The above link is from a suspended account at Twitter, does anyone know how to recover the original video and tweet?
Biden and his dogs. Last year, one just died, and they had to give the other young one away because “the dog couldn’t adjust to the white house”. Dogs can adjust to just about any situation, including not perfectly consistent treatment from it’s “owners”. Dogs cannot adjust to abuse. These dogs act out and bite people (several incidents each) because they are abused.
Remember the fake Biden picture of Biden supposedly laying on a big pillow at their house in Delaware, it was all fake. But the messiest of the house was obvious. The “president” of the world’s greatest country cannot afford a housekeeper? Especially after taking 10% of every Hunter Biden shady deal “for the big guy”. Why is that, why would they not want a housekeeper? I mean I have a house keeper working right now to get my place spic and span.
The answer is, because they don’t want anyone to see what really goes on at that house. Capite?
Hollywood continues to write the scripts that the Cabal and Propaganda stations are carrying water on. And they are trying to include the “normal family” meme, by including one of the most beloved types of dogs. No one in the Biden family has the ability to act as the Alpha for these strong and strong willed, and strong minded dogs.
A twitter account that posted a picture of lame Biden tripping over his new puppy, has since been suspended. But these are the comments which remain……
Wall Street Shaman@FreakTrader·Replying to @imUrB00giemanGood dog21
Joe Sullivan@JoeSullivan75·Replying to @imUrB00giemanCan’t wait to see how Jen explains and defends this.1593
Tricia Aimee@AimeeTricia·Replying to @imUrB00giemanStop giving him dogs.541738
Codfather@codfather1776·Replying to @imUrB00giemanLooks like he fell after
Donegalshooter@Donegalshooter·Replying to @imUrB00giemanIt looked like Joe fell on his face just out of site of the camera.32115
Gerard Melancon@TeamGeeMoney·Yep sure does113
Linda “Susie” Miller@susieq91964·Replying to @imUrB00giemanHe just kicked his dog??? OMG123
Barry Cudas@barry_cudas·Replying to @imUrB00giemanDogs are a good judge of character.210200
JamesT (X)@pantar1·Replying to @imUrB00giemanDid that dope fall?174136
Marshallsam @marshallsam·Replying to @imUrB00giemanSad ol Dude. Shame on his family.31
Who would chase a dog to grab the dog’s tail? Someone who is a liar, or someone who knows nothing about dogs.

The pretty evil day of March 13th (313) was the day to issue a rare update on the new GSD Commander at the white house. These people are so tone deaf to even let these pictures out.
My dogs have never looked back at me like this during a walk. I will occasionally give them free reign to use their whole 6′ but usually I am holding the lease pretty tight so they stay right by my side.