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Miss USA In Front Of the Re-Growing Lahaina Banyan Tree

stock here:


Women in Power

This all started with a ZH article, on how Women in Power are often a real problem. Source


NPR Woman Works With Female Mossad

Mary Louise Kelly, the anchor for ‘All Things Considered’ at NPR
worked with, or ‘shilled for’, Israel’s Mossad spy agency.


There are many strong indicatiors that Israel let Oct 7th happen on purpose.

It was done so as to create the outrage and support for ethnically cleansing Gaza, and
predictably, this would be followed by the same treatment in the West Bank.

The strong indications of LIHOP were numerous:

Netanyahu was three months away from annexing a large portion of the West Bank,
everyone, including Hamas, knew it.
Netanyahu intentionally antagonized the Palestinians by invading the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

**** Israel was in possession of Hamas’ *detailed* plan for Oct 7th a year in advance.
**** Israel removed the majority of it’s forces around Gaza just prior to Oct 7th.

Mossad had humint, spys, crawling all over Gaza.
Gaza was the most watched patch of Earth by satellites.
Plus! Israel’s own intelligence officers were warning — in writing — that they believed an attack was imminent.
Israelis watching the borders of Gaza had been sounding the alert over unusual activity for weeks and months.
Israel relocated the Rave Party into the known danger zone just three miles from Gaza; irregular pressure from higher ups overruled the grave security concerns of the IDF officers who normally were charged with approving or disapproving activities near Gaza.
It was hours before the IDF arrived in force after the Hamas jail break, Israel refuses to explain why.
But even before the arrival in force of the IDF Israel had implemented the Hannabal Directive.

The above are the familiar indicators. You should also be aware that, incredibly, Israel ceased the monitoring of Hamas’ radio network some months before Oct 7th. This is Israel’s stance, that they ceased monitoring altogether; but, more likely is that they compartmentalized it so that only insiders to the LIHOP were getting this critical intelligence.

Israeli media headline: “Unit 8200 could have saved Israel from Oct. 7; why hasn’t it owned up to its failure?”

This is where NPR comes in.

NPR, in the person of Mary Louise Kelly, the anchor for ‘All Things Considered’,
promoted the cover up angle that ceasing of the monitoring was a reasonable thing to do.
Her sounding board was the “retired” Sima Shine, former head of research and analysis for Mossad.

Read it and see that this was not reporting, but advocacy for an Israeli cover-up agenda.

Also, the NPR interview only dealt with the interception of messages by means of monitoring Hamas’ radio network.
***Importantly, NPR did not address the fact that there is sophisticated monitoring equipment capable of giving locations and numbers of radios being used by an enemy.

The radio communication traffic would have become volcanic on Oct 7th, and that itself should have led to a Red Alert. **Israel could have also seen large radio traffic taking place **outside** !!! the walls of Gaza in the minutes after the jail break and this would certainly be cause for a Red Alert. With the monitoring equipment Israel could have then tracked the direction and concentration of Hamas.

Listening to the interview, clearly NPR is actively assisting with explaining away the lack of monitoring.
This is not reporting or journalism this is actively assisting Israel/Mossad with a cover up.

You might find it interesting to listen and you will notice a curious thing.
At the above NPR link is a podcast of the interview.

When the interview gets to the real meat of why it was ok to stop monitoring
the Mossad agent is explaining and suddenly there is a hard edit. You can discern it easily.
Mossad is explaining, “And…”. And then the explanation is cut short.

At the 3:30 mark is the very clear edit.

“SHINE: But it makes sense to me. It makes sense to me. And… “


Zelensky Blames The World — New News Source Rachel Blevins

stock here:


This man has balls of steel. He deserves statues made of him. “You Need To Stop”

Thank God for Elon Musk

This man has balls of steel. He deserves statues made of him.

When All The “Fact Checkas” Attack The Biden Body Double, That Pretty Much Tells You It Is True

The actor seen most often playing the role of “Joe Biden” is named Arthur Roberts. How is this news to everyone?



Buying Gold and Silver

saw on Poal, I agree that Gold and Silver can be a speculative investment here, Gold, if it can break free from the shackles of the J$$ overlords that suppress its street price by using “paper gold” ETFs and such….it could move to $5000 pretty quick.

My thought is to buy guns, ammo, food, energy, booze and other tangible goods so when the fiat collapses as it just did in Cuba (aljazeera.com), you have real stuff to barter.

This is where your a fag. You can do all of the above, and have extra. Not mutually exclusive. If we’re to the point of bartering for ammo, I’d have killed you already. There’s no amount of preparation you can do to survive that scenario. You‘ll want God and a bit of luck at that point.

