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When the Lilacs Bloom is When Morel Mushrooms Flourish. But What About Other Anti-Cancer Mushrooms

hat tip to ChatGPT 3.5

Certainly! Here are five mushrooms that are claimed to have potential anti-cancer properties, along with the types of cancer they are mostly associated with mitigating:

  1. Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum):
    • Associated Cancer Types: Lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer.
    • Potential Mechanisms: Reishi mushrooms contain bioactive compounds like polysaccharides and triterpenoids that exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-modulating effects. These properties may help inhibit cancer cell growth and metastasis while enhancing immune function.
  2. Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor):
    • Associated Cancer Types: Breast cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer.
    • Potential Mechanisms: Turkey tail mushrooms contain polysaccharide-K (PSK) and polysaccharide-peptide (PSP), which have been studied for their immune-stimulating effects. These compounds may enhance the body’s immune response to cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth.
  3. Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinula edodes):
    • Associated Cancer Types: Breast cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer.
    • Potential Mechanisms: Shiitake mushrooms contain beta-glucans and other bioactive compounds that possess anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing properties. These compounds may help regulate immune function and exert anti-cancer effects by inhibiting tumor cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis (cell death).
  4. Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa):
    • Associated Cancer Types: Breast cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia.
    • Potential Mechanisms: Maitake mushrooms are rich in beta-glucans and polysaccharides, which have been shown to stimulate immune function and exhibit anti-tumor activity. These compounds may help modulate the immune response to cancer cells and inhibit angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels that feed tumors).
  5. Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus):
    • Associated Cancer Types: Breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer.
    • Potential Mechanisms: Chaga mushrooms contain a variety of bioactive compounds, including polysaccharides, phenolic compounds, and melanin. These compounds possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating properties that may help inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce apoptosis, and suppress tumor growth and metastasis.

While these mushrooms show promise in laboratory studies and some clinical trials, more research is needed to fully understand their potential anti-cancer effects and determine their efficacy and safety for cancer prevention and treatment in humans. It’s essential to incorporate these mushrooms into a balanced diet and consult with a healthcare professional before using them as complementary or alternative therapies for cancer management.


CDC : All Those Turbo Cancers Were Just Because Cancers Were “Missed” During the Pandemic



in the USA how are most cancers found? By patient complaint, by blood testing, by other testing, by scheduled testing after a certain age or with other co-morbidities, i’d like up to 2 pages this is for a medical article I am writingChatGPT

In the United States, the detection of cancer typically involves a multifaceted approach that combines patient complaints, routine screenings, diagnostic testing, and sometimes incidental findings during medical evaluations. The methods used for detecting cancer can vary depending on factors such as the type of cancer, individual risk factors, and medical guidelines. Here’s an overview of how most cancers are found in the USA:

1. Patient Complaints: One of the primary ways that cancer is detected is through patient-reported symptoms or complaints. Symptoms can vary widely depending on the type and location of the cancer but may include persistent pain, unexplained weight loss, changes in bowel or bladder habits, persistent cough, lumps or masses, abnormal bleeding, and other concerning signs. Patients are encouraged to report any unusual or persistent symptoms to their healthcare providers, who can then conduct further evaluation and testing as necessary.

2. Routine Screenings: Routine cancer screenings play a crucial role in early detection and prevention. These screenings are typically recommended based on age, gender, and individual risk factors. Common cancer screenings include mammograms for breast cancer, Pap smears for cervical cancer, colonoscopies for colorectal cancer, PSA tests for prostate cancer, and CT scans for lung cancer in high-risk individuals. Screening guidelines are often established by medical organizations such as the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and are periodically updated based on new evidence and research.

3. Diagnostic Testing: When cancer is suspected based on symptoms or screening results, diagnostic testing is performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the extent of the disease. Diagnostic tests may include imaging studies such as X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, MRI scans, and PET scans to visualize tumors and assess their size and location. Biopsies, in which a small sample of tissue is removed for examination under a microscope, are often performed to definitively diagnose cancer and determine its specific type and characteristics.

4. Scheduled Testing: Certain populations may undergo scheduled testing based on age or other risk factors, even in the absence of symptoms. For example, individuals with a family history of certain cancers may be recommended for genetic testing to assess their risk. Additionally, routine health check-ups with healthcare providers may include screenings and assessments to detect cancer at early stages or to monitor for recurrence in cancer survivors.

5. Incidental Findings: In some cases, cancer is detected incidentally during medical evaluations or imaging studies conducted for other reasons. For example, a chest X-ray performed for respiratory symptoms may incidentally reveal a lung nodule, prompting further evaluation for lung cancer. Similarly, imaging studies performed for unrelated conditions may uncover unexpected tumors or abnormalities, leading to further investigation and diagnosis.

Conclusion: In the USA, the detection of cancer involves a combination of patient-reported symptoms, routine screenings, diagnostic testing, scheduled evaluations, and incidental findings. Early detection plays a critical role in improving cancer outcomes by enabling prompt treatment initiation and increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes. Healthcare providers play a vital role in educating patients about cancer awareness, recommending appropriate screenings, and conducting thorough evaluations to facilitate timely diagnosis and intervention. Continued research and advancements in screening technologies are essential for further improving cancer detection rates and reducing cancer-related morbidity and mortality.


can you generate say a top 20 cancer list, and which detection method(s) are most likely to find “that cancer”ChatGPT

Certainly! Here’s a list of the top 20 cancers along with the most common detection methods associated with each:

  1. Breast Cancer: Detection Methods: Mammography, Clinical Breast Examination (CBE), Breast Self-Examination (BSE), MRI (for high-risk individuals)
  2. Lung Cancer: Detection Methods: Low-Dose CT Scan, Chest X-ray (less effective), Sputum Cytology (for high-risk individuals)
  3. Colorectal Cancer: Detection Methods: Colonoscopy, Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT), Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), Stool DNA Test (e.g., Cologuard)
  4. Prostate Cancer: Detection Methods: Digital Rectal Exam (DRE), Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test, Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS), Prostate Biopsy
  5. Skin Cancer (Melanoma): Detection Methods: Skin Examination by a Dermatologist, ABCDE Rule (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter, Evolving), Skin Biopsy
  6. Bladder Cancer: Detection Methods: Urinalysis (detecting blood or abnormal cells), Cystoscopy, Urine Cytology, Imaging Studies (e.g., CT urography)
  7. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: Detection Methods: Lymph Node Biopsy, Blood Tests (e.g., complete blood count, LDH), Imaging Studies (e.g., CT scan, PET scan)
  8. Kidney (Renal) Cancer: Detection Methods: Imaging Studies (e.g., CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound), Urinalysis (detecting blood or abnormal cells), Kidney Biopsy (rarely done)
  9. Thyroid Cancer: Detection Methods: Neck Ultrasound, Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy, Thyroid Function Tests (TFTs), Thyroid Scan
  10. Leukemia: Detection Methods: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Blood Smear Examination, Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy, Flow Cytometry
  11. Pancreatic Cancer: Detection Methods: Imaging Studies (e.g., CT scan, MRI, Endoscopic Ultrasound), Blood Tests (e.g., CA 19-9), Biopsy (usually obtained during imaging-guided procedures)
  12. Liver Cancer (Hepatocellular Carcinoma): Detection Methods: Imaging Studies (e.g., CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound), Blood Tests (e.g., AFP), Liver Biopsy
  13. Ovarian Cancer: Detection Methods: Pelvic Examination, Transvaginal Ultrasound, CA 125 Blood Test, Pelvic Imaging (e.g., CT scan, MRI)
  14. Esophageal Cancer: Detection Methods: Endoscopy (Esophagoscopy), Biopsy, Barium Swallow Test, Imaging Studies (e.g., CT scan)
  15. Stomach (Gastric) Cancer: Detection Methods: Upper Endoscopy (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy), Biopsy, Imaging Studies (e.g., CT scan)
  16. Brain Cancer (Primary Brain Tumors): Detection Methods: Imaging Studies (e.g., MRI, CT scan), Neurological Examination, Biopsy (if accessible)
  17. Cervical Cancer: Detection Methods: Pap Smear (Pap Test), HPV DNA Test, Colposcopy, Biopsy
  18. Endometrial Cancer: Detection Methods: Transvaginal Ultrasound, Endometrial Biopsy, Imaging Studies (e.g., CT scan, MRI)
  19. Prostate Cancer: Detection Methods: Digital Rectal Exam (DRE), Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test, Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS), Prostate Biopsy
  20. Bone Cancer (Primary Bone Tumors): Detection Methods: Imaging Studies (e.g., X-ray, MRI, CT scan), Bone Biopsy

It’s important to note that some cancers may not have routine screening methods available, and detection often relies on clinical suspicion based on symptoms, risk factors, and diagnostic testing. Additionally, advancements in medical technology and research may lead to changes in detection methods over time.


