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The Economy in USA, Does the Stock Market Predict A Rosy Future?

stock here. I started the blog world as a stock market commentator. I strongly believe that the Great Spirit would not let me make wealth by simply trading, which is a zero sum game at best (less the skim), and instead made me concentrate on real business and adding value to the Islands of Hawaii. So I set the trading aside, and, fortunately, it “worked”, it worked enough that I can spend time on some trading. Buy and Hold has worked for people, but maybe this time it is different.

These guys describe the current markets as a “passive bid”, big dumb robots continuing to add money into the stock market. Currently the overall market as measured by the super Broad Vanguard ___________ fund are flat for over a year. Money is therefore going into specific sectors, for now. On a longer term view, the Boomers will start depleting their “savings” in the stock markets, say 4% per year on $1M or $40,000. But at the same time, we have Currency Debasement ongoing, and IMHO not likely to stop under Trump. Although, good point, cheap energy helps all prices to fall.

3 replies on “The Economy in USA, Does the Stock Market Predict A Rosy Future?”

De-Dollarization. BRICS power, Crypto
Currencies. I’m the wimp who always was cynical about the Market. Never
Played. I assisted a blind old man as
a home care aide way back when I was early twenties. He had me going through paper stock certificates, reading off the names, to soothe his
stress and reassure himself that he “had” something. Poor guy.
My dad’s attitude was that playing the
market is the same as gambling, with
The House Always Wins, and the “Broker” is there to make sure you are Broke! And if you’re not Insider, you’re a
chump, a Mark that can be ripped off all the time. I know a guy that worked a
non-union career in Milwaukee, piled up
over a Million in the 401K. I couldn’t be
the Debbie Downer and ask if he’s been
watching the financial news, he’s a real
Good Guy working at the Mission.
The devaluation of not only the Dollar,
but all our social norms, is tragic.
35 years ago, working a restaurant, we
would get these senior retirees coming in at opening time looking for the Early Bird Special, but we were trying to be the linen-tablecloth, wine Spectator
award winner, sorry folks we have what
is on the menu, and we’re happy to
serve only appetizers or whatever looks good on the menu.
At what point does the SHTF ?
DeSantis went to Jerusalem to have a
Bill-signing ceremony for a Florida law
which will restrict Speech and Actions
that are critical of Israel. Folks are scared subconsciously, not aware yet,
that what is happening in Gaza is destined for all of us.
The “market “ ought to Standardize the
Valuation of us various grades of Slaves,
Monetize, and Trade.
The real need for massive carcasse disposal is unaddressed. There will be
No fuel for the heavy equipment, no
fuel for the necessary hygienic bonfires
of the stinking dead bodies. The fresh water all contaminated. Folks crowding around the banks and financial institutions, pounding on the glass,
Look My Accounts are in Order! I was never late! I want my money Back!
The poor shmucks!

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