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The Cabal Is Now Paying It’s Antifa et al to Randomly Murder Americans in Public Places

stock here: This is not the first and it won’t be the last. They very intentionally murdered 60,000 seniors with lonely snuff kill in nursing homes, what else would they NOT DO? They probably don’t want a nuclear war, but a dirty bomb is not out of the question. Note to self, fellow prepper was visiting a few months back, reviewing the hoop house I had just built, and he noted that probably no one has enough and proper types of filters for their bio-terrorism gas mask. And that is on my list for today.

Stay frosty, situational awareness is key when you are in public.


Malone Bushwhacked by Alex Berenson on Fox News

stock here: Berenson has a large platform. I don’t 100% believe that he is controlled opposition, but for sure he used to work for the New York Times. He got something else important wrong lately too, I’ll add if I can find it again. He doesn’t believe this is a de-pop and bio weapons testing program. He thinks it is just greed and mismanagement. It’s hard to cross that Rubicon.

Bushwhacked by Alex Berenson on Fox News Professional jealousy is an ugly thing   Robert W Malone MD, MS Jan 15 Comment Share Alex Berenson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn’t invent RNA vaccines. Unprofessional, rude, and an asshole to boot. But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

So, for Alex, who evidently doesn’t know how to do an internet search, find a patent and read it – I will make it easy for him. First – couple of proof of concept experiments conducted in 1988 -from the patents issued in 1989. Early Patents priority dates from 1989 The first patents: Lipid-mediated polynucleotide administration to deliver a biologically active peptide and to induce a cellular immune response (includes mRNA). P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, R Malone, D Carson. Assigned to Vical, Inc and licensed to Merck. No. 7,250,404, date of issue: 7/31/07 Cited in 105 articles.

Priority Date: 3/21/1989.  Lipid-mediated polynucleotide administration to reduce likelihood of subject’s becoming infected (includes mRNA). P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, Robert W Malone, D Carson. Assigned to Vical, Inc and licensed to Merck. US Pat. Ser. No. 6,867,195 B1. Date of issue: 3/15/05.

Priority Date: 3/21/1989.  Generation of an immune response to a pathogen (includes mRNA). P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, Robert W Malone, D Carson. Assigned to Vical, Inc and licensed to Merck. US Pat. Ser. No. 6,710,035. Date of issue: 3/23/04. Citations: 39 articles.

Priority Date: 3/21/1989.  Expression of exogenous polynucleotide sequences in a vertebrate, mammal, fish, bird or human (includes mRNA). P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, Robert W Malone, D Carson. Assigned to Vical, Inc, licensed to Merck.  US Pat. Ser. No. 6,673,776. Date of issue: 1/6/04.

Priority Date: 3/21/1989.  Methods of delivering a physiologically active polypeptide to a mammal (includes mRNA). P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, Robert W Malone, D Carson. Assigned to Vical, Inc, licensed to Merck. US Pat. Ser. No. 6,413,942. Date of issue: 7/2/02. (cited in 150 articles).

Priority Date: 3/21/1989.  Induction of a protective immune response in a mammal by injecting a DNA sequence (includes mRNA). P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, Robert W Malone, D Carson. Assigned to Vical, licensed to Merck. US Pat. Ser. No. 6,214,804, date of issue: 4/10/01. Cited in 360 articles.

Priority Date: 3/21/1989. Induction of a protective immune response in a mammal by injecting a DNA sequence (includes mRNA). P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, Robert W Malone, D Carson. Assigned to Vical, Inc, licensed to Merck.  US Pat. Ser. No. 5,589,466. Date of issue: 12/31/96. Cited in 899 articles.

Priority Date: 3/21/1989. Delivery of exogenous DNA sequences in a mammal (includes mRNA).  Assigned to Vical, Inc, licensed to Merck. P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, Robert W Malone, D Carson. US Pat. Ser. No. 5,580,859. Date of issue: 12/3/96. Cited in 1244 articles.

