Lying Arse CDC States around 8,000 deaths “related” to VXX. My chart belows sums up the USA Deaths by JBB, Pfizer in a big lead with 11,057 deaths.
Large spreadsheet, generated using Medalerts which accesses the VAERS data better than VAERS
16,000 plus reported deaths, a few are clearly bogus and likely submitted by leftist to be able to discredit “all the data”
1 in 100 reporting rate. So hard to find people to work….maybe they are all dead.
Stock out. Let me know what you think of spreadsheet.
Dr. Rose also did a presentation for the World Council For Health which is in below video, she has some important slides and charts.
2 replies on “Over 16,000 Dead in VAERS VXX Adverse Effect Database, Full Spreadsheet Available”
here’s why nobody knows –
“sponsored by Pfizer”…..since they are flush with money, crime does pay.