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Local Health Care Cost 300% to 600% over Prior 6 Years, It’s the Injections!

stock here, local reporting from Lot’s Wife in Alaska. Higher rates of major disease are not just stretching budgets, it is blowing away budgets and needs emergency funding.

Writeup by Lot’s Wife.

At last week’s borough assembly meeting, managers of the school district’s healthcare accounting team asked for and received emergency funding ($560,000) to cover unexpectedly higher rates of major disease treatment for its employees.

This slide illustrates how medical claims are outpacing historic numbers.

The ordinance that authorizes the transfer is “2024-20-1L”. At the link below, note the number of accounts that were tapped to cover the gap.


According to informed sources, this is not an anomaly confined to Alaska. It’s nationwide, probably global. Insurance company executives are in a panic over paying death benefits and astronomical rates of cancer diagnosis and treatment. They say “unprecedented” barely covers the reality of demand.

Listening to the Assembly discuss the ordinance, it was obvious the request was not the time or place to engage substantive questions about the cost increases. Under questioning, the school district’s managers said the rise probably reflects a ‘bad quarter’ and not a trend. It passed unanimously. 

In an effort to fill the gap and prime the pump for a wider discussion, I sent the Assembly an extensive evidence file that makes the case the Covid “vaccine” is responsible for millions of deaths and even higher numbers of disabilities. Everything is fully vetted and sourced. With it under your belt, you can confidently defend the claim, “it’s the “vaccine”.

If you would like a copy of the file, send a note.

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