stock here: the more I dove in, the more “shaky” this place looks. Peruse the gallery.
Hawaii very odd also.
3 replies on “Calling for a Big ONE, San Fran, 7.3 in Next 2 Weeks”
Yes! As I recall we were talking about
the reverberating pings a few years back, and I’m so thankful my 8th
grade class had a textbook that went
Into detail about p-waves and s-waves
and magma and such.
The Cali fires as a precursor if seemingly unrelated. A social cushion of well-to-do
Citizens has been DeeStroyed. Folks
that could afford Malibu and the Palisades, real Taxpayers, which I have
never really been, in my poverty life,
these folks are now wiped out, unless
they are the really rich ones with diversified holdings, multiple houses to
run to. But most were clinging to a property as their primary investment, reliant upon the promise of Insurance to
sustain the whole game, and folks
hoped to retire on their investments,
and now we see the dollars are not
real, those jobs are gone, the people
now subject to The Price The Market
Will Bear, and the EEN-Shurance is
Bankrupt, and the justification for the
food companies to deliver into the
Gangster controlled warzone is gone.
So anyway, thanks again for your work
on this Info.
The Bay Area shake, and the Hilina slump slide, pull your Longboard and
get ready to Ride.
Hang them Tens, and smoke da Kine
The Pole Shift give you a new skyline.
hell ya, what an ending poem.
Going to see Jimmy Dore in Honolulu tonight if you heard of him
3 replies on “Calling for a Big ONE, San Fran, 7.3 in Next 2 Weeks”
Yes! As I recall we were talking about
the reverberating pings a few years back, and I’m so thankful my 8th
grade class had a textbook that went
Into detail about p-waves and s-waves
and magma and such.
The Cali fires as a precursor if seemingly unrelated. A social cushion of well-to-do
Citizens has been DeeStroyed. Folks
that could afford Malibu and the Palisades, real Taxpayers, which I have
never really been, in my poverty life,
these folks are now wiped out, unless
they are the really rich ones with diversified holdings, multiple houses to
run to. But most were clinging to a property as their primary investment, reliant upon the promise of Insurance to
sustain the whole game, and folks
hoped to retire on their investments,
and now we see the dollars are not
real, those jobs are gone, the people
now subject to The Price The Market
Will Bear, and the EEN-Shurance is
Bankrupt, and the justification for the
food companies to deliver into the
Gangster controlled warzone is gone.
So anyway, thanks again for your work
on this Info.
The Bay Area shake, and the Hilina slump slide, pull your Longboard and
get ready to Ride.
Hang them Tens, and smoke da Kine
The Pole Shift give you a new skyline.
hell ya, what an ending poem.
Going to see Jimmy Dore in Honolulu tonight if you heard of him