This article submitted by ACD and commentary matches my recent coining of “Self-Controlled Opposition” whether that be self aware or just “useful tools”.
TOPIC — It’s a good read, it describes the eight families that really run the world. In a sadly funny way, it’s Mr. Warburg, note the name, that was key in pushing the USA into the financial slavery that Europe had suffered for centuries. stock out.
“Oldster” had this to say……”
Yes forthright ongoing calm discussion of the Jew issue is a key need of our time. The ‘western’ societal trend, over generations now, towards normalizing civic cowardice and institutional dishonesty, and the simultaneous decline of common sense and forthright speech and civic courage, has been partly encouraged by, and has been clearly beneficial to, elements of Jewish culture.
More broadly, this deteriorating trend has empowered all criminal and nefarious sectors of society, and facilitated extreme concentrations of wealth, and the decline of the western middle class. Even stupid people in positions of power and influence have benefited from this trend.
Part of the broad Jewish culture thrives on group-coordinated deception of ‘the other’. Part of that part verges into extreme evil. Given inordinate power and influence via wealth and ownership, and modern technology in weapons and biology, that extreme evil now poses a terminal threat to humanity.”
ACD: Chossudovsky is Jewish only through his father, which makes him according to Jewish law a non-Jew. Still he covers for the Jews, blaming “globalists” and not Jews for all what ails the world. Occasionally he also criticizes (mildly) Israel, but never connecting it with 9/11. His website reveals nothing original, nothing what we already know from other (better) sources. I consider him at best a “half-truther”, at worst a conscious gate-keeper for the Jews.
Global Research was founded by Michel Chossudovsky who belongs to the Tribe: “Michel Chossudovsky (born 1946) is a Canadian economist and author. He is professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa[1][2] and the president and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which runs the website…” “Chossudovsky is the […]
The birth rate in USA is around 12.012 births per 1000 residents.
The birth rate / fertility rate (have to deconflict those terms) has been dropping worldwide, the normal range is 4% to 8% per year. In say 16 to 18 years, that effect will be even larger because there will be less women of child bearing age entering “the market”.
The death rate increase is a nominal 17% per Dr. John Campbell for Australia. But the death rate for younger people (which is small to begin with) is up 80%. But this is also significant because that 18 to 44 YO range is also the “fertile range”
The insurance industries are a huge portion of the “financial system”, they could see massive upheaval. Making the housing crash look like child’s play.
The CDC is pretending that in 2021 the birth rates are going up, after being saved by the VXX. Tom foolery….they went down massively in 2020, and then bounced up a bit, from a very low place and still lower than any other prior year.
I’ll take a stab at a chart of a year by year prediction of population for the USA and publish in a future chart
I can believe it, but it is still questionable. This part that General Milley ran the Jan 6th “events”. He is a piece of shit, he is on the Joints Chief of Staff, its Chief in fact….and they are supposedly only “advisory function”.
Last week, our Dr. Paul Marik, Chief Scientific Officer of the FLCCC, sat down with Jan Jekielek, host of Epoch TV’s American Thought Leaders and Senior Editor at The Epoch Times, for a discussion on the suppression of early treatment for COVID-19, increasing spike protein-induced diseases, and so much more.
“The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen,” said Dr. Marik. “If you have long COVID, you absolutely want to avoid being vaccinated.”
During the interview, Dr. Marik also discussed the abject failure of many high-impact medical journals to publish factual, data-driven research studies, noting that, “I used to think that what I read in the medical journals was the truth. Now I know it is completely false.”
Mr. Jekielek’s expert interview of Dr. Marik — the nation’s most highly published Critical Care physician — is intense, riveting and soul-searing; bringing viewers deep inside the battle to rescue medical ethics from the clutches of ruthless paymasters.
In this new and meticulously detailed report, Epoch Times reporter Marina Zhang writes about how spike protein disrupts immunity in millions post-COVID infection or vaccination. She interviewed several physicians (including Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik) who are on the front lines of developing treatment protocols for conditions related to spike protein diseases. Zhang writes:
“Multiple studies have shown that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a highly toxic and inflammatory protein, capable of causing pathologies in its hosts. The presence of spike protein has been strongly linked with long COVID and post-vaccine symptoms. Studies have shown that spike proteins are often present in symptomatic patients, sometimes even months after infectionsor vaccinations.
Many doctors are looking to change this situation. The FLCCC has been at the forefront in treating COVID-19, long COVID, and post-vaccine symptoms”
Jan Jekielek also interviewed Dr. Ryan Cole, who discussed the alarming rise of “wildfire cancers” and the dangers of the spike protein. Watch that interview HERE.