If that doesn’t happen then silver will be a fine medium of exhange as it has done for thousands of years. However all those goods you suggest in excess will perish.

I buy very little gold or silver mostly because I don‘t trust the sellers.

This is just poisoning the well because there are many ways that are easy and quickly verifiable. What you‘re saying is straight ignorance. That’s not an argument.

Also, when the fiat currency fails, how will people know how much gold you‘re giving them.

This is a problem that has been solved many times through thousands of years of use. Again, your ignorance isn‘t an argument.

Yea, small coins are cool, but it seems like a difficult question to answer now.

90% silver is easily recognizable, known weight and extremely difficult to counterfeit. Likely your best way to get into silver if you‘re genuinely interested.


Hilarious, Young Female Secretary of State Contender “Don’t Be Weak and Gay, Stay Effing Hard”

This is almost over the top, I love it!


Dr. Naomi Wolf, Speaks on Bittermelon

stock here: I have “wild” Bittermelon growing in Hawaii. The Philipinas tell me that it is the llocano variety which is small and you eat the whole thing with seeds if you get them pretty green.

It is refreshing and surprising to see so much real information on Linkedin.


Bitter melon has been marginalized like other traditional remedies, but it has been used for millennia in China, African countries, and India. Peer reviewed studies show visible obesity reduction and anti-cancer effects. Become a content creator, try out StreamYard or enhance your existing broadcasts today! (We love it! And it’s American owned, top to bottom!). Click here to give it a try: Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://lnkd.in/eUKVDJe7


Chemtrailing Alaska, How Can We Prevent Aluminum and Barium Uptake

stock here, from Lot’s Wife. I am curious why they sky poison Alaska so much? Maybe to control methane from melting perma-frost?

Did you miss this action in the skies above Fairbanks this morning?

Supported by malign interests at the highest level of the deep state, aviation contractors dropped poison across tens of thousands of acres of Alaska’s Interior region. Independent research has identified barium and aluminum as among the primary chemical constituents in these waste-dump operations.

Where do you suppose the aluminum found in the brains of autopsied Alzheimers victims originates? In addition to uptake through breathing and ingestion, aluminum concentrates in vegetation.

Fire behavior experts have testified that aluminum nano-particles create extreme conditions in wildfire situations. Fires burn hotter, faster, and are more likely to consume more acreage in shorter periods of time.

Obviously, such conditions challenge suppression efforts and have led to catastrophic losses in natural and human-built resources. In the attached file, find a series of images recorded by FAA cameras stationed on the summit of Ester Dome.

The majority of photos look SE across the Tanana Valley. (Additional images were made by cameras in Central and Minchumina.)

New images are made every 10 minutes. As a continuous series, the Ester Dome camera provides evidence of repeated passes by multiple jets concentrating the poison drop above the Tanana Flats.

Engage in personal research and then consider the implications to your home and health.

Photos source (check daily for more criminal activity):


An accurate resource for greater understanding:

https://climateviewer.com/geoengineering/ /dy


We Knew They Were Killing Granny on the Vents, But Now It Is Disclosed, They Euthanized 10’s of Thousands With Injections (not mRNA)

stock here: even I find this disturbing.



The Mad Jewess

Romans 1:18

Check it out. If we are not here, we are close. Check her out, I do believe that she has revelations via dreams and knowledge. Christians and religious Jews shall suffer the most as we reach end stages.

I like her terms of service…..check it out.


Democracy, or Constitutional Republic?

stock here: There is some clarity here:


Those who want to “save our democracy” are often taunted by others who claim we have a Constitutional Republic. What are the real issues here?ChatGPT

