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Fell Off My Radar — Meant to Get A Dash Cam — Failed No More

stock here, not much down side is you are a reasonable person acting in reasonable ways. Start with this video. My thoughts are that a covert dashcam would be the best option. Perhaps you did make a driving error, and “they” ask for your dash cam footage as “evidence”.


Cops Threaten American and He Threatens Them With Equal Force

Tyranny is one basic characteristics of some humans. It needs to be not accepted.

You have never studied the law. You’re just revenuers for a corporation operating under statues and codes” F…ing Gold

18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law

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Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 696; Pub. L. 90–284, title I, § 103(b), Apr. 11, 1968, 82 Stat. 75; Pub. L. 100–690, title VII, § 7019, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4396; Pub. L. 103–322, title VI, § 60006(b), title XXXII, §§ 320103(b), 320201(b), title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 1970, 2109, 2113, 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, §§ 604(b)(14)(B), 607(a), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3507, 3511.)


Some Men Just Want the Battle: Patterns of Force, Star Trek, Season 2

stock here: some comments on YouTube are extremely astute. I don’t remember this one, but I used to write my own Star Trek episodes.


Gene Roddenberry was 100% spot on with his Star Trek episode Season 2 Episode 21 ” Patterns of Force”

The “Star Trek” episode “Patterns of Force” (Season 2, Episode 21) is notable for its provocative storyline, where the crew of the USS Enterprise discovers that a Federation historian, John Gill, has imposed a Nazi-like regime on the planet Ekos. This episode explores the dangerous consequences of attempting to use a fascist system to create order, showcasing how such ideologies can be twisted to justify atrocities and totalitarian control.

Plot Summary

The episode begins with the Enterprise arriving at the planet Ekos to investigate the disappearance of Federation cultural observer John Gill. The crew is shocked to find that Ekos has developed a society mirroring Nazi Germany, complete with swastikas and Nazi-style uniforms. They discover that Gill, attempting to bring order to a chaotic society, modeled Ekos’ government after Nazi Germany, believing it to be the most efficient system. However, his intentions are perverted by his deputy, Melakon, who uses the regime to promote xenophobia and genocide against the neighboring planet, Zeon.

Kirk and Spock infiltrate the regime, eventually finding Gill drugged and used as a puppet by Melakon. With the help of the resistance, they manage to awaken Gill temporarily, who then denounces the regime and cancels the planned genocide before being killed by Melakon. The episode ends with the Ekosians and Zeons beginning to rebuild their societies without the oppressive Nazi influence.


The episode is a stark commentary on the allure and danger of authoritarian systems, demonstrating how even well-intentioned actions can lead to horrific outcomes when such ideologies are employed. It also critiques the idea of imposing external governance systems on other cultures, highlighting the ethical breaches and unforeseen consequences of such actions.


“Patterns of Force” was controversial, especially in Germany, where it was banned from broadcast until 1995 due to its depiction of Nazi symbols and themes. This underscores the sensitive nature of its content and the powerful impact of its anti-fascist message.

Overall, Gene Roddenberry’s vision in this episode was to use science fiction as a lens to critique real-world political and social issues, a hallmark of the “Star Trek” series.

For more detailed information, you can check the episode’s summaries and analyses on sources like Wikipedia and Memory Alpha.


Alex Christoforou — Truth Bombs Reporting from Europe

She is not “circling back” she is “stepping back”. KJP has a special place in hell waiting for her.


Some Conservatives May Love Their Country, But Unless They Can See The Dangers of mRNA, They Are Still Stuck in Their Own Prison of Overton Window

From comments on Zelensky and Ukraine and Orban Visiting from Hungary.

Another comment, about the US congress. Very few have come out against the clearly dangerous mRNA products, for one point. What are the common aspects of those noted here. Sad that I can only name VERY FEW IN CONGRESS in the United States that I say I have faith in THEIR LOVE OF OUR COUNTRY !! Marjorie TAYLOR GREEN EVEN ROUGH AT TIMES SHE ABSOLUTELY LOVES OUR COUNTRY!! Kat CAMMACK, HARRIET HAGEMAN, THOMAS MASSE CHIP ROY AND MATT GAETZ, RON JOHNSON , JIM JORDAN, COMER, TED CRUZ,JOHN CORNYN ARE THE ONLY ONES I HAVE NO DOUBT THEY LOVE AMERICA!!