OMG. You just HAVE to read Alexandros Marinos’ most recent Substack essay. It’s HERE.
This essay reads like a true crime story—except that it would be impossible to rope off the crime scene with yellow caution tape because it would need to circumnavigate the globe.
Marinos’ Substack (aptly named “Do Your Own Research”) pulls back the curtain on the now ubiquitous practice of high-impact medical journals publishing pure, unadulterated, not-really-science-at-all rubbish. Junk science. Made-up medicine. Rotten refuse that can—and has been — deadly to millions around the world. This is especially true when it comes to ivermectin and other repurposed drugs. It matters little to these purveyors of pernicious publications that rigorous science has shown over and over again that many of these drugs are exceedingly efficacious in every phase of COVID-19 disease. But once again, there are paymasters to whom they must bow and profits that must grow to rival the girth of oceans.
stock here: this is so patently fake, it really is to the point of insulting. But they do want us to know that we are being abused.
Miles Mathis covers this “story”, and gets one understandable thing wrong, the Pelosi house is not walled and gated. That was a meme back in the day when “the wall” was all the rage and someone did a fake hit piece on Pelosi using a different property in the elite Area they live in….way too crowded for my taste at any price.
As per Miles usual, he traces families and relationships and especially when someone is “scrubbed” is a very suspicious event. And as per usual, he gets a bit too much into the family name word salad towards the end, when he has already presented compelling evidence……just saying.
We covered the Cesar Sayoc story, that was the point that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that FBI Wray was a piece of sheet. With his “these are not Hoax devices” and “they were filled with an “incendiary material” (shredded cardboard). I’ll see if I can find my old articles…in the old blog before I ratted out the “hot lots” in July 2021 and Gaggle started to systematically erase my decade of works.
Remember Cesar with the Van all covered in MAGA Trump stickers….all perfectly new, meaning they were not collected over time and placed.
Remember, this is Broward County, the most corrupt County in Florida, and the home of the Cowards of Broward and that school shooting. Also remember that Jeff Sessions was in charge of the DOJ at the time, outing him as another POS.
I found the Pelosi house on Google Earth, the broken glass (and open doors) is on the back side of the house, away from Normandie Terrace.
Nancy Pelosi lives here! Pelosi, the(whiteHouseSpeakerOfTheNation) American Democratic Party politician currentlyas Speaker of the United States House of Representatives since January 2019, The first woman in U.S. history to hold this position, Pelosi is the highest-ranking female elected official in United States history. As Speaker of the House, she is second in the presidential line of succession, immediately after the vice president. As of 2019, Pelosi is in her 17th term. She represents California’s 12th congressional district.
Pelosi was a major opponent of the Iraq War as well as the Bush Administration’s 2005 attempt to partially privatize Social Security. During her first speakership, she was instrumental in the passage of many landmark bills, including the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and the 2010 Tax Relief Act
Nancy Pelos has a huge net worth of $120 Million, despite her small salary of $223 Thousand.
On average Senators makes $174,000 per year. As Speaker of House Nancy’s salary is boosted to $223,500. And all Senators receive a small write off for D.C. living expenses and travel. They also receive full life, insurance and retirement benefits, but this doesn’t account for her huge net worth.
Her husband Paul Pelosi has a massive net worth. In 2009 Paul spent $10 million to buy the Oakland Invaders United Football League team. The team, which was soon relocated and renamed the Sacramento Mountain Lions, was eventually shut down. Paul owns huge stakes in companies like Apple, Disney, Comcast, Facebook, and others. He owns a venture capital firm which has made some solid predictions, and even better investments. Such is the life of an average Pelosi.
stock here, similar to the Q psy-op, what is involved getting people to trust a solution is at hand, trust the plan, trust those speaking out….even though they are forced to pull punches.
Dr. John Campbell.
He was threatened by Youtube for speaking pretty clearly against the VXX, he is now 989% Redpilled, although he may not see it as intentional mass genocide. Now he just hints around “what could it be, what changed”
So I coined this term today “Self-Controlled-Opposition”
To John’s credit, I do not believe he is a weak weasel. I have watched him for 1.5 years, going through the real data, and watched as he came to the undeniable conclusions….bio-weapon and massive deaths in our future.
He has 800 to 900 other videos in which he educates on important medical information. He does not want those taken down, and after being threatened, he no longer gives the straight answer on the vxx adverse events.
Some of them definitely are “Jews”, many are those born into Judaism who are not really Jews, just assholes, sociopaths, and greedy types. Also Authoritarian, Lefties, Communists and such.
I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not , but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9
Ok. But that is completely irrelevant to the subject matter of the OP.
