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Victoria Neuland *guaranteeing* that Trump “Won’t be President” with a crooked smile on her face just hours before a Biden Donor was allowed by Secret Service to shoot Trump in the head

stock here: why are we getting more and more females that are easy to hate?


Rus Strike ‘kills 50 West Instructors’; Syrsky, Rus Assaults Relentless; Rus 15 Miles Pokrovsk

stock here: I have watched several of this guys video reports. I like the library, it looks like a real one. Alexander Mercouris.

I still recall the incredible childishness of Kamala’s explanation of the Russo-Ukrainian war: It went something like: “Ukraine is a small country. Russia is a big country. Russia invaded Ukraine and that’s wrong” SMH.


I Asked A-Eye About The Secret Service Being Complicit in the Assassination Attempt on Trump….

stock here, this is not the response I expected:

Addressing concerns about potential misconduct or complicity within the Secret Service, especially in such serious matters as protecting high-profile individuals like former President Trump, is a complex issue. Ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of security agencies while maintaining democratic oversight is critical. Here are some democratic processes and mechanisms that could be employed to address such concerns:

  1. Investigations and Accountability: Independent Investigations: Congress or an independent body could initiate a thorough investigation into the incident to determine if there was any wrongdoing or negligence.
    Inspector General Review: The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) can conduct an independent review and issue a report with findings and recommendations.
    Special Counsel: In some cases, appointing a special counsel to investigate potential criminal conduct can ensure an unbiased review.
  2. Congressional Oversight: Hearings: Congressional committees, such as the House Oversight Committee or the Senate Judiciary Committee, can hold hearings to question Secret Service officials and examine their procedures and actions.
    Subpoenas: Congress has the power to issue subpoenas to obtain documents and testimony from relevant parties.
  3. Legislative Reforms: Policy and Procedure Review: Congress can mandate a review and overhaul of the policies and procedures governing the Secret Service to ensure stricter oversight and clearer guidelines for action.
    Whistleblower Protections: Strengthening protections for whistleblowers within the Secret Service can encourage the reporting of misconduct without fear of retaliation.
  4. Public Transparency: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): Utilizing FOIA requests to obtain information and documents related to the incident can increase transparency and public awareness.
    Public Reporting: Requiring the Secret Service to issue public reports on their actions and investigations related to high-profile incidents can enhance accountability.
  5. Judicial Actions: Lawsuits: Victims or concerned parties can file lawsuits to compel the release of information or to seek redress for any harm caused by potential misconduct.
    Court Orders: Courts can issue orders to enforce compliance with investigations and to protect whistleblowers.
  6. Internal Reforms: Training and Protocols: Improving training and protocols for Secret Service agents to ensure they can act decisively and appropriately in crisis situations.
    Leadership Changes: If misconduct is found, replacing leadership within the Secret Service with individuals committed to transparency and accountability can help restore trust.
  7. Public Pressure: Media and Advocacy: Media coverage and advocacy by civil society organizations can bring attention to the issue and pressure lawmakers and officials to take action.
    Public Campaigns: Citizens can organize campaigns to demand accountability and reforms within the Secret Service and related agencies.


While allegations of complicity or negligence within the Secret Service are serious, democratic processes offer multiple avenues to investigate and address these concerns. Through a combination of independent investigations, congressional oversight, legislative reforms, public transparency, judicial actions, internal reforms, and public pressure, it is possible to ensure that security agencies operate with integrity and effectiveness, maintaining the trust and safety of those they protect.


Censored by Linkedin, For Posting The K.Harris Slept Her Way Into Politics, Willie Brown Arranged for Her to get Paid $120,000 a Year for Attending 2 Meetings Per Month

stock here: I think it is fair to call it Slutty to sleep with an old man, 60 years old and twice your age in order to advance your political career. I also think it fair to say she was a whore, as she was very well paid for having sex with Willie Brown.

Linkedin is showing their true colors. When it matters the most, they will fall to their marxist leftist roots. Shame on them. They called it “hate speech”, it is not. It is descriptive and notes her character.

Megyn Kelly (not a huge fan) but she dives into this topic, what lefty media is now calling off base, not allowed.


K.Harris Soon To Receive The Largest Media Manipulation And That Is Hard to Achieve

stock here: seen this on Linkedin.

Kamala Harris is likely going to be president in the very very near future as Biden is in steep decline.

Prepare for sycophantic idolization bordering on outright worship of the soon-to-be-president from the Left.