Agent NukePro

stock here, thought this was funny, does kind of look like me.


The Original Fukushima Expose from 2011

stock here, flying cuttlefish found my original article after Fukushima, this was 3AM, so I pulled the story together pretty well.

Submitted by NukePro

Nuclear Japan, Stock market “holding up”, Pictures of ‘Reactor’ 3 and 4

I have continued amazement that very few photos from “on the ground” have been released from day 1.   It seems that the plants would have many cameras built in, and those systems destroyed by the quake or blast could be replaced with quickly set up cameras and/or robots.

This picture says volumes….”Reactor 3 and 4″ are not really facilities anymore, as opposed to smouldering masses of twisted metal.

From my continuing research, Chernobyl radiation release was pretty bad, and resulted from direct fire on the uranium and by-products.   Now they say that has already happened in Japan (perhaps).  See below for “Spent Fuel on Fire?!” which is still not 100% clear in my mind.

A scenario in which molten reactor materials -uranium–“perfectly” wraps around a pool of water, causing a super-heated explosion of steam launching radioactive materials in a massive blast is the “worst” case scenario, but what are the odds of this perfectly happening, perfectly wrong?   Very small is the general consensus and I believe that one.   Maybe in the range of 1%, NOT 10%.
What about a 5000 degF mass of molten reactor materials (let’s just say uranium, although stuff morphs into other stuff that can be worse) melting it’s way through a damaged concrete floor, into a pocket of water or sea water below the plant, or rolling right into the ocean?   Purely conjecture, but these are the mostly likely worst case scenarios IMHO.

And the Chernobyl type scenario, direct fire on the nuclear materials or, even worse, on the “used” nuclear waste that was being stored at reactors 4, 5, AND 6.    Prior to last night, we never even heard of 5 or 6, now we find that rather than store the waste materials underneath a big mountain like in western united states, that they decided last fall to store all the old materials in the facilities next to the working nuclear plants, on the ocean, on the ring of fire.

From a Russia Expert on Chernobyl, and the storing of nuclear spent materials–
Chernobyl Expert slams storage methods

“Spent Fuel on Fire?!”  –this is not clear, but seems quite possible.

Link below is from UN Nuclear Agency saying that indeed a spent fuel pool was in a fire at Reactor 4, review the picture above.  Indeed that article below is very clear that the fire was at the spent fuel pool, and that is what caused a huge release of radioactivity.

Spent Fuel Pool in a Fire

Corrections, further misinformation, and Pot Shots—
So someone says the fire was at the spent fuel (that would be very bad), and then someone else says…No, that fire was from an oil leak from a pump–and then points to a link—of which when you check the link, says nothing about the location of the fire, just that it was put out in 2 hours.  The second link also states how they tried to add water to the #4 spent fuel pool–and failed.   These spent fuel pools have 16 feet deep water over the top of the used fuel stored in them.   FOR CONVENIENCE, these pools are located at the roof level of the containment buildings!  What is there was a massive earthquake and the building was cracked, and the water leaked out!   What if the containment building also blew up due to hydrogen explosion.

Here is a direct download described how the used fuel is stored at Fukushima – very scary and enlightening READ IT

Here are the links to the “Corrections” comment — the Pot shot part

Here is the problem: The Authorities are very concerned with all out panic.  The Japanese people have strong morale values, and do not just “lose it” like would happen in most places already.   But at some point, if they reach the breaking point, it could be a very strong social reaction.

The governor of Fukushima prefecture, Yuhei Sato, criticised official handling of the crisis, telling Japan’s NHK TV: “The anxiety and anger being felt by people in Fukushima have reached a boiling point.”

So-the authorities want calmness, they don’t want to instill panic.   And thus they feel it necessary to withhold information, which has obviously been withheld from the very beginning.  Also the classic example of “Denial”….maybe it is not as bad as we think it is…example….”maybe it is just a coincidence that 4 airplane are off course and not communicating on 9-11-01”.    Denial, and hoping to avoid being “chicken little” should the situation not be as bad as you think it may be.  Very closely related to Denial is “Hope”.   Hope is a double edged sword, without hope –the will to take effective action can be curtailed, but the wrong hope, the ability to see the need for action can be blocked.

From the Emperor of Japan who rarely speaks in public, but is highly respected.

“I am deeply concerned about the nuclear situation because it is unpredictable,” he said. “With the help of those involved I hope things will not get worse.”


Please read this quote below and then look at the picture at the top of this post.

Nuclear experts have repeatedly stressed that radiation releases on the scale of Chernobyl are unlikely or even impossible, given the Japanese plant’s heavier engineering and additional layers of containment. Still, Tokyo Electric said radiation briefly rose to dangerous levels at the plant Tuesday morning and again on Wednesday.

Above from the Washington Post

But people have to make real decisions.   Do we encourage our family in Tokyo to leave at any cost, whatever it takes?   Transportation is difficult, most trains are running, there are blackouts on a regular basis.    Just how bad is it, how bad could it become?   Yesterday the winds were blowing the radioactive steam and such across the mainland of Japan, today the winds are blowing westerly across the Pacific.

And therein lies the dilemma, all based on poorly provided information, does one recommend drastic action?  Indeed, I would flee…the cost of fleeing may be fairly dear, but the cost of staying and have the worst or second worst or third worst scenario play out may be a very very high cost.

Finally, something to think about, here is one that appears to be a few days old, from and MIT nuclear “expert” stating in these excerpts–

Well, first off, we can’t have a Chernobyl-like situation. The system is designed so that as long as we keep water in there to keep it cool, nothing will happen.

Hypothetically, if the water all boils and evaporates, then the fuel will stay molten and eventually melt through the steel vessel. But that’s already beyond a hypothetical worst-case scenario for me. 

Then you have the other containment vessel, with a concrete faceplate underneath that’s between four and 10 feet thick. But melting through that is hypothetical beyond normal reasoning.

And then, worst comes to worst, there are pumps that can take water from the local cooling water supply, in this case the ocean, and just pump water in there. As long as there’s water in there, it might be expensive for the utility to get it cleaned up, but everything is going to be fine.

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It might be a financial disaster, but no member of the public has been hurt, and I doubt anybody will be.

 Here is a link to that MIT “Expert” — he is already proven wrong at many levels.

 Expert describes how bad could it get

This type of thinking reminds me of how our US security “experts” could not imagine an airliner being used as a weapon.    When will we demand better?

Chernobyl was attempted to be covered up 100% at the beginning, even though eventually 600,000 people used as “liquidators” were eventually brought in to cleanup, the first 200,000 were exposed to heavy radiation.  Some pictures (still in my mind from 1986) showed workers in normal street clothes shovelling radioactive materials into wheelbarrows.

Tokyo Electric Power tried to cover up their problems at the start, the Prime Minister was reportedly extremely mad when they finally fessed up a little bit 3 hours after it had already become a real problem.

Apparently they are bringing in “Firm Power” meaning a new power line from other utilities so at least the brave workers at the site have some real power to help in whatever tasks they are doing while wearing full suits and humping around huge air tanks on their backs.

I will be out in training all day Wed


2 Kings 18 & 19

This is about returning to the Lord and commands of Moses, and some payoffs.

Review at will, then we will look at 19



It is said that an angel killed 165,000 of King Sennacherib’s men in one night, and then he left and didnt come back, is there non-bible writings that describe this and if not, if you can also expand on the biblical reference


The story you are referring to is found in the Bible in the books of 2 Kings (2 Kings 19:35), 2 Chronicles (2 Chronicles 32:21), and the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 37:36). This biblical account describes a miraculous event during the Assyrian king Sennacherib’s campaign against Jerusalem. According to the narrative, an angel of the Lord intervened and struck down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night, leading to Sennacherib withdrawing from the siege of Jerusalem.