Priority Date: 3/21/1989. Generation of antibodies through lipid mediated DNA delivery (includes mRNA). P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, Robert W Malone, D Carson. Assigned to Vical, Inc, licensed to Merck. US Pat. Ser. No. 5,703,055. Date of issue: 12/30/97. Cited in 419 articles.

Priority Date: 3/21/1989. Below are some of the descriptions of the invention taken from the above patents – priority date 1989. Some of my papers and other patents on this subject area (1988-2000) A novel approach to study packaging of retroviral RNA by RNA transfection (Abstract). RW Malone, P. Felgner, I. Verma. RNA Tumor Viruses, May 17-18, 1988. Cold Spring Harbor (the first in a series of papers/abstracts on RNA transfection). mRNA Transfection of cultured eukaryotic cells and embryos using cationic liposomes. Malone RW. Focus. 1989; 11:61-8 The SALK patent that was filed with the USPTO on 3/21/1989. Note that the cover letter hides this – and says it was filed on 3/29/89 – the sane date as all the VICAL patents, showing that there was collusion. WRITTEN BT ME IN 1988. THE VERY FIRST mRNA VACCINE EXPERIMENTAL DATA 1990 (from Vical to patent office)  Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection. Malone RW, Felgner PL, Verma IM. Proc Natl Acad Sci (PNAS) U S A. 1989;86(16):6077-81. Cited in 749 articles.  Direct gene transfer into mouse muscle in vivo. Wolff JA, Malone RW, et al. Science. 1990;247(4949 Pt 1):1465-8. Cited in 4,750 articles. Note that Robert was a student at Northwestern, and was never affiliated with University of Wisc.  High levels of messenger RNA expression following cationic liposome mediated transfection tissue cultured cells. Malone R, Kumar R, Felgner P. NIH Conference: “Self-Cleaving RNA as an Anti-HIV Agent (abstract). Washington, DC June 1989.  Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection. Dwarki VJ, Malone RW, Verma IM. Methods Enzymol. 1993;217:644-54. Cited in: 102 articles.  Delivery of exogenous DNA (includes mRNA) sequences in a mammal P Felgner, JA Wolff, GH Rhodes, R Malone, D Carson. Biotechnology Advances 1993: 15 (3-4), 763-763 For a deeper dive into the actual data, patent disclosures, meeting notes, lab books, etc, go to this webpage. Patents and papers – from the 1990s  DNA vaccines for eliciting a mucosal immune response (includes mRNA). US Pat. Ser. No. 6,110,898. Inventors: RW Malone and Jill Glasspool Malone. Date of issue: 8/29/00. Cited in 40 articles. Priority Date: 1996. Formulations and methods for generating active cytofectin: polynucleotide transfection complexes. Robert W Malone, et al. US Pat. Ser. No. 5,925,623 7/20/99.  Cationic Transport Reagents. US Pat. Ser. No. 5,892,071 Robert W Malone, et. al. issued 4/06/99.  Polyfunctional cationic cytofectins, formulations and methods for generating active cytofectin: polynucleotide transfection complexes. Robert W Malone, et. al. US Pat. Ser. No. 5,824,812 issued 10/20/98.  Cationic Transport Reagents. Robert W Malone, et. al. US Pat. Ser. No. 5,744,625 issued 4/28/98.  Cationic Transport Reagents. Robert W Malone, et. al. US Pat. Ser. No. 5,527,928, date of issue: 6/18/96.  Marked enhancement of macaque respiratory tissue transfection by aurintricarboxylic acid. Glasspool-Malone J, …, Malone RW. Gene Med. 2002;4(3):323-2.  Enhancing direct in vivo transfection with nuclease inhibitors and pulsed electrical fields. Glasspool-Malone J, Malone RW.  In Gene Therapy Methods: Methods Enzymol. 2002;346:72-91  Cutaneous transfection and immune responses to intradermal nucleic acid vaccination are significantly enhanced by in vivo electropermeabilization. Drabick JJ, Glasspool-Malone J, …, Malone RW. Mol Ther. 2001;3(2):249-55. Cited in 192 articles.  Theory and in vivo application of electroporative gene delivery. Somiari S, Glasspool-Malone J, … Malone RW.  Mol Ther. 2000;2(3):178-87. Cited in 345 articles.  Efficient nonviral cutaneous transfection. Glasspool-Malone J, …, Malone RW. Mol Ther. 2000;2(2):140-6. Cited in 138 articles.  Developing dendritic cell polynucleotide vaccination for prostate cancer immunotherapy. Berlyn KA, …,  Malone RW J Biotechnol. 1999;73(2-3):155-79  Models of Cationic Liposome Mediated Transfection.  Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology. Ahearn A, Malone RW. Vol 4. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology 1999;4  Cationic lipid-mediated gene delivery to murine lung: correlation of lipid hydration with in vivo transfection activity. Bennett MJ, …, Malone RW, Nantz MH. J Med Chem. 1997;40(25):4069-78  Considerations for the design of improved cationic amphiphile-based transfection reagents. Bennett MJ, …, Malone RW. Journal of Liposome Research  1996;6(3):545-65  Structural and functional analysis of cationic transfection lipids: the hydrophobic domain. Balasubramaniam RP, …, Malone RW. Gene Ther. 1996;3(2):163-72. cited in 172 articles.  A flexible approach to synthetic lipid ammonium salts for polynucleotide transfection. MJ Bennett, RW Malone, MH Nantz. Tetrahedron letters 36 (13), 2207-2210 Like Comment Share You’re a free subscriber to Who is Robert Malone. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. Subscribe © 2022 Robert W Malone, MD Unsubscribe
Virginia Publish on Substack