Think Trumpism X 1000.

This will be the next mania. It will turn on like a switch, overnight, with the full force of the entire establishment media complex.

She won’t just be a politician, she’ll be a new quasi-religion for the Left – like covid, masks, J6, Ukraine and the v@hashtag#cinne.

And the low-information, emotionally-driven left voter will fall right under this mania’s magic spell.


Interview With Trump Assassination Eye Witness

stock here: This is worth watching. And below, a local pastor, visited the site, and got some pictures showing the building the shooter was on, and the configuration of the whole setup.

I added a third video, Tom Luongo does a brilliant analysis, one important point is “why did the debate even happen” and the simple answer is because “they” knew they were going to get rid of both candidates.



On July 19 at 04:09 UTC, 10:09 CST Less Than Half A Day After TRUMP ACCEPTED THE NOMINATION AT THE MILWAUKEE RNC, CrowdStrike distributed a faulty configuration update. If say, they had released it at Midnight, far fewer computers would have been affected as the problem would have been identified and the “update” would have been halted in the middle of the night.

A computer coder verifies my hypothesis that if computers were not on, they could have avoided infection with this flawed code….


Artex·4 days ago

Dwoods44 It affected everything back to Server 2012 R1. Server 2008 R2 and older were unaffected. Southwest Airlines was unaffected and it is rumored they are running a custom version of Windows 3.1.

The file was C-00000291–*26.sys. It affected every machine using the Crowdstrike Falcon sensor which received the update. If a machine was powered off – like my work laptop – the update was pushed and would have been copied to my machine on boot causing the blue screen, except my org got the message and was able to recall that update before I logged in for the morning on Friday. I personally spent 18 hours fixing computers and touched about 60 of them (some of them were real buggers to fix). My team fixed around 1200 servers total. I have no idea how many user endpoints (work laptops) were affected, because thank goodness, I don’t touch those.

Something to keep in mind is that this is likely to destroy Crowdstrike. Even if every company decided to keep using Crowdstrike, everyone who lost money is going to sue them, and even Google doesn’t have the money to pay a class-action of this magnitude.

While it’s difficult to imagine this was a mistake, it’s still a possibility.

Now, if Pelosi and half of congress dumped Crowdstrike stock before this last week, I’d sing a different tune. But while I fixed server after server this weekend and watched the stock price, it dropped 12% before opening on Friday (once everyone knew it was going on) and had bounced back quite a bit by closing Friday. It’s currently down 26% from Wednesday evening.

These companies have strict policies and processes, but you’d be surprised just how often folks cut corners.

We had a discussion on our team earlier this year where our top-level manager for all things Windows related said we needed to get more changes done per week on the one hand while reducing incidents on the other, then telling us most of our incidents were caused by changes. We’ve face staff cutbacks of about 75% over the last 3 years. You can infer (accurately) a lot about corporate jobs from that.

This is how it works at Fortune companies. Management looks at metrics and then makes all their decisions based on those metrics, much like the political parties make decisions based on polls. And the problem with that is poll and metrics alike often miss key information.


The update was for it’s Falcon sensor software running on Windows PCs and servers. The update caused machines to go into either a boot loop or boot recovery mode.[16][17]

Almost immediately, Windows Virtual machines on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform began rebooting and crashing,[18] and at 06:48 UTC, Google Compute Engine also reported the problem. The problem affected systems running Windows 10 and Windows 11 running the CrowdStrike Falcon software.[19][16] Computers running macOS and Linux were unaffected, as were most personal Windows PCs.[19] However, similar problems affected Linux distributions in April 2024.[20][21]

Business was already open in Milwaukee and Washington DC, and had just opened in the West Coast when this “update” was released at 10:09 CST Friday morning the 19th of July.   Am I to believe that they globally release an “update” without testing it first in a sequestered batch of Microsoft, Linux, and Apple computers?

The timing of this “update” could not have been more perfectly timed to affect the USA the worst,  And this is the morning after Trump’s acceptance speech.   Look man, this guy Trump is just all about chaos <sarc>, or maybe they mean to say if they keep “missing” on Trump and he gets in, they can crash the whole world, including all  the Linux and Apple products, as they have 4 months for Gain of Function “coding research”

Crowdstrike is the same group that proved in 2016 that Trump was wrong <without providing any proof>, that it was indeed the Russians <and not the Ukrainians> that hacked the DNC and thus (will no support for the theory) influenced the election in Trump’s favor.    

