They started the pandemic by WHO on 3-11-2020. Think also Fukushima 3-11-2011.
I wasnt going to write on this until that Date stood out, again. They plan it that way. Many of them are Satanists and they use their little number schemes for greater power.
Establishment-favorite economist Paul Krugman has declared the obvious: “I was wrong about inflation.”
Issued from his prestigious perch at The New York Times, Krugman’s confession centers on what he describes as an early-2021 economic debate over the consequences of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act enacted on March 11 of that year:
“Some warned that the package would be dangerously inflationary; others were fairly relaxed. I was Team Relaxed. As it turned out, of course, that was a very bad call.”
For those of us who’ve been right about inflation, the satisfaction of Krugman’s mea culpa doesn’t linger much beyond the headline. That’s because, as John Sexton writes at Hot Air, “Krugman spends the entire column explaining how the people who were right…were right for the wrong reasons.”
What’s more, Krugman completely ignores the people who were right for the right reasons. In Krugman’s world, Austrian economists and adherents didn’t even participate in the discourse:
The king of wrong….and the establishment loves him