Let’s see if this trends.

We know Joe Biden is controlled. Is he just manipulated and threatened, with perhaps his precious Hunter Biden doing hard time and being fully exposed too. “Or you become president and do what we tell you”.

Or does it go beyond that, and also include Brainwashing, getting him to believe that the things he is doing are truly the right things to be doing to help America. Because it is beyond obvious that “his actions” are the polar opposite of beneficial.

So lets take a look at 10 brainwashing techniques: You can read more here, but I want to present the sound bit summary:

  1. Deliberate Mass Hysteria
  2. Emotion/ Crisis / Repetition
  3. Divide and Conquer
  4. Controlled Opposition
  5. The Fabian Strategy (Boiling Frog, Slow Introduction of Cashless Society)
  6. Hegelian Dailectic (Create Problem, Get Reaction, Provide Solution)
  7. Debunking (The whole right side of a Google news are debunkings)
  8. Predictive Programming
  9. Scientific Dictatorship / Technocracy
  10. Indoctrination

We know Brandon is drugged up with endless cocktails, Adderall and more. They could give him anything and he would take it. Maybe they have him on some kind of addictive substance that also causes morbidity if they withhold it, and causes death if withheld long enough.

But is Brandon brainwashed? What does he need from the world at this point?

We know for sure he has an abusive personality type, multiple videos of him lashing out at people, especially the military. His first wife

And if you remember the Bush funeral were they all got special “cards” and had immediate horrific or disgusted reactions….Jill Biden’s reaction was the worst. ? Hunter effing a hooker with a hooka on the side table? The reactions were so quick it had to be visible, not a bunch of words.

So what I am saying, Jill is in on this. She is an active participant.

How does one even make a statement like this (especially while trying to kill fossil fuel usage)…..“You’re gonna see more change in the next 10 years than we’ve seen the last 50 because of the incredible, incredible change in science and technology,” Biden said. “You’re gonna see us traveling commercially in the next 20 years at 12 to 15,000 miles an hour. Subsonic speeds, supersonic speed — I mean, things are going to change.”