While this event is not directly corroborated by non-biblical sources, the Assyrian annals, which are the official records of the Assyrian kings, do confirm that Sennacherib did not conquer Jerusalem. However, the Assyrian records do not provide details about the cause of his withdrawal.

The biblical narrative, particularly in 2 Kings 19:35, states:

2 Kings 19:35 (New International Version):


That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies!

The account in Isaiah 37:36 is similar, emphasizing the miraculous nature of the event:

Isaiah 37:36 (New International Version):


Then the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies!

While the biblical narrative presents this event as a divine intervention, the exact nature of what transpired remains a matter of religious interpretation. Historical records outside the Bible do not provide additional details on the cause of Sennacherib’s withdrawal from Jerusalem, leaving the biblical account as the primary source for this particular event.

——————————————————— S

Sennacherib was an ancient Assyrian king who ruled from 705 BCE to 681 BCE. He was the son of Sargon II and one of the most significant rulers of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Sennacherib is known for his military campaigns, architectural achievements, and the various historical accounts of his reign, including those found in the Bible.

Key aspects of Sennacherib’s history include:

  1. Military Campaigns: Sennacherib conducted several military campaigns during his reign, expanding the boundaries of the Assyrian Empire. One of his most notable campaigns was against the Kingdom of Judah, led by King Hezekiah.
  2. Siege of Jerusalem: Sennacherib’s invasion of Judah included the famous siege of Jerusalem in 701 BCE. According to the Bible (2 Kings 18-19, Isaiah 36-37), the Assyrian king besieged Jerusalem but failed to capture it. The biblical account attributes the salvation of Jerusalem to divine intervention.
  3. Building Projects: Sennacherib was also known for his extensive building projects, particularly in the Assyrian capital of Nineveh. He constructed the famous “Palace Without Rival” and developed the city’s infrastructure, including canals and gardens.
  4. Assassination: Despite his military successes, Sennacherib faced internal challenges, including opposition from some of his sons. According to historical records, he was assassinated in 681 BCE, and his son Esarhaddon succeeded him as king.
  5. Historical Records: Sennacherib’s reign is extensively documented in Assyrian annals and inscriptions, providing valuable historical insights into the politics, military campaigns, and administration of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.

In the biblical narrative, Sennacherib is often portrayed negatively, especially in the context of the failed siege of Jerusalem. The story emphasizes divine intervention and portrays Sennacherib as an oppressor of the people of God. Despite his military prowess, the biblical account suggests that his campaign against Jerusalem ultimately failed.


2 Kings 17, Those of Israel Exiled and Overrun, by Their Sins They Were Directly Warned About


Hoshea Last King of Israel — Note added context from AI is at the bottom and it’s worth reading.

17 In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah, Hoshea son of Elah became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned nine years. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, but not like the kings of Israel who preceded him.

Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up to attack Hoshea, who had been Shalmaneser’s vassal and had paid him tribute. But the king of Assyria discovered that Hoshea was a traitor, for he had sent envoys to So[a] king of Egypt, and he no longer paid tribute to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year. Therefore Shalmaneser seized him and put him in prison. The king of Assyria invaded the entire land, marched against Samaria and laid siege to it for three years. In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and deported the Israelites to Assyria. He settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in the towns of the Medes.

Israel Exiled Because of Sin

All this took place because the Israelites had sinned against the Lord their God, who had brought them up out of Egypt from under the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. They worshiped other gods and followed the practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before them, as well as the practices that the kings of Israel had introduced. The Israelites secretly did things against the Lord their God that were not right. From watchtower to fortified city they built themselves high places in all their towns. 10 They set up sacred stones and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every spreading tree. 11 At every high place they burned incense, as the nations whom the Lord had driven out before them had done. They did wicked things that aroused the Lord’s anger. 12 They worshiped idols, though the Lord had said, “You shall not do this.”[b] 13 The Lord warned Israel and Judah through all his prophets and seers: “Turn from your evil ways. Observe my commands and decrees, in accordance with the entire Law that I commanded your ancestors to obey and that I delivered to you through my servants the prophets.”

14 But they would not listen and were as stiff-necked as their ancestors, who did not trust in the Lord their God. 15 They rejected his decrees and the covenant he had made with their ancestors and the statutes he had warned them to keep. They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless. They imitated the nations around them although the Lord had ordered them, “Do not do as they do.”

16 They forsook all the commands of the Lord their God and made for themselves two idols cast in the shape of calves, and an Asherah pole. They bowed down to all the starry hosts, and they worshiped Baal. 17 They sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire. They practiced divination and sought omens and sold themselves to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger.

18 So the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them from his presence. Only the tribe of Judah was left, 19 and even Judah did not keep the commands of the Lord their God. They followed the practices Israel had introduced. 20 Therefore the Lord rejected all the people of Israel; he afflicted them and gave them into the hands of plunderers, until he thrust them from his presence.

21 When he tore Israel away from the house of David, they made Jeroboam son of Nebat their king. Jeroboam enticed Israel away from following the Lord and caused them to commit a great sin. 22 The Israelites persisted in all the sins of Jeroboam and did not turn away from them 23 until the Lord removed them from his presence, as he had warned through all his servants the prophets. So the people of Israel were taken from their homeland into exile in Assyria, and they are still there.

Samaria Resettled

24 The king of Assyria brought people from Babylon, Kuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sepharvaim and settled them in the towns of Samaria to replace the Israelites. They took over Samaria and lived in its towns. 25 When they first lived there, they did not worship the Lord; so he sent lions among them and they killed some of the people. 26 It was reported to the king of Assyria: “The people you deported and resettled in the towns of Samaria do not know what the god of that country requires. He has sent lions among them, which are killing them off, because the people do not know what he requires.”

27 Then the king of Assyria gave this order: “Have one of the priests you took captive from Samaria go back to live there and teach the people what the god of the land requires.” 28 So one of the priests who had been exiled from Samaria came to live in Bethel and taught them how to worship the Lord.

29 Nevertheless, each national group made its own gods in the several towns where they settled, and set them up in the shrines the people of Samaria had made at the high places. 30 The people from Babylon made Sukkoth Benoth, those from Kuthah made Nergal, and those from Hamath made Ashima; 31 the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burned their children in the fire as sacrifices to Adrammelek and Anammelek, the gods of Sepharvaim. 32 They worshiped the Lord, but they also appointed all sorts of their own people to officiate for them as priests in the shrines at the high places. 33 They worshiped the Lord, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been brought.

34 To this day they persist in their former practices. They neither worship the Lord nor adhere to the decrees and regulations, the laws and commands that the Lord gave the descendants of Jacob, whom he named Israel. 35 When the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites, he commanded them: “Do not worship any other gods or bow down to them, serve them or sacrifice to them. 36 But the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt with mighty power and outstretched arm, is the one you must worship. To him you shall bow down and to him offer sacrifices. 37 You must always be careful to keep the decrees and regulations, the laws and commands he wrote for you. Do not worship other gods. 38 Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods. 39 Rather, worship the Lord your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.”

40 They would not listen, however, but persisted in their former practices. 41 Even while these people were worshiping the Lord, they were serving their idols. To this day their children and grandchildren continue to do as their ancestors did.


any idea what this great sin wasChatGPT

The passage in II Kings 17 attributes the downfall of the northern kingdom of Israel to the sins of its people. While the specific sins are mentioned throughout the chapter, a general overview reveals that the Israelites were condemned for turning away from the worship of the Lord and engaging in idolatry.

Here are some key aspects of their disobedience as outlined in II Kings 17:

  1. Worship of Other Gods: The Israelites were condemned for worshiping and serving other gods, a direct violation of the commandments that emphasized the exclusive worship of the God of Israel.
  2. Idolatry and Asherah Poles: The people indulged in the making and worship of idols and erected Asherah poles. These practices were explicitly forbidden in the Mosaic Law.
  3. Rejection of God’s Commandments: Despite numerous warnings from prophets whom God had sent to guide and correct them, the Israelites rejected the commandments of the Lord. The passage emphasizes the persistent disobedience of the people and their refusal to listen to the prophets.
  4. Following the Practices of Surrounding Nations: The Israelites were influenced by the customs and practices of the nations around them, engaging in detestable practices that were contrary to God’s instructions.

In essence, the “great sin” that led to the downfall of Israel was a departure from their covenant relationship with the God of Israel. Their worship of other gods, engagement in idolatry, and rejection of divine commandments ultimately brought about the Assyrian invasion and the subsequent exile of the northern kingdom’s inhabitants.