4 weeks prior to “the Strike” on Jun 24th 2024 Crowdstrike was brought into the S&P500, which will undoubtedly help their long term success and value.    Color me skeptical.

This also provided distraction from the Biden Debacle.

Does One Try to “Catch a falling Knife”?


What Have They Lied About?

stock here, feel free to chime in with some more

They lied about Diversity is Our Strength

They lied about Fukushima

They lied about what Liberalism means, see a 1920 encyclopedia

They lied about the true purpose of Feminism

They lied about Benghazi

They lied about 9-11

They lied about weapons of mass destruction

They lied about inflation targets

They lied about who really controls the Federal Reserve (hint it is not anyone Federal)

They lied about ethanol (really stupid idea to turn food into fuel)

They lied about Roundup (after killing everything, end product is phosphate that makes toxic algae and water)

They lied about Bidens health

They lied about Putin and Trump

They lied about Hunter’s Laptop


The Economy in USA, Does the Stock Market Predict A Rosy Future?

stock here. I started the blog world as a stock market commentator. I strongly believe that the Great Spirit would not let me make wealth by simply trading, which is a zero sum game at best (less the skim), and instead made me concentrate on real business and adding value to the Islands of Hawaii. So I set the trading aside, and, fortunately, it “worked”, it worked enough that I can spend time on some trading. Buy and Hold has worked for people, but maybe this time it is different.

These guys describe the current markets as a “passive bid”, big dumb robots continuing to add money into the stock market. Currently the overall market as measured by the super Broad Vanguard ___________ fund are flat for over a year. Money is therefore going into specific sectors, for now. On a longer term view, the Boomers will start depleting their “savings” in the stock markets, say 4% per year on $1M or $40,000. But at the same time, we have Currency Debasement ongoing, and IMHO not likely to stop under Trump. Although, good point, cheap energy helps all prices to fall.


What Are You Grateful For Today?

I’ma gonna put this by my bed stand.


Is Lahaina Strong — Really Something Evil? How do they Have All These “Moderators” for EVERY comment?

stock here: this is weird, I kind of don’t believe it. Local people are strong willed, but also understanding and not assholes. Post on “Lahaina Strong”which I believe is mostly fake, controlled opposition, to further degrade Maui and make them suffer even more by giving up tourist dollars which are essential.


Donna Blevins Willard

tnSrsepdoolt2S73cb7cl8e9ff8c34ml e,302aalu619h7510pmre3 60h1  ·

Food for thought and consideration


Vanessa Hulu Joao

No respect!…🤦🏽‍♀️🌺

  • Reply

Brent Schlea

Dats how!!

Suzi Tucker

So shame wtf

  • Reply

Erika Sato Bar-David

I was afraid that was going to happen

Ralph Scott Torrellas

Das righ !

  • Reply

Zelia Wills

Tourist have absolutely NO consideration or respect for anything but themselves! Hewa!

Kamanaoio Vernon Isaiah Gomes

  • Reply

Margaret Grafton

Tuu Lehua

Right on Braddahs! Tour-rides have no clue. Just downright disrespectful!

Gwendolyn Castro Hufalar

I swear these tourist was right behind me and my boyfriend earlier today coming back from Kahului side. Heading towards Lahaina they was tailgating close behind us to the point they was gonna hit our car from behind

  • Reply

Annette Colipano English

They think funny!! It’s not a joke!! So no more RESPECT!!!

Su Campos

And…this is why…we do not need tourists in West Maui!!!

Rhonda Ashton

This is why tourists were told to stay away. No respect 🤬

  • Reply

Brenda McClure

Some people don’t deserve a vacation. They need to find some compassion and love for others deep down in their hearts ( if they even have a heart)!

  • Reply

Marcy Koltun-Crilley

Ok, so I would have told them my child died in that fire ( he didn’t) and am very hurt by their actions. Guilt is powerful and they can only blame and be angry with themselves. Plus their kids will not be terrified but will remember and learn some empathy

  • Reply
  • Edited

Donna Blevins Willard

Marcy Koltun-Crilley I normally advocate taking the higher ground when dealing with dummies. But this time dummies need to take the higher ground and behave. People are in so much pain and sorrow. Overwhelmed. Sorry that’s why tourist dint belong in Lahaina no one has the energy ti deal with the few idiots

Marcy Koltun-Crilley

Donna Blevins Willard Making them feel guilty is not really taking the higher ground. It’s passive aggressive in a sneaky way that works


Secret Service Head: The 2/12 Pitch Roof Was Too Steep So We Decided to Risk Trumps Life Instead. When Seconds Matter She Thinks 26 Minutes is a “Very Short Time”

stock here


When she says “the buck stops here” she means the investigation is completely her responsibility, and that buck ain’t going anywhere else.


