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The Overall Plot from ZH

stock here: sometimes the comments are the best

I was told that “semite” and “juice” are not the same thing. Its all muddled, intentionally or otherwise, over centuries of long murky history.

In any case, its clear now that there is a group belonging to the “Synogogue of Satan” who are going ALL out to wage FULL SPECTRUM warfare on humankind :-

– from DECIEVING billions into neutering or euthanizing themselves via deadly injectables containing mRNA / Spike protein / LNP / SV40 Cancer agents / graphene nano-tech? / DNA ‘contaminants’ from various animals such as pigs / cows / monkeys / snakes / hydra (aka various BEASTS, hence The MOTB ?)

– spraying Chemtrails/ infectious agents (unknown if its just some bad chemicals, bacteria or “virus” if it exists?) with drones or commercial airliners

– to various psyops and false flag operations from 9-11 to deliberate destruction of Nordstream undersea pipelines, to high altitude or satellite-based DEWs to burn out Haiwaiian houses without bright BLUE color ‘protection’ to Project ‘Bluebeam’ ?

– to subliminal imprinting in Disney cartoons, to LGBTQ school programming of your children’s minds, to incessant TV news propaganda, Hollywierd movie CASTING of Satanic spells, to laughably stupid “influencers” in TikTok / Twitter bird-brains / F***book yappers (who believed their own BS and took the jibby  “***” jabs, leading many of them to DIE off even as we speak)

– to instigating actual hot wars and military conflicts in Ukraine / Middle East since Libya / Iraq / Iran and recently Syria etc. in order to spark another global war. There are already (suppressed / unverified?) reports that “Isra-hell” has actually used a tactical nuke missile on Syria.

I do not know whether there is a “man-made virus” or if there’s even a “virus” in the first place or the supposed “spread” of various symptoms were due to some kind of chemical poisoning en masse.

I do know from personal experience there is such a thing as “common cold” which has probably been with us for millenia (but incidentally it somehow disappeared during the past few years of “CONvid-19” Lol)

During Miedeval periods, this group is infamous as the “well-poisoners” of history.


In contemporary times, I guess they have expanded their range of methods and technical capcabilities to “spread” death & destruction via “chemtrails” from drones in our common environment or “poison INJECTIONS” into the human “Well-spring” (of your physical body and human DNA gene pool).


See the eerie similarity of purpose and the psychopatic murder trail throughout history here? Lmao.play_arrow7play_arrow


3 hours ago(Edited)removelink

They hide behind the Semite label because they’re all a bunch of Eastern European carpetbaggers.

The real Semites are the targets of the genocide being perpetrated by the pseudosemites.

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