The discussion about “saving our democracy” versus the United States being a “Constitutional Republic” often revolves around differing interpretations of political terminology and the foundational principles of American governance. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  1. Definitions and Terminology:
    • Democracy: Generally refers to a system of government where the power is vested in the people, who may govern directly or through elected representatives.
    • Constitutional Republic: A type of republic where officials are elected as representatives of the people, and the nation is governed according to a constitution which sets the rules and principles of the government. The U.S. fits this definition, as it has a structured constitution that dictates the laws and rights, with elected representatives who govern on behalf of the people.
  2. Misconceptions and Clarifications:
    • The phrase “We are a republic, not a democracy” is sometimes used to emphasize the role of the Constitution and the system of representation. However, this can be misleading as it implies that a republic and a democracy are mutually exclusive, which they are not. In fact, a republic is a form of democracy.
    • The U.S. is often described as a “democratic republic” or a “representative democracy” because while it is a republic (not a direct democracy), it operates on democratic principles where representatives are elected by the people to serve their interests.
  3. Political Implications:
    • “Save Our Democracy”: This slogan is often used to rally support for protecting and enhancing democratic institutions and practices, such as voting rights, fair elections, the rule of law, and checks and balances. It underscores concerns about threats to these democratic processes.
    • Constitutional Focus: Those emphasizing that the U.S. is a Constitutional Republic often highlight the importance of adhering strictly to constitutional processes and limitations on government powers, sometimes expressing concern that expanding democratic processes might infringe on individual rights or states’ rights as outlined in the Constitution.
  4. Underlying Issues:
    • The debate touches on deeper issues such as how much direct influence the public should have on government decision-making versus the role of elected officials who, according to the Constitution, sometimes make decisions that are unpopular in the short term but considered beneficial in the long term.
    • It also relates to ongoing debates about the balance between majority rule and the protection of minority rights, the power of federal versus state governments, and how to interpret the Constitution in changing times.

In essence, while the U.S. is fundamentally a Constitutional Republic, it operates with a strong democratic framework, and discussions around these terms often reflect deeper philosophical and political differences about governance and the role of the state versus individual rights.


NYPost: Stay Away From Beach, Stay Out Of Sun, Deadly Viruses and Bacteria Await You There!

stock here: the same drivel and destruction from during the pandemic….stay away from anything healthy!!!!




Nano-Bots To Make You “Super Human” Somehow I Doubt It Plays Like That

stock here, consume at your own Overton Window.


Invasion of USA Is More Than Just Voting Fraud

stock: invaders are primarily men, 25 to 35. Many are agents of the UN, at least trained by them. Reported today on Daily Wire that 46% of “immigrants” are un-employed.

Per Lot’s Wife

Most Americans will reject such warnings as hyperbole and fear-mongering. Yet if pressed none can answer questions about why the Biden admin defends the invasion. Sadly, Americans have little awareness of the tribulations that are coming down the pike. Similar to naive megafauna hunted by our spear-throwing ancestors, most modern Americans are clueless and easily gamed.


UK Data and Research on Global Ocean Science

stock here: I haven’t spent time on huge weather data sets lately, it’s super time consuming, and in my view the science is so settled in the aspect that the science is not settled. And no, 97% of scientists do not agree. A huge lie.



Bear in The Girl’s Bathroom?

Some of the lies of the left, in their relentless efforts to hobble society, feminize everything except females…..can be destroyed in one sentence, or in this case, one image. Here it is, please spread this far and wide.


Petition and Research Material, Clarifying Proper Reactions To Optimize Results. 32,000 Scientists Slap Back at the Lies of the Leftists

stock here: this was hard to find. The nature of Google and even Duck Duck Go.



Annenberg Public Policy Center — POS Leftists

STOCK HERE: heard of this organization before, it’s all propaganda and control. They fund Fact Check.

The Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) of the University of Pennsylvania, established in 1993, is a leading institution focused on advancing public understanding and awareness on a variety of critical societal issues, especially in communication and public policy. The Center’s ongoing funding is sourced primarily from an endowment provided by the Annenberg Foundation.

APPC is known for its significant contributions in several research areas including political communication, media and children’s welfare, health communication, and adolescent risk. Among its prominent projects, FactCheck.org is particularly noteworthy. Launched in 2003, this non-partisan platform aims to reduce misinformation in U.S. politics by verifying the accuracy of various claims made by politicians and media figures​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Annenberg Policy Center)​​ (Annenberg Policy Center)​.

The Center also runs educational and capacity-building programs through platforms like Annenberg Classroom and the Civics Renewal Network, which provide resources and tools for educators and students to enhance civics education​ (Annenberg Policy Center)​. Moreover, its Climate Communication Division is dedicated to research and outreach on climate science communication strategies, emphasizing both local initiatives and global policies​ (Annenberg Policy Center)​.

In addition to these initiatives, the APPC collaborates with various partners and engages in grantmaking to support organizations and projects that align with its mission of enhancing effective communication and informed policy​ (Annenberg Foundation)​.

For more detailed information about the Annenberg Public Policy Center and its various projects and research areas, you can visit their official site here.


If You Need A Few Rabbit Holes to Run Down, Here They Are

stock here: a nice compilation of curio’s. You think they just started crashing and sinking boats? Drastic Research does a lot of work on COVID and origins. The historical stuff is fine, but this issue is so old and so settled it is at best a waste of time and also a distraction from the on-going shenanigans.

5 hours ago (Edited)


How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the Titanic?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).