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Bird Flu: “I’m Scared to Death”

STOCK HERE, how much reality, how much fear mongering?


On Friday, the state health department confirmed Hawaii’s first discovery of avian flu in Central Oahu detected in a backyard flock of birds. Health officials say the virus detected here matches the strain that has infected domestic poultry and dairy cows on the U.S. continent.

“We were devastated. My heart dropped and to be honest, I couldn’t process it. It didn’t seem real and just immediate panic set in,” said Rocio Tapia, Aloha Animal Sanctuary, executive director.

A Waialua egg farmer has similar fears. Workers are starting to spray vehicle tires while banning visitors.

“I’m scared to death,” said Michael Sencer, co-owner Waialua Egg Farm.

He has more than 300,000 birds and roughly 70 employees.

“I’d hate to see it hit us and we lose everything,” he added.

One reply on “Bird Flu: “I’m Scared to Death””

Radio report just now Tues eve,
A child tested positive for Bird Flu….
Here we go! The plan is laid, the actors
are ready to get richer, the Tac Squad
Meth heads will destroy your house
if you dare resist the Mandatory Syringe!

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