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Organic: We Can Scale This Up To at Least 40%

stock here: lets scale up the 40% USA food supply to be Organic.

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Commenting as eagleQ.

18 minutes ago

Dozens of vaccines from birth till childhood.

Petrochemical sourced medicines.

GMO food plants and medicated animals.

Chemical farming.

Highly processed food with a plethora of chemical additives.

Chemicals in the water.

Air pollution from industry.

Most “work” involves sitting in front of a PC.

Tell me again how we are all supposed to be healthy again…? We are all just killing ourselves slowly in the name of convenience, progress and technology

2 replies on “Organic: We Can Scale This Up To at Least 40%”

Down in famous-green-chile Hatch NM,
unfortunately folks are lied to, and they are sold “Hatch” priced chile which
has been trucked over from Mexico.
Official Hatch labels get you significant
price boosts, but, like the Organic label,
It can be slapped onto a fancy-wrapped
dog turd, and folks will buy it!

Too bad for all of us raised by the
market and TV . They just announced a recall of carrots for E. Coli, multi-state.
They produce tons of “organic” labels,
Fruit sacks, etc.
Cohen the Notmilk man told of stopping
by a roadside “farmers market” where it
was basically big box commercial stuff
the same as any store.
I’m helping a good hearted lady who
buys all the most expensive items.
She’s going to have to get cheaper and
scrounging like me. In the Okanagon
valley in Washington, many years ago,
folks tried running a big organic
orchard, but all the bugs fled from all the surrounding orchards using poison
and camped at the unpoisoned one.

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