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Is Lahaina Strong — Really Something Evil? How do they Have All These “Moderators” for EVERY comment?

stock here: this is weird, I kind of don’t believe it. Local people are strong willed, but also understanding and not assholes. Post on “Lahaina Strong”which I believe is mostly fake, controlled opposition, to further degrade Maui and make them suffer even more by giving up tourist dollars which are essential.


Donna Blevins Willard

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Food for thought and consideration


Vanessa Hulu Joao

No respect!…🤦🏽‍♀️🌺

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Brent Schlea

Dats how!!

Suzi Tucker

So shame wtf

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Erika Sato Bar-David

I was afraid that was going to happen

Ralph Scott Torrellas

Das righ !

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Zelia Wills

Tourist have absolutely NO consideration or respect for anything but themselves! Hewa!

Kamanaoio Vernon Isaiah Gomes

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Margaret Grafton

Tuu Lehua

Right on Braddahs! Tour-rides have no clue. Just downright disrespectful!

Gwendolyn Castro Hufalar

I swear these tourist was right behind me and my boyfriend earlier today coming back from Kahului side. Heading towards Lahaina they was tailgating close behind us to the point they was gonna hit our car from behind

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Annette Colipano English

They think funny!! It’s not a joke!! So no more RESPECT!!!

Su Campos

And…this is why…we do not need tourists in West Maui!!!

Rhonda Ashton

This is why tourists were told to stay away. No respect 🤬

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Brenda McClure

Some people don’t deserve a vacation. They need to find some compassion and love for others deep down in their hearts ( if they even have a heart)!

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Marcy Koltun-Crilley

Ok, so I would have told them my child died in that fire ( he didn’t) and am very hurt by their actions. Guilt is powerful and they can only blame and be angry with themselves. Plus their kids will not be terrified but will remember and learn some empathy

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  • Edited

Donna Blevins Willard

Marcy Koltun-Crilley I normally advocate taking the higher ground when dealing with dummies. But this time dummies need to take the higher ground and behave. People are in so much pain and sorrow. Overwhelmed. Sorry that’s why tourist dint belong in Lahaina no one has the energy ti deal with the few idiots

Marcy Koltun-Crilley

Donna Blevins Willard Making them feel guilty is not really taking the higher ground. It’s passive aggressive in a sneaky way that works

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