When he tore Israel away from the house of David, they made Jeroboam son of Nebat their king. Jeroboam enticed Israel away from following the Lord and caused them to commit a great sin.ChatGPT

The passage you’ve mentioned is from the Old Testament, specifically 1 Kings 14:15. Here’s the verse in context:

1 Kings 14:15 (New International Version):


15 And the Lord will strike Israel, so that it will be like a reed swaying in the water. He will uproot Israel from this good land that he gave to their ancestors and scatter them beyond the Euphrates River, because they aroused the Lord’s anger by making Asherah poles. 16 And he will give Israel up because of the sins Jeroboam has committed and has caused Israel to commit.”

In this context, the passage is referring to the sin of Jeroboam, who was the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel after the kingdom split into two (Israel in the north and Judah in the south). When Jeroboam became king, he was concerned that the people of the northern kingdom would continue to go to Jerusalem to worship at the temple, which was in the southern kingdom of Judah. In an attempt to consolidate his power and prevent the people from reuniting with the southern kingdom, Jeroboam set up two golden calves for worship—one in Bethel and the other in Dan.

This act of setting up alternative places of worship, complete with idols, was a deviation from the commandments of the Lord and led the people away from the true worship of God. It is often considered a great sin because it involved not only idolatry but also the intentional diversion of the people from the proper worship prescribed by God. The reference to “Asherah poles” in the verse further emphasizes the idolatrous practices that contributed to God’s judgment on Israel.


what are those polesChatGPT

Asherah poles were objects associated with the worship of the Canaanite goddess Asherah. In the context of ancient Israelite history and the Old Testament, these poles represented a form of idolatry and false worship that was explicitly prohibited by the Mosaic Law.

Asherah was a fertility goddess, and her worship often involved sacred groves, carved wooden images, and poles. The Asherah poles were typically made of wood or metal and were erected near altars or in designated places of worship. The people would engage in rituals, including offerings and various forms of worship, as part of their devotion to Asherah.

The worship of Asherah, along with other pagan practices, became a persistent challenge for the Israelites throughout their history. Despite clear prohibitions in the commandments given by God, some kings and individuals deviated from the worship of the Lord and embraced the fertility cults associated with Asherah.

The mention of Asherah poles in the Bible, including passages such as 1 Kings 14:15, is often a signal of the people’s departure from the true worship of God and their engagement in syncretistic and idolatrous practices. The destruction of Asherah poles and the eradication of idolatry were key themes in various periods of Israel’s history, as recorded in the biblical narrative.


Where is assyria then and now, and the statement that they are still there, does that have truth at the time, or now or both. So the people of Israel were taken from their homeland into exile in Assyria, and they are still there.ChatGPT

Historically, Assyria was an ancient kingdom located in the region that is now part of modern-day Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. The capital of the Assyrian Empire was Nineveh. The Assyrian Empire existed from the 25th century BCE until its fall in 609 BCE.

Regarding the statement about the people of Israel being taken from their homeland into exile in Assyria and the claim that they are still there, this needs clarification. The biblical accounts, particularly in the books of Kings and Chronicles, describe the Assyrian conquest of the northern kingdom of Israel in the 8th century BCE. The Assyrians, under various kings, invaded Israel, captured its capital Samaria in 722 BCE, and deported many of its inhabitants to Assyria.

The idea that the Israelites are still in Assyria today is not accurate in a literal sense. Over time, the descendants of those deported from Israel would have assimilated into various cultures and regions. The Assyrian Empire itself eventually fell, and the region underwent numerous changes in terms of rulership and demographics.

In the contemporary context, the term “Assyria” is more commonly associated with the Assyrian people, an ethnic group indigenous to the Middle East. The descendants of the ancient Assyrians still live in the region, particularly in Iraq, Syria, Iran, and parts of Turkey. However, it’s important to note that their presence in these areas does not imply a direct, unbroken line from the ancient Assyrians of biblical times.

In summary, while there is a historical connection between the ancient Assyria and the modern Assyrian people in the Middle East, the notion that the people of Israel deported to Assyria during ancient times are still there today is not accurate. The diaspora of the Israelites led to their integration into various societies throughout history.


Let’s Talk About Some Jews on 311

stock here: although I don’t agree with everything in here, and question the strength of some of their “points”, it is still a great article with a lot of background. To me it is the basis for further research and enhancement. The term “fake jews” has come into play the last year or so. This feeds into that meme. Lots of cool maps too.

One point that I wanted to make viral is that Semite described a language grouping which extended from Northern Africa, Egypt, and into the Middle East. The whole notion of anti-semetic is a saying latched onto by many of the “fake Jews”. They use this to cloak themselves “in abuse”, to cover their own crimes against humanity.

Others, in the comment section, also feel the article to be excellent, but sometimes needing additional Nuance. See image

And another, I am going to run this through AI and get more context.

This 2 Kings 17-19 seemed very important to me, and it is. I deep dive in the next article.


The chosen Hebrews, not converted Jews, were the ones God had the Old Covenant with. They’re all dead.

“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20

Today, the Ashkenazim constitute the majority of those who are known as Jews.

Since they are not Hebrews, it is very important to understand what the bible and history have to say about them, while bearing in mind that 1) Abraham was a descendant of Shem – hence the term Semite or Shemite; 2) his scion Jacob and his twelve sons were the true biblical Hebraic Israelite nation with whom God had the Old Covenant (not with converted Jews); 3) the true Israelite nation no longer exists, and their land inheritance expired with them.

This is what the Bible has to say about the Ashkenazim in Genesis 10:

“1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. 2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.” (Emphasis Added)

Today’s Ashkenazi Jews, or descendants of Ashkenaz, are some of the GENTILES (Goyim) the bible speaks of. Why then do Ashkenazim call Christians and other non-Jews Gentiles, while pinning on themselves the term Chosen People? Is it ignorance or deception? It’s definitely not ignorance. And if to those outside it looks like deception, to them it’s pure re-branding. The ultimate Chutzpah!

Consider the terrible irony!

Ashkenazic (and Sephardic) Jews are themselves the Gentiles that many rabbis warn their congregations not to marry. To further the re-branding, they also call themselves Semites or Shemites when they’re JAPHETITES, which means they’re not Hebrews either. This re-branding is much like the way most of them – if not the majority of them – keep changing their last names every time they settle in a new country. The reason is simple and quite pragmatic. It’s a survival mechanism.

The Ashkenazim are a resilient, roaming Turkic people. They have a knack for reinventing themselves.

REINVENTION 1: Scythians

The Ashkenazim’s first reinvention surfaced in world annals as the notoriously barbaric Scythians or Sakadeans, depending on regional phonetic.

“Here there is no Gentile or Judahite, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3: 11

The word Scythian or Sakadean comes from the word Saka – with its Iranian verbal root Sak, meaning to roam. The Iranian Empire, then named Parthia and abutting Scythia, influenced that word.


The Scythians settled Central Eurasia which they conquered with their Gentile brother Togarmath and various other cousins, expanding across a vast track of land that encompassed but was not limited to parts of present-day Turkey and Iran. Their Gentile brother Riphath along with their uncle Javan’s descendants settled in Greece.

REINVENTION 2: Khazarians

Later on, the Ashkenazim reinvented themselves and settled a land they would call Khazaria – from the word Qasar, with its Turkic root Qaz, meaning to roam – following the break-up of the western Turkish Steppe Empire. Then the country converted en masse to Judaism/Pharisaism, sometime between 740 and 920 AD, just so they could remain independent of the two competing empires of that time, Christianity and Islam.

Judaism was the most actively proselytizing religion,” explained Jewish historian Shlomo Sand. “The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas.”


Then, Sviatoslav I of Kiev destroyed Khazaria around 1048 and absorbed it into Kievan Rus’, a territory that would later become part of the Russian Empire.

In Imperial Russia, the Ashkenazim were kept under tight control and enclosed in the Pale of Settlement, which, according to Wikipedia, “was a western region of the Russian Empire with varying borders that existed from 1791 to 1917 where permanent residency by Jews was allowed and beyond which Jewish residency, permanent or temporary, was mostly forbidden.”

A treatment for which the Ashkenazim – aka the “Never Forget, Never Forgive” people, except for when they themselves commit crimes against humanity – never exculpated Russia.

