stock here: I meant, and still mean, to do a report on the State of the State of Hawaii, post COVID. There is a lot to unpack.
- Driving
- Jerkoff Customers
- Zombie Look
- First of all, people of Hawaii have always been somewhat primitive in their driving habits, but overall very freindly on the road, we don’t have road rage. In fact if you flash a Shaka, for sure you get a shaka back, and they will let you in, let you make a tough left turn, merge, whatever. And all that is maybe even more in force post COVID.
But there are also more dangerous scenarios in driving, full on just jump right out in front of you, merge without even looking, run a sign or even a light. The micro-stroke damage and other neurological damage from the mRNA is clearcut. Many people even have the disimilar bi-facial look, and/or droopy look and they look like Zombies. I was not present during all the vaccine campaign, but I bet at uptake slowed down, I am sure they attracted and made injections convenient for the MANY homeless people in Hawaii, as many of the homeless look even worse than before.
Jerk-off Customers….I sent out a bulk email for Preventive Maintenance reminders and sale, yesterday, and so far ZERO EOI (Expressions of Interest) but did this one “customer”, I think he is just on a marketing list and not an actual customer….His name is Jack and last name rhymes with Sit, in other words, he knows Jack Shit.
His email…telling me about my expertise and business, LOL, he is a Jack-off too. Aiyaiyai!!!!
Using solar to heat hot water is ridiculous. I know the behind-the-times morons in the Building Dept. made it mandatory on new housing. And I know that heating water from tap temperatures is theoretically more efficient that using your PV. I might agree if I had six or seven kids and a wife who were always taking hot showers, but I don’t.
I have never had any more that a 55gal electric water heater which has been with plenty for guests, kids and grandkids when they visit. We have a 36 panel PV system on the old net-metering agreement. We also have a 12 panel PV Battery Backup system. We have never had to pay more than the HECO minimum charge to keep our account open. We changed the date of our net metering anniversary from October (when the daylight gets shorter) to April when the daylight gets longer. One year we ended up with a $1,500 HECO credit. We haven’t had to run piping all over the place, buy an 85gal tank, recirc pumps and other costly parts solar hot water requires.
My two neighbors both had solar hot water systems on their roofs. One had panels that sprung leaks and rotted out their shake roof. They couldn’t see what was happening since the leaking water was all collected in their gutters and drained off underground in their downspouts. The other neighbor had to replace their entire aluminum roof. Both never replaced their solar hot water systems.
My son put in solar hot water to heat his swimming pool. Guess what? It heats itself when the sun is shining. It doesn’t need it most of the year and solar doesn’t do the job the rest of the year.
PV with HECO and battery backups will most likely be there to produce warm water if the Board of Water Supply would stop blowing water mains all over the island.