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The President’s Son Looks Horribly Aged, 20 Years off his Life in 2 Years. Hunter is Compromised and so is Robinette Joe

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4 replies on “The President’s Son Looks Horribly Aged, 20 Years off his Life in 2 Years. Hunter is Compromised and so is Robinette Joe”

The Power$ That Be dangle Hunter and his dad as distracting fruit of (((their))) labors, which projects (per Miles Mathis) include BLACKWASHING demoncrats. Enjoy the show! Like Hillary and her gang, Trump and his, and a whole lotta others, no one will pay for crimes known and unknown to date.

On a positive note, wife and I received our bought-and-paid-for flock of chickens — eight laying hens and a rooster for protection and procreation. We have a pair of ducks and a fluffle (!) of rabbits under consideration. Raised beds for veggies, however, reside at the top of our To Do list. All this makes for a healthful body and mind, me thinks.

I worked super hard to get the Garden as ready as I could before my extended trip to Hawaii. I did get my old landscaper to come and do maintenance, as well as hiring a new lawn treatment company. Looking forward to fresh veggies. Here I have an adequate supply of Banana, Papaya, Guava. Bittermelon (look that up it is a super duper food), Calamanci (will grow well in your neck of the woods, low maintenance). Oh, and I do now have my own chicken, she is a wild one in the neighborhood but prefers my yard, especially when it is quiet.

Most of my solar customers are “green” so most have some types of fruits which I invariably get gifts 2 or 3 times a week.

With the massive e-mail dump news just keeps flowing about all the grifting ops this family is into. The son and the brother are up to their gills acting as foreign agents on multi-billion-dollar deals all over.
And just to confuse the story even more that Rosemont deal involves Britain’s Prince Andrew …

it looks like with complete ownership of the media, combined with the abuse and dumbing down of the population, that they can now pretty much get away with just about anything.

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