Khazar Ashkenazi Jews 1878

REINVENTION 3: Bolsheviks

Biding their time, they nurtured their hatred for Russia and plotted their revenge along with a new reinvention. They became the power behind the heinous Bolsheviks who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches, according to famed Christian Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn.


The great majority of the Bolsheviks were Russian Ashkenazi Jews such as Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trosky, Lev Kamenev, Gregory Zinoviev, Yakov Sverdlov, and Grigory Sokolnikov. They were financed by Ashkenazi bankers from New York and London such as Rothschild Bank and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn and Loeb & Co., who themselves championed the destructive ideology of the Ashkenazi Karl Marx and found it profitable to invest in Communism’s disastrous conquest of Russia, while making a few bucks in the process by plundering the country via well placed agents who would later be known as “oligarchs.”

Russia’s entire Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991. Thus the Ashkenazim succeeded in bringing Russia to its knees.

Today, Russia is under fire for the conflict in Ukraine. A conflict that was started by the neocon Ashkenazi Victoria Nuland in the US State Department, with her neocon Ashkenazi husband Robert Kagan working in the background via powerful organizations such as Project for a New American Century, the Brookings Institution, and Council on Foreign Relations. The Ashkenazi George Soros also contributed financially to the Ukrainian Maidan “Revolution.”

Their sole purpose is to destroy Russia once again by starting a fire in its underbelly, Ukraine. A fire they’re planning to spread into Russia proper via military and economic warfare. Why? Because Russia had the gall to rise from its still warm Ashkenazi-induced ashes. And because Russia had the temerity to arrest their well placed thieving agents known as “oligarchs,” with some fleeing the country. And because Russia had the audacity to impede the American war on Syria which was orchestrated by AIPAC for the benefit of Israel. And because Russia threatens the Ashkenazi-Jewish domination of the US Dollar as the World Reserve Currency and as issued by the Jewish-controlled Federal Reserve.

REINVENTION 4: Errant/Wandering Jews

After the destruction of Khazaria, a great number of Ashkenazim scattered East and West throughout Europe and reinvented themselves as Errant Jews or Wandering Jews – meaning Roaming (Khazarian/Sakadean or Scythian) Jews. That label had nothing to do with a longing for Palestine but a longing for Khazaria or perhaps a longing for a new land, any new land. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:

In 1903 Theodore Herzl presented the British Uganda Program at the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel.

In the late 1930s, the British Zionist League considered a number of other places where a Jewish homeland could be established. The Kimberley region in Australia was considered until the Curtin government (in office: 1941–1945) rejected the possibility.

With the support of the then Premier of Tasmania, Robert Cosgrove (in office from 1939), Critchley Parker proposed a Jewish settlement at Port Davey, in south west Tasmania. Parker surveyed the area, but his death in 1942 put an end to the idea.

The Jewish Autonomous Oblast set up in the Russian Far East in 1934, represented a Soviet approach to providing a Jewish homeland.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast
Birobidzhan Main Square

Now note that all these attempts were being orchestrated only by Ashkenazi Jews, and not by the other racially identifiable Jews.


In the wake of World War 2, a great number of Ashkenazim reluctantly assimilated themselves throughout the Americas. However, the great majority migrated to Palestine where they created many terrorist groups such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah. They terrorized the Palestinian population, killed thousands upon thousands, and forced hundreds of thousands out of their homes and into neighboring Arab countries. Consequently, they stole Palestine and renamed it Israel in order to reinvent themselves as Hebrews and hoodwink gullible Christians in the West.

In their adoptive countries outside of Israel, including the US and Europe, the Ashkenazim have become financial and influential powerhouses, not because they’re Jews – at heart the majority of them are really not religious at all and couldn’t care less – but because they’re a shrewd people. They have learned much from their roaming throughout history, and they assimilate themselves fast and hard. They’re the ultimate Nomads.

Could it be that, after two successive ideological failures in the forms of Communism and the current slow-motion destruction of Zionism in Israel, somewhere deep inside the minds of die-hard Ashkenazi leaders lies a plan for a new reinvention? Will that reinvention be the re-conquest of their Khazar Khaganate – a land that is now situated deep inside Russia and encompasses Ukraine and Crimea? Is that why Putin suddenly reattached Crimea to Russia? Will they be okay with just Ukraine?

REINVENTION 6? Time will tell.


It seems that people today have forgotten that Ancient Israel, specifically the tribe of Judah, unlike Modern Israel, and much like Biblical Israel’s offspring, the Christian Church, was a proselytizing nation which wanted people all over the world to know and pray to the true God of the Universe, even though at one point the conversion process had become totally corrupted because of the pharisaic teachings. Let’s hear Jesus:

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:15

The 13th Tribe - Book Cover

The 13th Tribe

When these folks converted they didn’t miraculously become Judahites and Hebrews. How could anyone?

“Judahites and proselytes Acts 2: 11

The Ashkenazim of Khazaria, like all the others who converted to the religion of the ancient Judahites, only professed to adhere to the various rules of the faith. They maintained their own cultures and identities. Today they are known as Talmudic Jews, Karaite Jews, and Torah Jews. See The Word Jew is NOT in the Bible.

“The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin,” concluded Jewish-American geneticist Dr. Eran Elhaik in his research that turned two generations of Jewish genome inquest upside down. “We are talking here about groups that are very heterogeneous and which are connected solely by religion…[the] genome of European Jews is a mosaic of ancient peoples and its origin is largely Khazar.”



The story of the Ashkenazi Khazars is detailed in the book The Thirteenth Tribe, a historical account by Jewish author Arthur Koestler. Enjoy the book by clicking on this link: The 13th Tribe.

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3-11-2011 Fukushima, NukePro Broke the Real Story on ZeroHedge

stock here, on this most evil of days. The main trunk of a huge Maple simply popped off and plummeted to the ground in a mess. Missing my $6500 Garden Tractor by feet. It also missed the Carboy that was tapping the tree for Maple Syrup. Maybe the tree was protesting, LOL, but the Holy Spirit did look out for me. Tomorrow, most of the tree will come down and become the basis for a Hugle Culture mound.

I am not keen on going to “premium” on ZH, $85 a month, doesn’t fit in my “Retirement Budget”, in order to get to the archives, maybe someone can go in, and copy the whole thing and send it to me.



I got up at 3AM on 3-16-2011 and decided that I needed to form an opinion about how bad Fukushima really was. We have family on the far other side of Tokyo from the Fukushima, and I wanted to be able to provide an opinion.

Working with the available resources, many conflicted. I determined that this was a serious and large problem.

Read that old story here. Obviously my nuke knowledge was a lot less back then, but the call was correct, and actually it has turned out far worse than I envisioned at the time.

This link is from my archived Nukepro, it was restored but a prime component, the pictures, were stored by blogger in such a way, as to make full restoration of the images all but impossible without a tedious step by step process, IF I could find the images in various hardrives that would take hours to merge.

One of the government trolls (a real nuclear “expert”) was Loose Nuke, he always showed up, on my strongest posts. I remember this one, in which I proved that the reinforced concrete damage could not have been caused by a hydrogen explosion, after close review of US Military documents and images showing effects of different magnitudes of explosions on reinforced walls. It was a type of nuclear explosion called a Prompt Moderated Criticality.


First time I tried, the images in the above link do not show up, but if I “open in new tab” I can glean the JPG file name, which could then be searched for. Still tedious. Maybe next winter? When we always think there will be so much time, and there never is.

One of the images that caused me to break the real Fukushima story on ZeroHedge.

ChatGDP defends that narrative…..


on this anniversary of the nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima, i wish for you to revisit the historical documents which portend that the explosion at reactor 3 was a type of nuclear explosion called a prompt moderated criticalityChatGPT

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there is no credible evidence to support the claim that the explosion at reactor 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was a “prompt moderated criticality,” which implies a type of nuclear explosion. The explosions at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in 2011 were widely understood to be hydrogen explosions, not nuclear explosions.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a result of a massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11, 2011, which led to the loss of power and cooling capabilities at the plant. The overheating of the reactor cores resulted in hydrogen gas buildup, leading to explosions in the outer buildings of reactors 1, 3, and 4. These explosions were not caused by a nuclear detonation but rather by the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.