If you want to talk about the Bible, fine. It also says of the Jews —
For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from THE JEWS who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone. (1Thessalonians 2:14-15)
So if the Bible accuses THE JEWS of —
displeasing God
killing Jesus
killing the prophets
driving out the early Christians
being hostile to everyone
…then that explains their hostility towards Kanye, a man who loves Jesus. And it also proves that Kanye had a valid point when he said what he said.
Its completely relevant. I encourage you to pray and ask God to show u how relevant it really is. The people Kanye is going after are not Jews. They just hijacked the name so they could have a cover.
Every single thing u listed falls on u as well. CHRIST was on the cross because your sin just like theres. Nice side step of what I said though.
stock here, no time to dive deep on this one. Never seen a video quite like this. There must be more. I found another one, different angle, more CPR
Now it looks like 120 dead, and that perhaps a group of people “instigated” the pushing deliberately. One way to destabilize things, keep people away from fun events that “are dangerous”, just like they kept us out of bars and restaurants were we could freely speak our minds.
Posted by Sophie-Ha 2 hours ago
Police investigate a man wearing rabbit ears who allegedly instigated the crowd to push during the Itaewon tragedy
It has been confirmed that the police have investigated the so-called ‘rabbit headband’ man who is suspected of instigating the crowd to push during the Itaewon tragedy.
According to the Special Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency, the man was summoned yesterday to be investigated. The individual gave his account of the situation at the time of the accident and also explained whether he intentionally pushed the crowd.
During the investigation, the man denied all allegations that he instigated the push and denied he pushed anyone. He shared his whereabouts during the time of the incident as he denied the allegations.
Police are also identifying and tracking another woman with a rabbit headband, believed to have shoved the victims at the time of the accident.
Based on CCTV video analysis, the police are verifying the identity of a number of people who are presumed to have deliberately pushed the crowd at the time of the accident.
The search result says 50 people in cardiac arrest. But those numbers aren’t repeated in the actual article, but the search results have them.
I suspect they were edited out, after “they aren’t ready for the truth!”
[Breaking] Nightmare in #Itaewon. Current status is that over 50 people have collapsed and possible multiple fatalities due to overcrowding during the Halloween festivities. Stay tuned for more info.
It’s surprising that I have never read this book, and just skimmed Atlas shrugged. I was working on my library today, integrating a newly purchased set of the World Book bought for $20 from a lady who tried to give them away to churches and schools and no one wanted them.
The library is about 24′ long and 4 feet high, so its pretty substantial. I was able to discard 30 or so books that no longer held relevance in my life. The goal is complete sets of encyclopedias from every decade from 1870 to current, and I am about half done. Many of these are beautiful books, some costing $600 to $900 back in day before internet, many families financed them after door to door sales. So I am putting together a current dollar equivalent of say $40,000 for around $400.
In Brave New World, they discard history rather than just re-write history as is being done now. Y’all might want to check Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist in your area….and old set of Encyclopedias is like time travel, try it.
Spark notes on Brave New World. Your comments appreciated. Children trained to promiscuity, and the elimination of family altogether is a key theme. Psychological drug control is also large.
stock here: I mean, what a plot. I bet they didn’t even think this all the way through as they were releasing the environmental bioweapon. They didn’t think that they would be able to hide their injected bioweapon results under cover of the environmental bioweapons.
But they are fairly good at letting no crisis go to waste, and they can adapt. This close to the mid-terms I was pretty convinced we would have a new raging weapon out there.
Perhaps distraction is good enough at this point. There have been no substantive changes to prevent the mid-terms steal, so we have to assume that the Communist Party will outright steal those elections, and the subsequent rage will just play into their plan anyway.
I feel that we are getting close to the expansion of abuse…..we made you forever damage your own kids by your voluntary actions, now you too shall eat bugs. Then maybe we kill you too unless you are a good Robot maintainer.
stock here: more hubris, pretending that POS Harari IS NOT saying that people are no longer needed. That is exactly what he is saying, he has disdain for his own species. He must be Jewish and thus “above the Goyim”, to his credit “at least” he is gay, LOL.
Debunked: A quote by Yuval Noah Harari that technology will ‘replace people’ is missing context
An image containing the quote has gone viral on social media. Not the one immediately below, that is from an interview with Mark Zuckerberg, a titan of a clown. It’s all a big script, they tried to normalize Zuckerberg a month back with a podcast with Joe Rogan, it didn’t work. But they pretended that Zuckerberg was avidly wrestling with friends using Jujitsu. Seriously, do you think he actually has any friends? Would you even like to touch this piece of work unless to choke him out?
And that dumbo ear look…..never good for early childhood experiences, everyone teasing and bullying the wearer, it must be that way throughout history.
