stock here: I woke up and the Hurricane was a fizall. This substack mirrors my thoughts.
Real1FisherMan talks about this having maybe being a scare tactic: build up a Category 5, and then defuse it near shore, maximum fear escalated first, then relief. It says to people that know it was engineered that we are at risk anytime: “Look at what we can do to you whenever we want.” Or flooding destruction was desired but not massive death. Category 1 hurricanes cause small things or siding or an aluminum roof, to blow around. That is what we saw in videos being shared. Flooding was at a foot last night. Category 4 or 5 hurricanes will blow down houses and trees.
I have seen Hurricane Milton being called a Category 3, this morning yet, and the Fisherman says they may do that to give people the impression that they lived through a really severe storm, but he saw no wind gauges showing winds over 100 mph, they were averaging nearer 90 mph.