It’s essential to rely on credible sources and scientific evidence when discussing events of this magnitude. If there have been new developments or claims made after my last update in January 2022, I recommend checking with reputable sources and experts in nuclear physics and engineering for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


can you describe what a prompt moderated criticality is, US scientists did research and made videos of a prompt moderated criticality at different energies until it final blew the plant to smitherines. ChatGPT

A prompt moderated criticality refers to a specific type of nuclear reaction that can occur when fissile material (such as enriched uranium or plutonium) undergoes a rapid chain reaction. In a prompt moderated criticality, the chain reaction is moderated, or slowed down, by the presence of a substance that effectively scatters neutrons, allowing more fissile material to become involved in the reaction.

The term “prompt” indicates that the neutron-induced fission reactions happen relatively quickly, without a significant delay. “Moderated” refers to the process of slowing down neutrons through collisions with a moderator material, which is often used to enhance the probability of further fission reactions.

It’s important to note that prompt moderated criticality is typically a controlled process in nuclear reactors. The reactor’s design, control systems, and safety measures are carefully engineered to ensure a sustained and controlled chain reaction. Uncontrolled criticality, where the chain reaction accelerates rapidly and uncontrollably, can lead to a nuclear explosion.

However, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 was not caused by a prompt moderated criticality resulting in a nuclear explosion. The explosions at the Fukushima plant were hydrogen explosions in the outer buildings of the reactors, caused by the buildup of hydrogen gas resulting from the overheating of the reactor cores. These were not nuclear detonations but rather chemical reactions. The events were triggered by a loss of power and cooling capabilities due to a massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami.


I have data that shows that the 12″ concrete reinforced walls which were shredded and left in tatters could not possibly be caused by a hydrogen explosion even if that explosion was tightly contained and directed at the walls.ChatGPT

The destruction of concrete-reinforced structures at a nuclear facility would need a careful and thorough investigation by experts in the field to determine the specific causes. While hydrogen explosions were identified as a contributing factor in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the extent of damage and the specific mechanisms involved would require detailed analysis.

It’s crucial to consider that the information surrounding events like these is often complex and multifaceted. Various factors, including the initial earthquake, the subsequent tsunami, the loss of cooling systems, and the hydrogen explosions, all played roles in the overall damage to the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

If you have data or observations that you believe contradicts the widely accepted explanations for the events at Fukushima, it would be advisable to share this information with relevant experts or authorities in the field. Nuclear physicists, engineers, and other professionals with expertise in the subject matter would be best equipped to evaluate the technical aspects of your findings and provide insights into the specific nature of the damage.

Consulting with reputable scientists, engineers, or institutions involved in nuclear safety and analysis would be a prudent approach to gaining a deeper understanding of the factors at play in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.


It’s Time to Take Down All The Heroes. Honey Pots and Psychic Panderings: Mercola in Focus

stock here: As I read this first tweet, I thought that Doctor Mercola had discovered a third of fourth stage cancer, although I was certain he did not take The Jab. Not so, instead the story is that he is taking drastic actions at his own company, including firing his sister, purportedly on advice of a psychic. Here is a reference story from 2022


I killed off my Twitter account, but just had to get another one because there is too much “news” on Twitter. Here is just the screen cap.

I also do not have time to dig into this on this most evil day of the year. I shall focus on creating my best self by getting shit done, without the aid of BAHLON

The sub-stack universe is indeed rich and diverse.


From the substack

Remember that time that I said there are cultists all over the MFM, collected enormous amounts of information about it all, and I got mostly eye rolls from the various serious people leading the movement who are otherwise themselves engaged in various gaslighting?

Here is Dr Alexander, he does speak some truths. The volume of his work is such that it is clear that he is paid for this effort.



Biden’s Worst Moments

stock here: this is elder abuse. Jill set it up and Ashley is disgusted with Jill.


Sad Little Murderous Puppet Zelensky, An Image Review


Those Not Normally in Position of Power and Privilege Who Are High in Testosterone Area Easier to Honey Pot, Easier to Trigger

stock here: the ramifications of this epiphany should make many world events make more sense. Look at the prosecutors of Trump.


Young Pilots Dying, 3 Dead in 3 Weeks



Israel’s Dimon’a Nuclear Reactor

What Israel Is Digging Up Under Dimona’s Nuclear Reactor 2021 Story In the Injection Roll Out

Israeli construction work at the nuke site began in late 2018 or early 2019. It may be for burying radioactive waste or simply be an anti-aging effortSend in e-mailSend in e-mail Yossi Melman

Mar 3, 2021

The only surprise about the satellite photos showing extensive construction at Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor is that they were only published now. The story began with photographs taken in early January by a Chinese commercial satellite, SuperView-1, which were later viewed by independent Princeton researchers



DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A secretive Israeli nuclear facility at the center of the nation’s undeclared atomic weapons program is undergoing what appears to be its biggest construction project in decades, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show.

A dig about the size of a soccer field and likely several stories deep now sits just meters (yards) from the aging reactor at the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center near the city of Dimona. The facility is already home to decades-old underground laboratories that reprocess the reactor’s spent rods to obtain weapons-grade plutonium for Israel’s nuclear bomb program.

What the construction is for, however, remains unclear. The Israeli government did not respond to detailed questions from the AP about the work. Under its policy of nuclear ambiguity, Israel neither confirms nor denies having atomic weapons. It is among just four countries that have never joined the Non-Proliferation Treaty, a landmark international accord meant to stop the spread of nuclear arms.

The construction comes as Israel — under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — maintains its scathing criticism of Iran’s nuclear program, which remains under the watch of United Nations inspectors unlike its own. That has renewed calls among experts for Israel to publicly declare details of its program.

What “the Israeli government is doing at this secret nuclear weapons plant is something for the Israeli government to come clean about,” said Daryl G. Kimball, executive director of the Washington-based Arms Control Association.

With French assistance, Israel began secretly building the nuclear site in the late 1950s in empty desert near Dimona, a city some 90 kilometers (55 miles) south of Jerusalem. It hid the military purpose of the site for years from America, now Israel’s chief ally, even referring to it as a textile factory.

With plutonium from Dimona, Israel is widely believed to have become one of only nine nuclear-armed countries in the world. Given the secrecy surrounding its program, it remains unclear how many weapons it possesses. Analysts estimate Israel has material for at least 80 bombs. Those weapons likely could be delivered by land-based ballistic missiles, fighter jets or submarines.

For decades, the Dimona facility’s layout has remained the same. However, last week, the International Panel on Fissile Materials at Princeton University noted it had seen “significant new construction” at the site via commercially available satellite photos, though few details could be made out.

Satellite images captured Monday by Planet Labs Inc. after a request from the AP provide the clearest view yet of the activity. Just southwest of the reactor, workers have dug a hole some 150 meters (165 yards) long and 60 meters (65 yards) wide. Tailings from the dig can be seen next to the site. A trench some 330 meters (360 yards) runs near the dig.

Some 2 kilometers (1.25 miles) west of the reactor, boxes are stacked in two rectangular holes that appear to have concrete bases. Tailings from the dig can be seen nearby. Similar concrete pads are often used to entomb nuclear waste.

Other images from Planet Labs suggest the dig near the reactor began in early 2019 and has progressed slowly since then.

Analysts who spoke to the AP offered several suggestions about what could be happening there.

The center’s heavy-water reactor has been operational since the 1960s, far longer than most reactors of the same era. That raises both effectiveness and safety questions. In 2004, Israeli soldiers even began handing out iodine pills in Dimona in case of a radioactive leak from the facility. Iodine helps block the body from absorbing radiation.

Those safety concerns could see authorities decommission or otherwise retrofit the reactor, analysts say.

“I believe that the Israeli government is concerned to preserve and maintain the nation’s current nuclear capabilities,” said Avner Cohen, a professor of nonproliferation studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, who has written extensively on Dimona.

“If indeed the Dimona reactor is getting closer to decommissioned, as I believe it is, one would expect Israel to make sure that certain functions of the reactor, which are still indispensable, will be fully replaced.”

Kimball, of the Arms Control Association, suggested Israel may want to produce more tritium, a relatively faster-decaying radioactive byproduct used to boost the explosive yield of some nuclear warheads. It also could want fresh plutonium “to replace or extend the life of warheads already in the Israeli nuclear arsenal,” he added.