A VIRAL IMAGE on Facebook contains a quote from author Yuval Noah Harari suggesting that technology will replace human beings in the coming years.
The image features Harari’s picture alongside a headline: “Yuval Noah Harari spills the beans: ‘We just don’t need the vast majority of the population’.”
Text beneath that headline also reads: “Top World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari has declared in a recent interview that the ‘vast majority’ of the world’s 7.5 billion people are simply no longer needed due to technological advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioengineering.”
The image has been shared hundreds of times on the social media platform, often in a way that is taken out of context to imply that Harari would like to see this happen.
This picture makes him look quite better than his Golum evil self, more of that Telsa swagger. Its a fake picture, the real Yuval is a piece of sheet.
However, in the full interview in which the quotes appear, it is clear that Harari is actually expressing his opinion on the state of the world, rather than something he wants to see come to pass.
He specifically calls the scenario in which technology replaces people as “dystopian” and suggests that humans could be part of the future in different ways, namely by adapting their skills and outlook how society functions.
Nevertheless, many posts have re-shared the image of Harari’s quote to suggest that he is advocating for a reduction in population or the replacement of humans.
“YNH is devoted to slaying future generations to decrease human population on earth,” reads one on Facebook. Another says: “These people think you’re redundant.”
Others link Harari to the World Economic Forum and its founder Klaus Schwab.
Schwab is a frequent target of conspiracy theorists who accuse him of helping to orchestrate the Great Reset, an unfounded theory which claims that elites have used the Covid pandemic to dismantle personal freedoms and establish a one-world government.
But what did Harari actually say?
The quotes come from an interview given to the Ted Audio Collective, which was posted online on 9 August, where Harari is comparing economic models in the middle of the 20th century to current economic models.
Here is the full quote which features in the image being shared on social media:
If you go back to the middle of the 20th century, it doesn’t matter if you’re with Roosevelt in the United States, or in Germany with Hitler, or in the USSR with Stalin. [When] you think about building the future, then you’re building materials are those millions of people who are working hard in the factories, in the farms, the soldiers… you need them. You don’t have any kind of future without them.
And now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population […] because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence, bioengineering. Most people don’t contribute anything to that, except perhaps for their data. And whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies will increasingly make redundant and make it possible to replace the people.
A few minutes later, Harari specifically warns that technological advancements could leave humans behind and displace traditional jobs, which may be more difficult to re-train for.
He also calls this scenario “dystopian” when suggesting that a change in perspective for how society works may be needed in the future.
Asked if humans will need to stop considering jobs as the central goal of the world economy, Harari says: “If we can re-define building communities or raising kids as a really important job, maybe as the most important job of all and pay for that, maybe these dystopian scenarios will not come true at all.”
It is therefore misleading to suggest that Harari welcomed a reduction in the world’s population or the replacement of humans by artificial intelligence.
Rather, he warned about the consequences of a possible unwanted future in which humans find themselves less relevant because of technological advances.
The Journal’s FactCheck is a signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network’s Code of Principles. You can read it here. For information on how FactCheck works, what the verdicts mean, and how you can take part, check out our Reader’s Guide here. You can read about the team of editors and reporters who work on the factchecks here.
Barnes was a founding member and previously served on the board of an organization that seeks to defund the police, end gang databases, empty prisons, abolish private insurance, end fossil fuels, oppose voter ID, and make Wisconsin a sanctuary state.
Barnes wants to release HALF of Wisconsin’s prison inmates —a notion he calls “sexy.”
Barnes is part of an administration that helpedrelease 784 inmates classified as violent — including 44 child rapists.
Barnes compared emptying prisons to “combatting climate change.”
Barnes thinks it’s “unfortunate” convicted felons are unable to vote from prison.
Barnes backsabolishing Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Barnes says it’s a “right” for illegal immigrants to receive driver’s licenses and in-state college tuition.
Barnes called for processing illegal immigrants “immediately for a path to citizenship.”
Barnes is a foundingmember of the state’s Working Families Party — a far-left organization dedicated to advancing radical, far-left ideas and politicians.
Barnes has been endorsed by socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Barnes mocked Rep. Steve Scalise as “taking one for the team” after Scalise was shot by a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My 4 year old called me a “wicked fool” while I was putting him to bed tonight which makes me simultaneously impressed with his vocabulary and concerned about what teenage years will bring</p>— Jen Psaki (@jrpsaki) <a href="">October 27, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
My 4 year old called me a “wicked fool” while I was putting him to bed tonight which makes me simultaneously impressed with his vocabulary and concerned about what teenage years will bring