stock here: It’s my Meme and I am claiming it now and forever.
The JEDI is strong with this one (spoken about poor fool triple jabbed, clotted up, and thinking that they are “awaken” when all they are is the sad woke.
stock here: It’s my Meme and I am claiming it now and forever.
The JEDI is strong with this one (spoken about poor fool triple jabbed, clotted up, and thinking that they are “awaken” when all they are is the sad woke.
4 replies on “The JEDI — A Huge Problem In Society, the Jabbed Equited Diverse and Inclusive types Who Are Dangerous to Every Machine and Every Link to Society”
In the town where I live, a lady who was
Infection Control nurse authority for
many years gave a hostile backlash to
me when I asked her about the VAERS
reported injuries and exposure of
Fauci and such, two years ago. She
was taking all the boosters and so there. These are Town bureaucrats,
and I just wonder if they have seen the
Light of Truth, or made to conform to
the Code of Silence, or suffered from
Vax injuries. I haven’t heard from them since. In this family, these JEDI used
the FORCE, the Police Force, possibly
secret Lodge members, to extend their
“normie” dress-code, Texas yessir-nossir, lots of good Southern manners
while actually being Ignorant of the
painful reality that they pushed the
Death Spike Protein and can’t tolerate being confronted that they were Wrong.
Pretty much 90% of everyone now knows that the Jab is dangerous and doesn’t work, but probably 50% of that 90% does not understand the reasons and ramifications. We are way over the “Overton Epiphany”
when you say normie dress code do you mean masks or beyond that?
Great “Normie” question.
In this town, there is still great
resentment from the Mex-Span-Indio
Barrio people, the historical cemeteries, Catholic and Masonic, sit
across the road from each other.
LDS is a powerful force, they have an
enviable organization, and folks have said that the Masons control the LDS,
and an old eighty-something guy at
the Adventist church told us that his
younger days as a Mason showed him
that Jesuits are the overall control people. So lots of attempted enforcement of “norms” compounded
by politically correct promotion of
highly unqualified ethnic faces, kinda
like Hawai’i! So Dress Code is symbolic of Thought Code. But really,
here it is common for even middle aged people to shop at Walmart in actual pajamas and house slippers.