The Communists and “Socialists” Are Now In Full View, After We Were Mocked for Years Saying This is All About Communism

stock here: noted also many rather unhealthy, unattractive people participating. I also asked A-Eye to find articles related to the Communists, aka Authoritarian Leftists present at the event. See below the images.


at the recent RNC convention in Milwaukee there was a lot of anti-republican protests and signs and interviews. My take is that this clearly shows the communism is on full display, they are not even pretending to be “just socialists”, can you find 5 articles that support this assertion.


The recent RNC convention in Milwaukee did indeed witness significant protests and demonstrations against the Republican Party, which some observers have interpreted as a display of far-left ideologies, including communism.

  1. Protests Overview: The protests were organized by the Coalition to March on the RNC, which is a national coalition of groups and unions. Their agenda includes opposing what they describe as the Republican Party’s “racist and reactionary agenda” and defending reproductive, LGBTQ, and immigrant rights​ (March on the RNC 2024)​.
  2. Legal Battles: Prior to the convention, there were legal disputes over protest restrictions, with the Coalition suing the city of Milwaukee. This action highlights their determination to challenge Republican policies and maintain their right to protest​ (WUWM)​.
  3. Protest Focus: The protests featured a range of demands such as peace, justice, and equity for all, and included stances against perceived Republican attacks on various communities. This broad spectrum of issues aligns with more leftist, and in some cases, radical ideologies​ (March on the RNC 2024)​.
  4. Media Coverage: Various media outlets, including Fox News, covered the convention and noted the intensity and organization of the protests. Some commentators have pointed out that the protests’ themes and the rhetoric used reflect a strong anti-capitalist sentiment, often associated with communist movements​ (Fox News)​.
  5. Protest Tactics and Messaging: The protests were highly organized, with detailed plans for rallies and marches. The messaging often framed Republican policies as harmful and unjust, which is a common tactic in leftist political activism aimed at fundamentally changing societal structures​ (March on the RNC 2024)​.

These articles collectively support the assertion that the protests at the RNC convention in Milwaukee displayed strong elements of far-left ideologies, which some might interpret as communism.


March on the RNC “Club”, this is their handout

Here are their “Points Of Unity”

Hmmm…see below, “Family Friendly” I failed to see ANY families at the events.

Urban Milwaukee wants you to be a member for $9/month. I wonder how A-Eye got through? Or you can wait 15 seconds for the article to appear.

The Red Phoenix looks a lot like a communist organization….they support the march, and they say are 118 endorsing organizations, seems high since it appears that hundreds joined the march.


If you search for the word communist on their site, you get hundreds of articles.


Curious that RNC announced Milwaukee as their convention in August of 2022. In early 2023, they removed Resident Agent in Charge John Berglund, and replaced him with Agent Monique Cole, a black female.

Those are some big arse diamonds if they are real?!

https://www.metisgroupinc.com Berglund has been working with Fein for decades.


It should be noted the they got rid of the fairly popular White Male Mayor, Barrette by giving him the Ambassadorship to Luxembourg…this then allowed he second in command, a Black Male with some questionable family members in trouble with the law….But in reality he does seem like an OK guy dealing with a city that has been degraded. Here is Tom Barett and Cavalier Johnson. White replacement theory.

Alan Chavoya is a prominent activist in Milwaukee, actively involved in various social justice movements. He is a member of Local 212 of the American Federation of Teachers and serves as the outreach chair of the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR). Chavoya has been vocal about issues such as police accountability, workers’ rights, and racial justice.

Chavoya’s activism includes participation in protests against the closure of hospitals by Ascension, speaking out against police violence, and advocating for the renaming of Lindbergh Park to Lucille Berrien Park to honor a longtime activist. He has also been involved in organizing demonstrations with the Coalition to March on the RNC, emphasizing the need to oppose what he sees as systemic racism and political oppression​ (Wisconsin Labor History Society)​​ (WUWM)​.

While Chavoya has been associated with movements that align with leftist ideologies, there is no specific record of him publicly identifying as a communist or socialist. His activism focuses on broader social justice and political issues, advocating for greater democratic rights and community empowerment.