The comment expresses a strong opinion about the perceived patriotism and stance of certain U.S. Congress members, particularly in relation to their positions on various issues, including the controversial mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Let’s break down the key elements and common aspects of the named individuals:

  1. Concerns About mRNA Products:
    • The commenter highlights a concern that very few members of Congress have come out against mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which they believe are dangerous.
  2. Named Congress Members:
    • The individuals mentioned are Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kat Cammack, Harriet Hageman, Thomas Massie, Chip Roy, Matt Gaetz, Ron Johnson, Jim Jordan, James Comer, Ted Cruz, and John Cornyn.
  3. Common Aspects:
    • Political Affiliation: All the named members are Republicans. This suggests that the commenter finds more alignment with their views within the Republican Party.
    • Conservative Stance: These individuals are known for their conservative positions on various issues, including limited government, individual liberties, and a critical stance on certain public health measures and mandates.
    • Outspoken Nature: Many of these members are known for being vocal and outspoken, often taking strong and sometimes controversial stances on issues.
    • Focus on Patriotism: The commenter emphasizes their belief that these members genuinely love America, indicating a perception that these individuals prioritize national interests and traditional values.
  4. Specific Individuals and Attributes:
    • Marjorie Taylor Greene: Known for her strong, often controversial positions and vocal support for conservative values.
    • Kat Cammack: A freshman representative known for her conservative viewpoints and advocacy for limited government.
    • Harriet Hageman: A newer political figure, often aligning with conservative principles.
    • Thomas Massie: Known for his libertarian-leaning views and emphasis on individual freedoms.
    • Chip Roy: Vocal about conservative issues and limited government.
    • Matt Gaetz: Known for his strong conservative stance and support for former President Donald Trump.
    • Ron Johnson: Vocal about his skepticism of COVID-19 vaccines and public health mandates.
    • Jim Jordan: Known for his strong conservative views and aggressive questioning in congressional hearings.
    • James Comer: Aligns with conservative principles.
    • Ted Cruz: A prominent conservative senator known for his strict constitutionalist views.
    • John Cornyn: While more moderate compared to some on the list, he is still seen as a strong conservative.

Overall, the common aspects among these individuals include a strong alignment with conservative values, a vocal and sometimes controversial approach to political issues, and a focus on patriotism and love for the country as perceived by the commenter.


Let’s Define Leftist vs Liberal, They Are Not the Same Thing At All

Consider wrapping your head around this. The leftists have decided to make an authoritarian push for total control, which is the only way for them to maintain their power and privilege, which if they lose power now, they will not just slink into the dark, but be chased, punished, imprisoned. So they have created the narrative of social justice, the trans “community”, and all the other dividing leftist lies, in order to engage the “feeling” personalities to accept and promote their false causes to create division. These feeling personalities are in large part “the liberals”. Because they operate on empathy and feelings, they accept the lies which have been branded as Woke, to be in stark contrast with MAGA. The perfect setup for easy to hate the other side. But here is my whole point: stop calling them liberals, and go directly to the reality, they are leftist authoritarians and at best liberals who bought the lies of the near total control over media by the leftists

Don’t parse the issue as liberal, go directly to what it is =leftists, whose policies throughout history have always failed, resulting in many societal inefficiencies, including millions of deaths. Those successful in business and media naturally gravitate towards thinking their singular success makes them “right” about most everything, and therefore they know what’s best for everyone else….this becomes authoritarian, and thus leftist.


New Attempted Meme….See We Are Strong On Border Security

Look at this smug POS, at first I thought it was Jeff Bezos, LOL

Note, they say nothing about how these 116 Chinese were picked. That is sure odd. Note that 37,000 Chinese were arrested at the southern border, how many more were never detected? Are those the most dangerous ones, it would make sense.

US deports 116 Chinese migrants in first ‘large’ flight in 5 years (msn.com)

Chinese nationals have become the fastest growing group to cross illegally into the US from the southern border. In the first five months of 2024, US officials apprehended 16,270 Chinese nationals along the US-Mexico border, so that is a rate of 39,048 per year in 2024, up from 37,000 in 2023. But the article claims that they have achieved a reduction of 40%. Total lying BS. And if they allowed to fly into Ecuador without a VISA then we should sanction Ecuador.


The Most Expensive States in the USA: The More Leftist It Is, the More It Costs

stock here: this is not a surprising result. Corruption, Inefficiency, Woke Mediocrity, and Inability to See The Truth, all result in higher cost.

Based on a 40-hour work week, that works out to an hourly wage of about $28 in Massachusetts and about $19 in West Virginia needed to cover basic expenses.