Here is a different take on Brainwashing, meant to be actionable.



Prince Andrew Kicked Out Of Royal Family — A Few Scapegoats and The Numerous Visitors to Pedo-Island Run Scot Free

stock here, but this is good news never the less, Sweaty Andrew will have to sweat some more.



This Sounds Like “How To Deliver Nanoparticles Via Vaccine” –Nanoparticles as an effective drug delivery system in COVID-19

stock here, Abstract away. November 2021.


Here is a related article that looks very fishy too…what the heck is siRNA therapy? (si = small interfering)



Background: The global healthcare sector has been dealing with a situation known as a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) since the end of 2019. Covid-19 is an acronym for Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease- 2019). It causes a respiratory infection that includes cold, sneezing and coughing, and pneumonia. In the case of an animal, it causes diarrhea and upper respiratory diseases. Covid-19 transmitted human to human via airborne droplets. First Covid-19 emerged in Wuhan market China and it spread rapidly throughout the World. As we know nanoparticles are a novel drug delivery system. They have various advantageous effects like increasing the efficacy of the drug, safety, etc. In this review, we study about the nanoparticles and summarize how it is effective during drug delivery system in Covid-19. Chitosan is a much focused biopolymeric nanoparticle. It delivers drugs to the specific target site. In a recent health crisis, chitosan nanoparticles are one of the ways to release drugs of Covid-19, and specifically in the lungs of the affected patients. We studied and extracted our data from various research papers, review papers, and some other articles.

Objective: The main goal is to study the nanoparticles and their future aspects which is an effective drug delivery system in Covid-19.


Documented Discussion Sept 2019 from an “Operative” Predicting 10 Million Deaths and “Do Not Take Any Vaccine”


From RedEmporer Lost Touch Until Today


Operation Crimson Mist & the Coming Genocide by VAXXED Mind-Controlled Zombies


After Judge Orders FDA to Produce Pfizer VXX Documentation Rapidly, CDC/FDA Start Rolling Out Some Truths, Pfizer VP Says “Vaccines Were Always Going to Hurt People”

stock here: Sorry this article is not up to standards, but the idea is there in the Title, some big things may happen in this week or next. Including a large false flag to deflect attention. The first link no longer works, imagine that. Also noted the “greatawakening” site, which had good info but was still pimping the Q stuff, has been snuffed out.

I would say what could happen now, Could be called PHASE 2, With all of the other preparatory “work” as PHASE 1. I think it is that big, so stay frosty.

This is my first day back in full operation after a literal operation on Monday, so I have real things to really get done. So far so good on the operation recovery, its a net positive thing, not fixing a disease. See next article that the Jab is disproportionately killing off the 25 to 44 year age group at much higher rates than other age groups.

A US judge ordered Pfizer to release the results of their v@x in 1st 90 days of the US. 1,223 deaths & over 40,000 adverse effects (some of which were permanent & disabling). Again, Pfizer’s own data – 1,223 deaths w/in 90 days in the US. https://phmpt.org/wp-content/upl


I’ll add more if I can, got actual work that must get done!


33% Increase In USA Deaths 2019/2022 and CDC Is No Longer Publishing Monthly Deaths Since July 2021 When VXX for The Young Became Available

What have these monthly death rates done in the last critical 5 months, after young people have been widely Vxx’d?

Original Idea came from Jim Stone, I did not check his numbers, just ran my own.


I’ll do the Abstract first….33% increase in death, 2019 to 2022.    CDC is losing control of the narrative, they are at the end of their rope in covering up the Vax caused deaths and morbidity.   So they start changing the narrative just lately to kind of cover their tracks.    The huge increases in death are in the 25-34 YO, and 35-44 year old groups.  These are the groups that I warned “The younger you are, the more insane you are to take the vaccine”.   Its an odd effect though that I didn’t expect,  Until it was plotted.  

Data Source


Above, the toddlers death rate went down because birth rate went down, probably fertility too.