Alan Chavoya is an activist and teacher in Milwaukee. He is involved with the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR) as their outreach chair and is also a member of the American Federation of Teachers Local 212. Chavoya is an instructor at Milwaukee Area Technical College, where he teaches in the Philosophy department​ (WUWM)​​ (Fight Back! News)​​ (Urban Milwaukee)​.

Chavoya has been active in various social justice causes, including advocating for greater police accountability, workers’ rights, and community health issues. He has spoken out against the closure of hospitals by Ascension and has been involved in the Coalition to Save Saint Francis Hospital, particularly in their efforts to reopen the labor and delivery unit​ (Fight Back! News)​​ (MKE Neighborhood News)​. Additionally, he has participated in protests demanding transparency and better conditions at the Milwaukee County Jail following several in-custody deaths​ (MKE Neighborhood News)​​ (Urban Milwaukee)​.

Chavoya’s activism extends to historical commemorations as well, such as speaking at the annual Bay View Massacre event, where he connected past labor struggles to current issues faced by workers and the community​ (Fight Back! News)​.

There is no specific record of Chavoya publicly identifying as a communist or socialist, but his activism is rooted in social justice and community advocacy, often aligning with leftist ideologies.


At the Biden Debate, Did They Intentionally Withhold Certain Drugs From His Cocktail to Intentionally Create the Debacle?

stock here: that is all I gots to say.


Trump Born On an Eclipse, and Full Moon

stock here: do your own research too.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. On this date, there was indeed a lunar eclipse, often referred to as a “blood moon.” This type of eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Moon to take on a reddish hue.

However, while he was born during a lunar eclipse, there was no full moon on that specific day, as a lunar eclipse only occurs during a full moon. Therefore, Trump was born during a significant astronomical event, which included both a full moon and an eclipse​ (indy100)​​ (Astrotheme)​​ (Astro Charts)​.


Politico Is Now Trying to “Normalize” Political Assassinations, Shame on Them

stock here: Politco is one of the many mouth pieces of the Globalist communists.


So, nothing big, nothing to see here, happens all the time, right? Actually no. In the history of the USA, only one other party approved nominee for President had an attempted assassination. And this was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Theodore Roosevelt (1912):

  • While running as the Progressive Party candidate after having served as President, Theodore Roosevelt was shot on October 14, 1912, by John Schrank in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Roosevelt had already secured the nomination of the Progressive Party and was campaigning for the presidency when the attempt occurred. He survived the assassination attempt and continued his campaign.

The Assassination Attempt on Theodore Roosevelt (1912)


Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, was running for a third term in the 1912 presidential election as the candidate of the Progressive Party, also known as the “Bull Moose Party.” After serving two terms from 1901 to 1909, Roosevelt had initially retired from politics. However, dissatisfied with the performance of his successor and former friend, President William Howard Taft, Roosevelt sought the presidency again.

The Event: October 14, 1912

On the evening of October 14, 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was scheduled to deliver a speech at the Milwaukee Auditorium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As he stood in an open car outside the Hotel Gilpatrick, waving to a crowd, a man named John Schrank approached him. Schrank, an unemployed saloonkeeper, shot Roosevelt at close range with a .38-caliber revolver.

The Bullet and the Speech

The bullet hit Roosevelt in the chest, passing through his steel eyeglass case and a thick 50-page copy of his speech, which he had folded and placed in his breast pocket. These items slowed the bullet, likely saving his life. Despite being wounded, Roosevelt insisted on delivering his speech before seeking medical attention.

With blood seeping into his shirt, Roosevelt began his address by reassuring the audience, “Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.” He spoke for 90 minutes, holding up the blood-stained manuscript as he addressed the crowd.


Following the speech, Roosevelt was taken to the hospital. Doctors determined that the bullet had lodged in his chest muscle but had not penetrated the pleura, the lining of the lung. Given the risk associated with removing the bullet, it was decided to leave it in place. Roosevelt carried the bullet for the rest of his life.

Roosevelt’s bravery and resilience enhanced his public image, but he did not win the election. He finished second with 27% of the popular vote, losing to the Democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson, but ahead of the incumbent President Taft.

John Schrank: The Assailant

John Flammang Schrank was born in 1876 in Erding, Bavaria, and emigrated to the United States as a child with his parents. He lived in New York City and worked variously as a saloonkeeper and bartender. Schrank had a history of mental instability and had become obsessed with the idea that no one should run for a third presidential term.