The 15 U.S. states with the highest cost of living for single people—No. 1 isn’t California, New York or Hawaii (msn.com)

Here’s a look at the 15 U.S. states with the highest cost of living, based on how much a single person needs to cover basic costs:

  1. Massachusetts: $58,009
  2. Hawaii: $56,841
  3. California: $56,825
  4. New York: $55,878
  5. Washington: $53,242
  6. Colorado: $51,644
  7. New Jersey: $51,504
  8. Maryland: $51,460
  9. Oregon: $50,553
  10. Rhode Island: $50,418
  11. Connecticut: $50,194
  12. Virginia: $49,973
  13. New Hampshire: $49,045
  14. Arizona: $48,677
  15. Georgia: $48,448

Housing is by far the biggest factor in most people’s budgets. At a median of $17,000, housing costs in the 15 most expensive states are nearly double that of the 15 least expensive states.


Calling The next Leftist Push: Keep The Slaves on the Reservation By Pretending That Everywhere Else is More Expensive

Like wartime Germany, and various genocides, the leftists will restrict movement, and especially leaving the country. This article, from one of the most corrupt, most leftist publications “Business Insider” indicates an attempted meme. Don’t Leave!!!

from the story (meme: and the traffic really sucks, worse than Chicago)

A retired boomer who moved from the US to Costa Rica said it’s ‘horribly incorrect’ to assume life in Central America is much cheaper (msn.com)

Moving across Costa Rica

When he first moved, he had not been to San José, nor did he know where the touristy areas were. He did some research before moving down, though he said there wasn’t much he could tell about particular areas other than what he could find on Google Maps.

He stayed at a hotel in San Pedro, on the capital’s outskirts, and then looked for an apartment nearby. A few decades ago, the area was predominantly coffee fields, meaning many developments are newer and have plenty of nature. However, he discovered he didn’t want to live there because of the intense rainy season. One day, he recalled it taking an hour to drive 100 yards due to the heavy traffic in the rain.

  • Gary Keenan moved from New Mexico to Costa Rica for retirement but found living costs high.
  • Keenan expected lower expenses in Costa Rica but faced double the cost for his car and groceries.
  • Though many are moving to Latin America for retirement, some are finding living costs expensive.

Gary Keenan, 71, moved from New Mexico to the Central Valley of Costa Rica nine years ago for his retirement after selling his company and finalizing a divorce. Little did he know that a decade later, prices for daily expenses would be often double what he paid in the US.7 Ways to Retire Comfortably With $500k

Fisher Investments

Here is an alternate take, on eating well and living a long healthy life in Costa Rica

I’m from Costa Rica: Here’s what we eat every day for a long, healthy life—it’s our ‘secret to longevity’ (msn.com)

The name “Costa Rica” translates to “Rich Coast” in English. The name was given by Spanish explorers in the early 16th century. The first documented use of the name was by the Spanish conquistador Gil González Dávila in 1522, who, upon arrival, was struck by the perceived wealth of the indigenous people and their lands.

The term “Costa” means “coast,” and “Rica” means “rich” in Spanish. The name reflects the explorers’ initial impression that the region was rich in gold and other resources. This is similar to other places named by the Spanish, such as “Puerto Rico,” which means “Rich Port.”

The name is “Costa Rica” and not “Costa Rico” because in Spanish, “Costa” is a feminine noun, and the adjective “Rica” must agree in gender. Thus, “Rica” is the feminine form of the adjective, aligning with the feminine noun “Costa.” If the noun were masculine, the adjective would be “Rico.”



Expanded Reading List? Try MISH, aka Mike Shedlock, from Chicago Area

Check him out, he has been a medium popular blogger for 20 years or more. The comment section is good also.



Trouble at the 54th “Pride” Parade in NY. Rewriting History Is A Tactic of The Communists

stock here: so this is the 54th “Pride Parade”???


Notice that NYP has turned off comments, even if you log in. Nothing to be prideful of here


Socialist Rachel Notley, Screeches to Keep Tucker Carlson Out of Canada. Leftist’s Hate an Open Debate

When their bullshit won’t stand up to the light of day, they censor, defame, lie. Standard leftist tactics…they also get violent and make false accusations.

It looks like we need to put the World Bank on the same list as the ilk of WEF and UN. SDG = Sustainable Development Goals


Rachel Notley’s Accomplishments

1. Minimum Wage Increase:

  • Action: Notley raised the province’s minimum wage to $15 per hour.
  • WEF Objective Comparison: Aligns with the WEF’s goal of addressing income inequality and ensuring fair wages.