Israel built its nuclear weapons as it faced several wars with its Arab neighbors since its founding in 1948 in the wake of the Holocaust. An atomic weapons program, even undeclared, provided it an edge to deter enemies.

As Peres, who led the nuclear program and later served as prime minister and president of Israel, said in 1998: “We have built a nuclear option, not in order to have a Hiroshima, but to have an Oslo,” referring both to the first U.S. nuclear bomb drop in World War II and Israel’s efforts to reach a peace deal with Palestinians.

But Israel’s strategy of opacity also draws criticism from opponents. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif seized on the work at Dimona this week as his country prepared to limit access by the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency amid tensions with the West over its collapsing 2015 nuclear deal.

“Any talk about concern about Iran’s nuclear program is absolute nonsense,” Zarif told Iranian state television’s English-language arm Press TV. “Let’s be clear on that: It’s hypocrisy.”

The timing of the Dimona construction surprised Valerie Lincy, executive director of the Washington-based Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control.

“I think the most puzzling thing is … you have a country that is very aware of the power of satellite imagery and particularly the way proliferation targets are monitored using that imagery,” Lincy said. “In Israel, you have one known nuclear target for monitoring, which is the Dimona reactor. So you would think that anything that they wanted to keep under the radar would be kept under the radar.”

In the 1960s, Israel used its claims about adversary Egypt’s missile and nuclear efforts to divert attention from its work at Dimona — and may choose to do the same with Iran now.

“If you’re Israel and you are going to have to undertake a major construction project at Dimona that will draw attention, that’s probably the time that you would scream the most about the Iranians,” said Jeffrey Lewis, a professor also teaching nonproliferation issues at Middlebury.


Follow Jon Gambrell on Twitter at www.twitter.com/jongambrellAP.


Lent and Then Birth of A Jewish State

stock here: just some ramblings, but I am going to think on the tradition of reflection, discipline, and praying and/or meditation.

As a christian I have never understood the purpose or tradition or origin of lent, can you look at all threeChatGPT

Certainly! Lent is a Christian tradition that has its roots in the Bible and has been observed for centuries. It is a period of 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter Sunday. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter.

1. Purpose of Lent: The primary purpose of Lent is to prepare Christians for the celebration of Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Lent is a time of reflection, repentance, and spiritual discipline. It provides an opportunity for believers to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and acts of service. The 40-day period symbolizes the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness before beginning his public ministry.

During Lent, Christians are encouraged to examine their lives, repent of their sins, and seek a deeper relationship with God. It is a season of self-discipline and spiritual growth, with the goal of becoming more Christ-like in character.

2. Tradition of Lent: The tradition of Lent dates back to the early centuries of Christianity. The Council of Nicaea in AD 325 mentioned a 40-day period of fasting, but the specifics of Lent as we know it today evolved over time. Different Christian denominations observe Lent in various ways, with some placing a greater emphasis on fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.

Traditionally, Christians engage in practices such as giving up certain luxuries or indulgences during Lent as a form of self-denial. Many people also attend special church services, participate in additional prayer and Bible study, and focus on acts of charity and compassion.

3. Origin of Lent: The word “Lent” itself comes from the Old English word “lencten,” which means spring. The observance of a 40-day period of preparation before Easter can be traced back to the early Christian church, where catechumens (those preparing for baptism) underwent a period of intense spiritual preparation.

The 40-day duration is linked to various biblical events, such as the 40 days of rain during the flood in Genesis, the 40 years the Israelites spent wandering in the wilderness, and Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the desert.

While the specific practices and duration of Lent can vary among Christian denominations, the overall purpose remains consistent: a season of spiritual reflection and preparation leading up to the joyous celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter.


Can you expand in at least 1 page, the declaration itself and timely reviews in the news, The Balfour Declaration of 1917 had initially expressed British support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.ChatGPT

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 and Timely Reviews in the News:

The Balfour Declaration, issued on November 2, 1917, was a pivotal document in the history of the Middle East, shaping the trajectory of the Zionist movement and laying the groundwork for the establishment of the State of Israel. At the heart of the declaration was a commitment by the British government to support the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire.

Declaration’s Historical Context:

The Balfour Declaration emerged during World War I when the Allies sought strategic advantages in the conflict. At the time, the British government, led by Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, believed that expressing support for Zionist aspirations could garner backing from Jewish communities, particularly in the United States and Russia. The Zionist movement, led by figures like Chaim Weizmann, had been advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland for decades, and the Balfour Declaration represented a significant diplomatic step towards that goal.

The declaration itself was a concise letter from Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a prominent British Zionist, expressing the government’s view on the establishment of a Jewish national home. It stated, “His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.”

Immediate Responses:

Initially, the Balfour Declaration was met with enthusiasm by many in the Jewish community, as it seemed to promise a homeland for a people with deep historical ties to the region. However, it was met with skepticism and resistance from the Arab population in Palestine and the broader Arab world, who viewed it as a betrayal of previous agreements and an infringement on their right to self-determination.

The Balfour Declaration became a source of tension and conflict in the region, setting the stage for decades of geopolitical struggles and disputes over land and identity.

Timely Reviews in the News:

Over the years, the Balfour Declaration has continued to be a subject of scrutiny, analysis, and debate in international news and academic circles. Its repercussions have been complex and multifaceted, contributing to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In news and scholarly discussions, the Balfour Declaration is often revisited as a historical document that significantly influenced the course of events in the Middle East. There are divergent opinions on its impact, with some praising it as a key moment in the realization of Jewish self-determination, while others criticize it for disregarding the rights and aspirations of the Arab population in the region.

Recent news articles and analyses often explore the legacy of the Balfour Declaration within the context of contemporary challenges in the Middle East. The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, issues related to the status of Jerusalem, and the broader dynamics of the region are frequently examined through the historical lens of the Balfour Declaration. Critics argue that the declaration laid the groundwork for the displacement of Palestinian Arabs, while proponents emphasize its role in the establishment of the State of Israel.

In conclusion, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 remains a consequential historical document with enduring implications. Its impact on the Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the broader geopolitics of the region continues to be a subject of analysis and discussion in the news, providing valuable insights into the complexities of historical legacies in contemporary global affairs.


Trump and the Lockdowns, Vaccines, Reality Check Down Memory Lane

I have given Trump a ton of shit about his handling of the vaccines. He should have fired Fauci and scarf lady Birx.

But have a look see at quotes and video from in the heat of the battle. Just look, man!


Another Freak In the UN

stock here: this reminds me of the public health experts that all look like death warned over.


The Real State of the Union Speech – Col. Douglas MacGregor

stock here


The Jews Bombed the Jews In Order to Get Their Jewish State

Indeed, the bombing of a Jewish target by a Jewish organization like the Irgun may seem paradoxical at first glance. However, it’s essential to understand the context and motivations behind such actions.

Firstly, it’s crucial to recognize that the Irgun’s primary target was British authority in Palestine, rather than the Jewish community itself. The bombing of the Jewish Agency headquarters in Jerusalem was likely intended to send a message to the British administration, as the Jewish Agency represented the Zionist leadership and cooperation with the British authorities. The Irgun sought to demonstrate its resolve and willingness to use force to achieve its goals, including the establishment of a Jewish state.

Regarding the broader geopolitical context, the British Mandate for Palestine was indeed influenced by various international agreements and commitments, including those made between Britain and the United States during World War II. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 had initially expressed British support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. However, conflicting promises to both Jewish and Arab leaders, as well as concerns over Arab reactions, led to British policies that restricted Jewish immigration and land acquisition in Palestine.

During World War II, as the Holocaust unfolded in Europe, pressure mounted on the British to facilitate Jewish immigration to Palestine. The plight of European Jews and the atrocities of the Holocaust garnered international sympathy and support for the Zionist cause. The 1944 Anglo-American Zionist Agreement, also known as the Biltmore Program, reflected growing American support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Following the war, with the British Mandate in Palestine becoming increasingly untenable due to widespread Jewish and Arab unrest, the United Nations proposed a partition plan in 1947 to divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. While accepted by Jewish leaders, the plan was rejected by Arab leaders, leading to the outbreak of violence.

The Irgun’s campaign of violence and sabotage against British targets, including the bombing of the King David Hotel and the Jewish Agency headquarters, contributed to British decision-making regarding their withdrawal from Palestine. The escalating conflict, coupled with international pressure and changing geopolitical dynamics, ultimately led to the termination of the British Mandate and the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948.

