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Cornell, Our Best and Brightest and Most Vaxxed — Pandemic of the Vaxxed, Closes Classes

The Backgrounder, and the Pandemic is at the Bottom……sheesh!!!!!!

——Revised guidance for fully vaccinated faculty and staff

April 15, 2021

Dear Cornell Faculty and Staff,

It’s heartening to see that the number of fully vaccinated students, faculty and staff on our Ithaca and Geneva campuses is nearing 8,000 Cornellians, and now that vaccination eligibility in New York state extends to all residents over the age of 16, we expect the number of those vaccinated to increase significantly in the coming weeks.

As state and federal public health entities adjust their guidance for vaccinated individuals, Cornell is likewise modifying certain guidelines and restrictions. Here are the relevant revisions for fully vaccinated faculty and staff (i.e., those who are 14 days past their final dose of an FDA-approved vaccine) who have provided Cornell with proof of vaccination:


3 replies on “Cornell, Our Best and Brightest and Most Vaxxed — Pandemic of the Vaxxed, Closes Classes”

I applaud the whole affair.

I had a professor who graduated from Cornell, encouraged me to apply for graduate studies there. I headed west as a young man for the 1960s counterpart to Saudi Arabia’s Mecca. Made it by 1969. Just in time.

Cornell’s “shutting down” — may all the poison Ivy schools do so — will slow the DUMBING DOWN process so well described by that harbinger of doom, Charlotte Iserbyte. Old news but good news for those of us awaiting more company, at least for some tea and good CONversations.

Wow I got a reprieve from winter, 60F, and gas piping relocate, site work for new building, and new greenhouse, and PV system increase by 130%…..so a bit on the busy side. But would love to research this one more, it sounds a bit hard to believe but if true, would maybe even wake a normie…..

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