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Wisconsin Senate: Mandela Barnes – 45 Things You May Want to Know. Ron Johnson Needs to Win or WI is Toast

Even if you don’t like Ron Johnson, you ought to be aware of who Mandela Barnes is:

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By Doug Ross @ Journal (Reporter)
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Top 10 Reasons To Vote For Mandela Barnes In Wisconsin (#9 Is My Favorite)!

Friday, October 28, 2022 16:09

H.R. Pufnstuf, III

  1. Barnes supports defunding the police.
  2. Barnes trashed police officers in an appearance on a Russian propaganda network.
  3. Barnes lied about being endorsed by police officers.
  4. Barnes said police officers coming from suburban areas to work in Milwaukee are “like an occupying force.”
  5. Barnes said “police don’t prevent crimes from happening.”
  6. Barnes downplayed the violent and destructive 2020 Wisconsin riots on at least seven occasions.
  7. Barnes was a founding member and previously served on the board of an organization that seeks to defund the police, end gang databases, empty prisons, abolish private insurance, end fossil fuels, oppose voter ID, and make Wisconsin a sanctuary state.
  8. Barnes wants to end cash bail.
  9. Barnes wants to release HALF of Wisconsin’s prison inmates —a notion he calls “sexy.”
  10. Barnes is part of an administration that helped release 784 inmates classified as violent — including 44 child rapists.
  11. Barnes compared emptying prisons to “combatting climate change.”
  12. Barnes thinks it’s “unfortunate” convicted felons are unable to vote from prison.
  13. Barnes backs abolishing Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
  14. Barnes says it’s a “right” for illegal immigrants to receive driver’s licenses and in-state college tuition.
  15. Barnes called for processing illegal immigrants “immediately for a path to citizenship.”
  16. Barnes is a founding member of the state’s Working Families Party — a far-left organization dedicated to advancing radical, far-left ideas and politicians.
  17. Barnes has been endorsed by socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
  18. Barnes mocked Rep. Steve Scalise as “taking one for the team” after Scalise was shot by a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter.
  19. Barnes casually endorsed socialism.
  20. Barnes said socialism isn’t “going too far to the left at all” and “there’s no place” for centrists in politics.
  21. Barnes wants to “stymie capitalism.”
  22. Barnes declared manufacturing jobs are “not coming back” to Wisconsin.
  23. Barnes called to “restructure our economy” to address the climate.
  24. Barnes said we must “transition our economy,” with the socialist Green New Deal as “the way forward.”
  25. Barnes supports the job-killing Green New Deal, calling it an “opportunity” for us to “change the economy.”
  26. Barnes opposes “all” new pipeline construction.
  27. Barnes refused to detail how much his job-killing climate plan would cost because people “would like to use certain numbers as a cudgel.”
  28. Barnes equated “environmental justice” to the “civil rights movement in Wisconsin.”
  29. Barnes said “we can’t remedy the white supremacy and the systemic racism that is built into all of our systems.”
  30. Barnes praised antisemitic Rev. Jeremiah Wright as “brilliant,” even after Wright accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing.”
  31. Barnes supports forcing local governments to “incorporate equity and sustainability into their budget[s].”
  32. Barnes ”liken[s]” critical race theory in public schools “to learning about science.”
  33. Barnes suggested people in Wisconsin are “a little more” racist than in other places because of “concealed carry racism.”
  34. Barnes says he “really could not care less about a Second Amendment ‘right.’”
  35. Barnes compared people who support “God, country, and guns” to the same “dangerous” rhetoric as ISIS.
  36. Barnes praised Iran’s supreme leader.
  37. Barnes called the founding of America “awful.”
  38. Barnes said the U.S. is wealthy and powerful “because of forced labor on stolen land.”
  39. Barnes said he’s “still waiting…for America to be great.”
  40. Barnes “absolutely” supports government-run health care.
  41. Barnes supports unrestricted abortion-on-demand until birth.
  42. Barnes wants to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with far-left activist judges.
  43. Barnes favors eliminating the Senate filibuster to pass Democrats’ extreme agenda.
  44. Barnes falsely claimed Biden’s student loan debt bailout “will help our economy a great deal.”
  45. Barnes said people who opposed the 2020 lockdowns were “selfish,” “privilege[d],” and have an “I-me mind.”

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