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FDA Settles To Prevent Discovery On Their “Horse Dewormer” Fake Takedown on Ivermectin

I remember seeing this in real time and was just flabbergasted.

I wonder why these Doctors didn’t push it, I wonder why they accepted a deal? Maybe it is damning enough? For anyone with a brain the war on ivermectin was obvious.

Probably those in the industry knew before me, but I believe I was the first to publish the reason for the war on Iver and HCQ…..and that is, if there is a viable treatment for a disease, then law prevents the issuance of an EUA Emergency Use Authorization….and it was always, all about the mRNA injections.

This is still up as of today, I thought they were forced to take it down.


Aug 2021. They been jabbing left and right for 8 months now. I think it was May 2021 when they made the huge push to Jab all pregnant women.

This has been saved 285 times on the Wayback machine


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