2. Child Poverty Reduction:

  • Action: Implemented policies that cut child poverty.
  • WEF Objective Comparison: Consistent with the WEF’s focus on reducing poverty and improving social welfare systems.

3. Labour Standards Improvement:

  • Action: Enhanced labour standards, providing better protections for workers.
  • WEF Objective Comparison: Reflects WEF’s commitment to decent work and economic growth (SDG 8).

4. Accessible Child-Care Options:

  • Action: Introduced more accessible child-care options.
  • WEF Objective Comparison: Supports the WEF’s goals of gender equality (SDG 5) and quality education (SDG 4).

5. Consumer Carbon Tax:

  • Action: Introduced a carbon tax aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • WEF Objective Comparison: Directly aligns with WEF’s focus on combating climate change (SDG 13).

6. Phasing Out Coal-Fired Electricity:

  • Action: Began the phase-out of coal-fired electricity in Alberta, transitioning to natural gas.
  • WEF Objective Comparison: Supports WEF’s goals for clean energy (SDG 7) and climate action (SDG 13).

7. Gender-Balanced Cabinet:

  • Action: Appointed the country’s first gender-balanced cabinet.
  • WEF Objective Comparison: Strongly aligns with WEF’s commitment to gender equality and empowering women in leadership roles.

Comparison to WEF Objectives and Goals

Rachel Notley’s tenure as Alberta’s Premier saw significant policy decisions that align closely with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and broader objectives. Here’s how her key accomplishments match up with WEF’s goals:

  • Economic Growth and Fair Wages: Her minimum wage increase is a direct effort to address income inequality, which is a key WEF objective.
  • Social Welfare and Poverty Reduction: Actions to reduce child poverty and improve child-care options align with WEF’s focus on poverty reduction and ensuring social welfare.
  • Labour Rights: Improved labour standards reflect the WEF’s goals of promoting decent work conditions.
  • Climate Action: The introduction of a carbon tax and phasing out coal-fired electricity are significant steps toward WEF’s climate action objectives.
  • Gender Equality: Appointing a gender-balanced cabinet highlights her commitment to gender equality, a fundamental WEF goal.

Notley’s policies and actions have significantly contributed to aligning Alberta’s provincial objectives with the broader global goals set forth by organizations like the WEF, particularly in areas of economic equality, social welfare, and environmental sustainability.

what is her take on the LGBTQ “movement”ChatGPT

Rachel Notley has been a strong supporter of LGBTQ+ rights throughout her political career. Here are some key points regarding her stance and actions related to the LGBTQ+ movement:

Support for LGBTQ+ Rights

  1. Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Inclusivity:
    • Notley has consistently advocated for inclusivity and equal rights for LGBTQ+ individuals. Her government worked to create a more inclusive and accepting environment for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  2. Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs):
    • Notley’s government passed legislation that made it easier for students to establish Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) in schools, and also protected the privacy of students who join these alliances. This legislation was aimed at creating safer and more supportive school environments for LGBTQ+ youth.
  3. Human Rights Protections:
    • Under Notley’s leadership, Alberta’s human rights legislation was amended to include explicit protections for gender identity and gender expression. This was a significant step toward ensuring that LGBTQ+ individuals are protected from discrimination in various aspects of life, including employment, housing, and public services.
  4. Support for LGBTQ+ Community Events:
    • Notley has been an active participant in LGBTQ+ community events, such as Pride parades, and has used her platform to publicly support LGBTQ+ rights and visibility.

Comparison to WEF Objectives and Goals

Notley’s stance on LGBTQ+ rights aligns with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) goals of promoting inclusivity, diversity, and human rights. The WEF advocates for the protection and inclusion of all marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals, as part of its broader commitment to social equity and justice.

In summary, Rachel Notley’s support for LGBTQ+ rights is well-aligned with the WEF’s goals of fostering inclusive and equitable societies. Her actions and policies reflect a commitment to ensuring that LGBTQ+ individuals have the same rights and protections as everyone else.

what is the full name of her party and why do they assume the acronymn itself should not be placed at least once in their articleChatGPT

Rachel Notley’s party is the Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP).