In summary, while the bombing of Jewish targets by Jewish militants may appear contradictory, it was part of a broader strategy aimed at challenging British authority and advancing the cause of Jewish statehood in Palestine. The eventual establishment of the State of Israel can be attributed to a complex interplay of historical, geopolitical, and ideological factors.


OpenAI and ChatGDP TErms of Service Seems Quite Reasonable and Well thought Out

stock here: I asked it a question about Jews bombing Jews on March 11, 1948, and it flagged my question as “possibly breaking our service rules” at which point I couldn’t see my question anymore, however it did answer, which I will post in the next article. Here are their Terms.

Usage policies

UpdatedJanuary 10, 2024

We’ve updated our usage policies to be more readable and added service-specific guidance.

We aim for our tools to be used safely and responsibly, while maximizing your control over how you use them. By using our services, you agree to adhere to our policies.

We have established universal policies applicable to all our services, as well as specific policies for builders who use ChatGPT or our API to create applications for themselves or others. Violating our policies could result in action against your account, up to suspension or termination. We also work to make our models safer and more useful, by training them to refuse harmful instructions and reduce their tendency to produce harmful content. 

We believe that learning from real-world use is a critical component of creating and releasing increasingly safe AI systems. We cannot predict all beneficial or abusive uses of our technology, so we proactively monitor for new abuse trends. Our policies will evolve based on what we learn over time.

Universal Policies

To maximize innovation and creativity, we believe you should have the flexibility to use our services as you see fit, so long as you comply with the law and don’t harm yourself or others. When using any OpenAI service, like ChatGPT, labs.openai.com, and the OpenAI API, these rules apply:

  1. Comply with applicable laws – for example, don’t compromise the privacy of others,  engage in regulated activity without complying with applicable regulations, or promote or engage in any illegal activity, including the exploitation or harm of children and the development or distribution of illegal substances, goods, or services.
  2. Don’t use our service to harm yourself or others – for example, don’t use our services to promote suicide or self-harm, develop or use weapons, injure others or destroy property, or engage in unauthorized activities that violate the security of any service or system. 
  3. Don’t repurpose or distribute output from our services to harm others – for example, don’t share output from our services to defraud, scam, spam, mislead, bully, harass, defame, discriminate based on protected attributes, sexualize children, or promote violence, hatred or the suffering of others.
  4. Respect our safeguards – don’t circumvent safeguards or safety mitigations in our services unless supported by OpenAI (e.g., domain experts in our Red Teaming Network) or related to research conducted in accordance with our Sharing & Publication Policy.  

We report apparent child sexual abuse material (CSAM) to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Building with the OpenAI API Platform

The OpenAI Platform allows you to build entirely custom applications. As the developer of your application, you are responsible for designing and implementing how your users interact with our technology. To make this easier, we’ve shared our Safety best practices, and offer tools like our Moderation Endpoint and customizable system messages. 

We recognize that our API introduces new capabilities with scalable impact, so we have service-specific policies that apply to all use of our APIs in addition to our Universal Policies:

  1. Don’t compromise the privacy of others, including:
    • a. Collecting, processing, disclosing, inferring or generating personal data without complying with applicable legal requirements
    • b. Using biometric systems for identification or assessment, including facial recognition
    • Facilitating spyware, communications surveillance, or unauthorized monitoring of individuals
  2. Don’t perform or facilitate the following activities that may significantly impair the safety, wellbeing, or rights of others, including:
    • a. Providing tailored legal, medical/health, or financial advice without review by a qualified professional and disclosure of the use of AI assistance and its potential limitations
    • b. Making high-stakes automated decisions in domains that affect an individual’s safety, rights or well-being (e.g., law enforcement, migration, management of critical infrastructure, safety components of products, essential services, credit, employment, housing, education, social scoring, or insurance)
    • c. Facilitating real money gambling or payday lending
    • d. Engaging in political campaigning or lobbying, including generating campaign materials personalized to or targeted at specific demographics
    • e. Deterring people from participation in democratic processes, including misrepresenting voting processes or qualifications and discouraging voting
  3. Don’t misuse our platform to cause harm by intentionally deceiving or misleading others, including:
    • a. Generating or promoting disinformation, misinformation, or false online engagement (e.g., comments, reviews)
    • b. Impersonating another individual or organization without consent or legal right
    • c. Engaging in or promoting academic dishonesty 
    • d. Failing to ensure that automated systems (e.g., chatbots) disclose to people that they are interacting with AI, unless it’s obvious from the context
  4. Don’t build tools that may be inappropriate for minors, including:
    • a. Sexually explicit or suggestive content. This does not include content created for scientific or educational purposes.

Building with ChatGPT

Shared GPTs allow you to use ChatGPT to build experiences for others. Because your GPT’s users are also OpenAI users, when building with ChatGPT, we have the following service-specific policies in addition to our Universal Policies:

  1. Don’t compromise the privacy of others, including:
    • a. Collecting, processing, disclosing, inferring or generating personal data without complying with applicable legal requirements
    • b. Soliciting or collecting the following sensitive identifiers, security information, or their equivalents: payment card information (e.g. credit card numbers or bank account information), government identifiers (e.g. SSNs), API keys, or passwords
    • c. Using biometric identification systems for identification or assessment, including facial recognition
    • d. Facilitating spyware, communications surveillance, or unauthorized monitoring of individuals
  2. Don’t perform or facilitate the following activities that may significantly affect the safety, wellbeing, or rights of others, including:
    • a. Taking unauthorized actions on behalf of users
    • b. Providing tailored legal, medical/health, or financial advice
    • c. Making automated decisions in domains that affect an individual’s rights or well-being (e.g., law enforcement, migration, management of critical infrastructure, safety components of products, essential services, credit, employment, housing, education, social scoring, or insurance)
    • d. Facilitating real money gambling or payday lending
    • e. Engaging in political campaigning or lobbying, including generating campaign materials personalized to or targeted at specific demographics
    • f. Deterring people from participation in democratic processes, including misrepresenting voting processes or qualifications and discouraging voting
  3. Don’t misinform, misrepresent, or mislead others, including:
    • a. Generating or promoting disinformation, misinformation, or false online engagement (e.g., comments, reviews)
    • b. Impersonating another individual or organization without consent or legal right
    • c. Engaging in or promoting academic dishonesty
    • d. Using content from third parties without the necessary permissions
    • e. Misrepresenting or misleading others about the purpose of your GPT
  4. Don’t build tools that may be inappropriate for minors, including:
    • a. Sexually explicit or suggestive content. This does not include content created for scientific or educational purposes.
  5. Don’t build tools that target users under 13 years of age.

We use a combination of automated systems, human review, and user reports to find and assess GPTs that potentially violate our policies. Violations can lead to actions against the content or your account, such as warnings, sharing restrictions, or ineligibility for inclusion in GPT Store or monetization.

GPT Store

We want to make sure that GPTs in the GPT Store are appropriate for all users. For example, GPTs that contain profanity in their names or that depict or promote graphic violence are not allowed in our Store. We also don’t allow GPTs dedicated to fostering romantic companionship or performing regulated activities.

These policies may be enforced automatically at submission time or applied retroactively upon further review.


  • 2024-01-10:  We’ve updated our Usage Policies to be clearer and provide more service-specific guidance.
  • 2023-02-15: We’ve combined our use case and content policies into a single set of usage policies, and have provided more specific guidance on what activity we disallow in industries we’ve considered high risk.
  • 2022-11-09: We no longer require you to register your applications with OpenAI. Instead, we’ll be using a combination of automated and manual methods to monitor for policy violations.
  • 2022-10-25: Updated App Review process (devs no longer need to wait for approval after submitting as long as they comply with our policies). Moved to an outcomes-based approach and updated Safety Best Practices.
  • 2022-06-07: Refactored into categories of applications and corresponding requirements
  • 2022-03-09: Refactored into “App Review”
  • 2022-01-19: Simplified copywriting and article writing/editing guidelines
  • 2021-11-15: Addition of “Content guidelines” section; changes to bullets on almost always approved uses and disallowed uses; renaming document from “Use case guidelines” to “Usage guidelines”.
  • 2021-08-04: Updated with information related to code generation
  • 2021-03-12: Added detailed case-by-case requirements; small copy and ordering edits
  • 2021-02-26: Clarified the impermissibility of Tweet and Instagram generators