of people died. The fires were so intense that they created their own weather systems, further fueling the devastation​ (National Weather Service)​​ (Wikipedia)​.
  2. The Holland Fire:
    • Location: Holland, Michigan
    • Details: The fire started on the evening of October 8 and quickly spread, destroying much of the town of Holland. Buildings, homes, and businesses were consumed by the flames, leaving many residents homeless and causing significant economic damage​ (National Weather Service)​.
  3. The Port Huron Fire:
    • Location: Port Huron, Michigan
    • Details: Another devastating fire that occurred simultaneously with the other fires in Michigan. Port Huron suffered extensive damage with numerous buildings and homes destroyed. The fire contributed to the overall death toll and destruction seen across the state​ (National Weather Service)​.
  4. The Manistee Fire:
    • Location: Manistee, Michigan
    • Details: The town of Manistee was heavily damaged by fire, with significant property loss and disruption to the lives of its residents. Like other fires in Michigan, this one was driven by the dry conditions and strong winds that characterized the weather at the time​ (National Weather Service)​.
  5. The Great Chicago Fire:
    • Location: Chicago, Illinois
    • Details: Starting on the evening of October 8, 1871, the fire burned for two days, destroying approximately 3.3 square miles of the city, including more than 17,000 buildings. About 300 people died, and 100,000 were left homeless. The fire is famously, though erroneously, attributed to Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicking over a lantern​ (The Library of Congress)​.

Causes and Theories

The widespread nature of these fires has led to various theories regarding their cause. One speculation involves fragments from Comet Biela providing the fuel for the fires, although this theory is not widely accepted. More commonly, the fires are attributed to a combination of drought, strong winds, and human activities such as land clearing and railroads​ (Wikipedia)​.


These fires collectively represent one of the most significant natural disasters in North American history, profoundly impacting the affected areas and leading to changes in fire management and urban planning to prevent future catastrophes of similar scale.

For more detailed information, you can explore resources from the National Weather Service, Library of Congress, and other historical archives on these events.

2 replies on “The Carrington Event, Wisconsin Apparition of Mary, by Adele Brise, and How Adele Saved People and the Church in the Great Peshtigo Fire, Exactly 1 Solar Cycle Later”

Well, no one told me about her, the way she lied
Well, no one told me about her, how many people cried
But it’s too late to say you’re sorry
How would I know, why should I care?
Please don’t bother tryin’ to find her
She’s not there
Well, let me tell you ’bout the way she looked
The way she’d act and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool
Her eyes were clear and bright
But she’s not there
Well, no one told me about her, what could I do?
Well, no one told me about her, though they all knew
But it’s too late to say you’re sorry
How would I know, why should I care?
Please don’t bother tryin’ to find her
She’s not there
Well, let me tell you ’bout the way she looked
The way she’d act and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool
Her eyes were clear and bright
But she’s not there
But it’s too late to say you’re sorry
How would I know, why should I care?
Please don’t bother tryin’ to find her
She’s not there
Well, let me tell you ’bout the way she looked
The way she’d act and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool
Her eyes were clear and bright
But she’s not there.
Virgin of Guadalupe is documented as
the Holy See creating a local “Miracle”
for the Indians to call their own.
The scriptures go back with derision to
the “Queen of Heaven”, calling it false
idol worship, scolding those who pour
out drink offerings. Part of the expected,
guaranteed destruction of LA is because the real name is “Our Lady the
Queen of the Angels”. The Most High
Really doesn’t like it, nor that organization which calls its Pope “the Vicar or Substitute or Anti- Christ”.
Rense has been interviewing Priests
about the false-pope Bergoglio. Rense
will make comments about “the Church”
betraying that he is loyal to this fake
organization. All of the Fox News people
are Catholic.

I detest the fake Jesuit pope. But you got game, here is some more info (sorry from AI, but it is so fast!)
There is significant debate regarding the authenticity of the Virgin of Guadalupe miracle. Some scholars and historians suggest that the story of Juan Diego and the miraculous image on his tilma might be a later fabrication or a product of syncretism between indigenous and Spanish religious practices.

Historical Skepticism: One critical point is the lack of contemporary documentation. The earliest written accounts of the apparitions appear more than a century after the events they describe. Fr. Miguel Sánchez’s 1648 publication and Fr. Luis Laso de la Vega’s 1649 text are among the first detailed accounts, suggesting the story may have evolved over time from oral traditions​ (Catholics & Cultures)​​ (Skeptoid)​.

Artistic and Cultural Influences: The image of the Virgin of Guadalupe itself may have been influenced by earlier religious iconography. Hernán Cortés, who revered a statue of the Virgin Mary from Extremadura, Spain, brought this devotion to the New World. The tilma’s depiction of the Virgin with dark skin could have been an attempt to create an image relatable to the indigenous population​ (Skeptoid)​.

Scientific Examination: Attempts to scientifically examine the tilma have produced mixed results. Some examinations suggest that the image was painted by human hands, notably by Marcos Cipac de Aquino, an indigenous artist. Infrared photography has revealed multiple layers of paint, which implies alterations and additions over time​ (Skeptoid)​​ (Cambridge University Press & Assessment)​.

Syncretism: The location of the apparitions, Tepeyac Hill, was previously a site dedicated to the Aztec goddess Tonantzin. This overlap suggests that the Virgin of Guadalupe could have been a strategic creation to facilitate the conversion of the indigenous population by integrating elements of their previous beliefs into Christianity​ (Catholics & Cultures)​​ (Skeptoid)​.

While the Virgin of Guadalupe remains a potent symbol of faith for many, these points highlight the complex interplay between indigenous and colonial influences in its creation and the possibility that the miracle story was developed to support the evangelization efforts in the New World.

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