stock here: the Kp 5’s were sure odd, I didn’t see anything on the Sun that could cause them. Ears up, could there be another cause outside the sun and maybe influenced by the changing north and south poles? Anyone have any ideas or seen any explanation?

And an airplane observer, who has been chasing and documenting aurora for 13 years got this image with his camera and he said it looked the same to the naked eye. We are in unique times, let’s hope it’s not end times.
The M-Flare was initially a mystery as reported by others. Once source Juiced it by pretending that it would double up with the C and bring Armageddon. They ignored the fact that it was on the far right “limb” and therefore not earth directed.
The M-Flare was initially a mystery as reported by others. Once source Juiced it by pretending that it would double up with the C and bring Armageddon. They ignored the fact that it was on the far right “limb” and therefore not earth directed
Many important Earth Events happen in the proximity of the Equinoxes March 21st.
The great Quebec Blackout was caused by back to back solar flares/CME and that blackout occurred Mar 13th, 1989. Refer to prior post, March 11, and March 13th are evil days. seems hard to believe now, but in 1989 few people realized solar storms could bring down power grids. The warning bells had been ringing for more than a century, though. In Sept. 1859, a similar CME hit Earth’s magnetic field–the infamous “Carrington Event“–sparking a storm twice as strong as March 1989. Electrical currents surged through Victorian-era telegraph wires, in some cases causing sparks and setting telegraph offices on fire. These were the same kind of currents that would bring down Hydro-Québec.
Northern Lights were seen as far south as Cuba!
Also note the May 14th and 15th events with wires and with a fire at a railway control station….those long metal rails pick up the ground induced currents indirectly, and they also pick up induced currents directly. As will pipelines.

We have all been taught that the Carrington Event was the biggest storm ever recorded, but if Jeffrey Love is to be believed, the 1921 event was similar or even larger!

I plotted the time differences between these events and today’s Skirmish

I also plotted the sun spots 6 month forward and backward around these events. Carrington and Quebec were on the high side, Railroad was just middle of the road.

This is what the Carrington Event Looked Like in its Era

The Railroad Disturbance / Fires and Wires Looked like this in its Era

And the Quebec Debacle Era Looked Like This

5 replies on “M-Class Solar CME Follows Yesterdays Long Duration C-Class CME. Oddly High Level 5 Kp Index for 6 Hours, Occurs WAY Before The C-Class Could Have An Effect”
news –
Huge solar flare ejected from sun could hit Earth in days, mess with power grid
ouch! Giant flare appears on the blue image on the left side –
huge quakes in Philippines … I wonder if it’s related. When you zoom in you can see 6.4 M quake set off the swarm …
It sure could be, I was going to make the call for a large quake between yesterday and shortly after the equinox on the 21st, I’ll make that call now for going forward for a 7 to 8.5 Solar minimums do have massive quakes in them…..I did a study of the Dalton minimum. Major power grid disruptions favor solar maximum, but they are also present in the maximum curves of minima.
Here is the grid down analysis, mostly at bottom
I’ll send the Dalton analysis shortly when I can find it.
Looks like my call was pretty good. They lost power to cool the spent fuel pools at Fukushima, but apparently it was restored.
I hate being right! LOL