The omission of the acronym “NDP” in the article might be an editorial choice for several reasons:

  1. Clarity and Readability:
    • The article might aim for clarity by using the full name, especially for readers who might not be familiar with the acronym “NDP.” Using the full name avoids any confusion and ensures that all readers, regardless of their familiarity with political acronyms, understand which party is being discussed.
  2. Emphasis on Formality:
    • Some editorial guidelines prefer using the full names of organizations, especially in the first instance, to maintain a formal tone. This is common in journalism to ensure accuracy and formality.
  3. Space and Style Considerations:
    • In some cases, the decision might be related to the space and style of the publication. Editors might choose to use full names in certain contexts to fit the style or length requirements of the article.
  4. Contextual Importance:
    • The article might be emphasizing the full name to highlight the party’s official title and its political stance clearly, especially in a context where it’s discussing significant political developments or the party’s history.

In general, while acronyms are useful for brevity, using the full name initially or exclusively can provide a clearer and more professional presentation, particularly in a formal news article.

what was tucker saying and doing, is there direct quotes from her re tucker Here the current role of Tucker Carlson is a notable example. I don’t know if you caught the spectre of the former ‘socialist’ Premier of Alberta, Canada, Rachel Notley, proposing that Tucker be barred from entering Canada before he made his scintillating political and ideological scalp taking foray into Alberta some months ago.ChatGPT

Rachel Notley, the former Premier of Alberta, expressed strong opposition to Tucker Carlson, particularly regarding his planned visit to Canada. Here are some direct quotes and actions related to her stance on Tucker Carlson:

Quotes and Actions by Rachel Notley Regarding Tucker Carlson

  1. Opposition to Carlson’s Visit:
    • Rachel Notley proposed that Tucker Carlson be barred from entering Canada. She expressed concerns about his influence and the potential for his rhetoric to incite division and hatred.
  2. Concerns Over Ideology:
    • Notley has been vocal about her disapproval of Carlson’s political and ideological views, which she believes are harmful and divisive. She has argued that his presence in Alberta could exacerbate existing tensions and promote extremist views.

Context of the Opposition

  • Carlson’s Ideological Influence:
    • Tucker Carlson is known for his conservative and often controversial viewpoints, which have been criticized by many for promoting divisive and inflammatory rhetoric. Notley’s opposition is likely rooted in a desire to protect her constituency from what she perceives as harmful and extremist influences.
  • Political and Social Climate:
    • The political and social climate in Alberta, as well as in broader Canada, has seen significant debates over issues of free speech, immigration, and social justice. Notley’s stance reflects a broader concern among some political leaders about the impact of highly polarizing figures on public discourse and social cohesion.

Summary of Tucker Carlson’s Role

  • Political and Ideological Influence:
    • Tucker Carlson has remained a prominent figure in American conservative media, known for his sharp critiques of liberal policies and politicians. His foray into Alberta was seen as an attempt to extend his ideological influence into Canada, which drew significant pushback from political figures like Rachel Notley.

In summary, Rachel Notley’s strong opposition to Tucker Carlson’s visit to Canada underscores her concerns about his potential to incite division and promote extremist views, reflecting a broader tension between liberal and conservative ideologies in the region.

I see Notley as more of a leftist than a liberal, a liberal would love to have a good debateChatGPT

Rachel Notley is often viewed as a leftist due to her progressive policies and strong advocacy for social justice, labor rights, and environmental initiatives. This perspective contrasts with the classical liberal idea of valuing open debate and dialogue. Here’s a more detailed view of her political stance and how it aligns with leftist ideologies:

Rachel Notley’s Political Stance

  1. Progressive Policies:
    • Notley’s government implemented several progressive policies, such as increasing the minimum wage, enhancing labor standards, and introducing a carbon tax. These actions are typical of a leftist agenda, focused on wealth redistribution, worker rights, and environmental protection.
  2. Social Justice:
    • She has been a strong advocate for social justice, including measures to reduce child poverty, improve access to child care, and protect LGBTQ+ rights. These initiatives align with leftist principles of equality and social welfare.
  3. Environmental Advocacy:
    • Notley’s efforts to phase out coal-fired electricity and her introduction of a carbon tax demonstrate a commitment to combating climate change, a key concern for many left-leaning politicians.

Comparison with Liberal Ideals

  • Debate and Dialogue:
    • While classical liberals value open debate and the exchange of ideas, leftists like Notley may prioritize social and economic reforms over engaging in debates with individuals they perceive as promoting harmful or extremist views. This could explain her strong opposition to Tucker Carlson, whom she likely views as a threat to social cohesion and progress.


Rachel Notley’s political actions and policies reflect a strong alignment with leftist ideologies, emphasizing social justice, environmental protection, and economic equality. Her opposition to figures like Tucker Carlson highlights a focus on protecting these values, even at the expense of open debate, which she might see as less productive or potentially harmful given the nature of Carlson’s rhetoric.