stock here: this is from my article June 2023
Here is the EO withdrawing from WHO
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 1: When the Economy is Destroyed
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 2: When We Shoot GMOs Into Little Kid’s Veins
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 3: The Vaccine “Final Solution”
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 4: This Next Pandemic Will Get Their Attention
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 5: 700,000 Side Effects
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 6: Lessons from Epstein’s Scarcity of Carefulness
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 7: When Children Die
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 8: When 20 Million Die
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 9: When the Economy Dies & We’ve Injected Billions
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 10: When Vaccines Cause Bad Things
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 11: When Vaccines Are Forced to Get Social Security
- The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 12: When Lockdowns Never End
- Here are a couple of funny Gates parodies for you Mister E:
- Bill Gates Takes the Vaccine
4 replies on “As US Withdraws from WHO, How Should We Restrict Bill Gates? Review His Psychopathy”
Sorry: the bitchute creator titled it:
The Twin Towers Were Designed to be Demolished Into their Own Footprint of Dust, Someone Call IXXI.
Maybe the breakthrough can happen,
revealing to folks, so that they can see
with their own eyes, pre-planted death
of the WTC, and suffer the shock of
Realization, of just how much power
the liars’ club wields, controlling the story, the News, etc.
The thermite melting the steel frame
Just before the collapse.
The truth is too much for most people to handle
Hey man!
Thanks again for this work you do.
I went to link number 6,
Makes you wonder about the
money power that could buy the death
of Epstein, squelch out the cameras,
buy off the witnesses or pay the hit men
to eliminate all witnesses. So yes,
the evil Gates… but wow, I’ve wished
I could show you what I mentioned years ago, about video of molten metal
thermite reaction dripping from the
corner of WTC just before the triggered
demolition collapse. They have some
of that footage in the Bitchute story :
WTC was designed to fail.
I have seen quite a few video in which the explosions at the perimeter is beyond obvious.