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EPA Turned off Radnet, When Palisades Fire Started

stock here: well nothing fishy to see here. Santa Sussana Site of open air nuke tests, and a meltdown.

5 replies on “EPA Turned off Radnet, When Palisades Fire Started”

Back in olden times, When ENE News was a thing, and Fukushima was a happening, and I was nearer the daze when I was young laughing leaping and all the world was new and full of wonders, it became clear to me that the nominal official radiation monitoring systems of at least the ‘west’ were more likely to hide or distort info re radiation than to accurately inform (the disrespected sensitivities of) the innocent public. Ever since, whatever they disclose, (until the age of miracles, when they repent whole-heartedly and reform and honour honesty) their disclosures seem to me to be less worthy of respect say than a foul fart in an elevator.

I recall much commentary, back in the
freshly post-Fukushima days, that a lot
of fallout, hot particles, bioaccumulating
in fungus, commingling with pollen in
the foliage, contributing to exacerbating
forest fires, and re-releasing in the
Smoke, would be a long-term issue,
but I mostly thought that would apply to
Bay Area and northward.
I lived over the hill from Point Mugu and
Port Hueneme. It wouldn’t be too hard to imagine that there might be secret
small reactors, and further up past
Santa Barbara is Vandenberg rocket
test air base.
Some human rights folks are saying
that Israel/ US actually used a small
nuke recently in Syria, as part of the
overthrow coup.
Maybe the RADNET employees were
ordered to do something intentionally
obfuscating important data.
Thanks again for your good work Stock!
Squads of enemy arsonists running
highly effective asymmetrical warfare
against us. Commie Infiltration at the
status level of Governor, LA Mayor, etc.
Pointing out what survivalist types have been saying for decades. It’s the
Purge, the culling, soon the planned
denial of food and water to the people.
What should I do, Lord Jesus?

I mean, beyond the land grab fires, in which incidentally there was “no water” to fight the fires. Owning a pool and a gas operated pump seems like a pretty smart idea at this point.

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