Motivations and Mental Health

Schrank claimed he was acting on a dream in which the ghost of President William McKinley, who had been assassinated in 1901, appeared to him. McKinley’s ghost allegedly told Schrank that Roosevelt was responsible for his death and should not seek a third term. Schrank followed Roosevelt across eight states, waiting for an opportunity to carry out the attack.

After the shooting, Schrank was immediately arrested and later examined by a team of psychiatrists. He was declared insane and committed to the Central State Hospital for the Criminally Insane in Waupun, Wisconsin, where he spent the rest of his life. Schrank died in the hospital in 1943.


The assassination attempt on Theodore Roosevelt is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it demonstrated Roosevelt’s extraordinary physical courage and commitment to his political ideals, as he chose to continue his speech despite being seriously injured. Secondly, the event highlighted the political tensions and dangers faced by candidates during a particularly contentious election. Lastly, it brought attention to the issue of presidential security and the need for better protection of political figures.


The attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 remains a dramatic and pivotal moment in American political history. It showcased Roosevelt’s indomitable spirit and had a lasting impact on his legacy, further endearing him to his supporters and the public at large. The incident also underscored the volatility of early 20th-century American politics and the vulnerabilities of public figures to acts of violence driven by personal vendettas and mental illness.


Duh!!! Major Operation to Find Cause of 77 Whales Grounding? Uhh, Did You Check the Magentic Pole Shift?

stock here: they are befuddled again. My oh my! You think the magnetic pole shift would be instantly on their minds, but it’s not even mentioned. They are going to spend millions to figure it out, I’ll tell them for just 10% of that amount, LOL



Amazing, Even for CNN, Claiming That (1) Month of no Inflation (Probably a Lie Anyway), Has Slayed the Beast, and Crushed Republican Lies About Bad Economy

stock here: When does free speech, cross over into intentional lies that can only hurt the public?


LOL (1) Month is “Earth Shattering News”



Swarm of Earthquakes off Vancouver Island, 9 Sizable Quakes. Only 95 in Last 10 Years

stock here: Take note


Anarchy Means Different Things, A Dangerous Word Therefore


The term “anarchy” can be interpreted in various ways depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some common interpretations:

Political Philosophy

  1. Absence of Government: Anarchy is often defined as a political philosophy that advocates for a society without a governing state or centralized authority. Proponents believe that individuals can self-organize and govern themselves through voluntary associations and cooperative arrangements.
    • Key Thinkers: Notable anarchist philosophers include Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin, and Peter Kropotkin.
  2. Stateless Society: In this interpretation, anarchy implies a stateless society where social order is maintained through mutual aid, direct democracy, and non-hierarchical institutions.

Social Disorder

  1. Chaos and Disorder: In popular usage, anarchy often connotes a state of chaos, lawlessness, and disorder. This interpretation emphasizes the breakdown of social norms and institutions, leading to violence and instability.
  2. Rebellion and Protest: Anarchy can also describe a situation of active rebellion against established authority, often associated with protests, riots, and revolutionary movements.

Anarchism as a Movement

  1. Anarchist Movement: Anarchy is associated with the broader anarchist movement, which encompasses various schools of thought advocating for different forms of stateless societies, such as anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-communism, and individualist anarchism.
    • Anarcho-Syndicalism: Focuses on direct action and workers’ self-management.
    • Anarcho-Communism: Advocates for a classless, stateless society based on common ownership and direct democracy.
    • Individualist Anarchism: Emphasizes individual autonomy and personal freedom, often rejecting collectivist solutions.

Cultural Interpretations

  1. Symbol of Freedom: In some cultural contexts, anarchy symbolizes absolute freedom and the rejection of all forms of coercive control and authority.
  2. Punk Movement: The punk subculture has adopted anarchy as a symbol of anti-establishment attitudes and countercultural rebellion. The iconic anarchist “A” symbol is often associated with punk music and fashion.

Examples and Misconceptions

  1. Misconceptions: Anarchy is frequently misunderstood as synonymous with violence and chaos. However, many anarchists advocate for peaceful, cooperative forms of social organization.
  2. Historical Examples: Historical attempts at anarchist societies include the Free Territory in Ukraine during the Russian Revolution and the anarchist regions of Spain during the Spanish Civil War. These examples highlight the practical challenges and aspirations of anarchist experiments.


Each interpretation of anarchy provides a different lens through which to understand the concept, reflecting the diversity of thought within anarchist theory and its representation in broader societal contexts.