Below, the old people were dying anyway

Below is not my opinion, simply cut and paste, but it supports the “narrative change” of CDC FDA of last week, I will say this….the recent rise of Sky News Australia was “curious”, and I label them controlled opposition.    They will pretend to go against the leftists, but when the chips are down, they are owned by the leftists and they will sing a different tune when it matters the most.  Australia is pretty much toast at this time.    Cheech out.

Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian Jan 10, 2022 [Excerpts]

The past few days, even weeks, have seen a definite alteration in the media’s attitude to the Covid “pandemic”.

There have been numerous examples of what, if the media were not so tightly controlled, might be referred to as “dissent”. But, since the media is tightly controlled, we must call it an apparent change in the message.

A few days ago Dr Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, went on Good Morning America to discuss the “Omicron” wave, and ended up pointing out that most “omicron deaths” have multiple co-morbidities.

In another interview, with Fox News, Dr Walenksy said the CDC was going to publish data on how many people had died of Covid, and how many died with it.

This begs a series of important questions.

  1. Why is the director of the CDC (seemingly) engaging with these Covid skeptic arguments after two years of pretending they don’t exist?
  2. Why would Sky News air, and then tweet out, the video clip of a doctor challenging the health secretary?
  3. Why is the Guardian running headlines like “End mass jabs and live with Covid, says ex-head of vaccine taskforce” and quoting medical personnel who say we need to “treat Covid like the flu”?
  4. Why are new studies being promoted that claim T cells from ordinary colds can “protect you from Covid”?

There’s no denying the messaging, the deceleration of the narrative. There’s a new thread being woven into the story: “living with Covid”.

For over a month that has been a popular buzz phrase all over the Western press.

ACD:  COVID messaging has indeed complexified, at a minimum giving HOPIUM to those who complied even while suffering insult and worse, the moronic variant possibly signaling an end to their worst immediate woes.  Even so, the so-called “unvaccinated” head to “quarantine camps” in several (now failed) Western states  — can’t call them CONcentration camps, now, can we? — while the “vaccinated” head to hospitals or morgues — or simply drop dead on the Playing Field of Life Itself.

Having become a fan of rococco in recent months (thanks to a perspicacious correspondent), I envision a thin, semi-transparent, silky fabric with multiple, colored patterns, in real time folded very slowly back on itself, the light behind projecting Moiré patterns, the eyes both reflecting and refracting, conducting coded illusions to the visual cortex, amusing, perplexing, confusing, a puzzle with an infinite number of pieces or, at least, seven billion or so and counting.

What do I think as a reasonably informed prognostigator|observer|pun-striken raconteur?  The useful remnants of the Era of COVID will remain — facial diapers the simplest, most easily recognized — vaccine passports will play out to the Experimenters satisfaction as will “mandatory vaccinations”, all the while concealing moves toward the next major phase of the GREAT RESET, food shortages.


It’s One For All and All For One: Join the People’s Affluence Movement (PAM)

stock here: a substack site posed the question, about 2022 Fringe Predictions


I hope this is a good warning and not a playbook ———————————

2022: They will admit that the Vaccine was a “solution” to almost all of the Earth’s problems. You all should be proud that you made yourself 15% less fertile, as the earth will benefit from less people. We will be rolling out tax breaks to Robotic and AI companies. A Plethora of Robots will allow the remaining people to live at higher quality levels. We will all live at higher quality levels and we can all share in this new found wealth.

The AI will help us individually make better decisions: your purchasing decisions will be monitored and if you go off the prescribed course, an intervention will occur. Property ownership is obviously a racist patriarchal system in which those not privy to the system are continuously suppressed in their ability to ever reach the affluent life. We can all live the affluent life with our Robots servant and producers when we all give up individual property rights.

The vaccines come in many types, and now that you have Antibody Dependent Enhancement ADE meaning an overblown immune response when challenged with a new variant, Pfizer has perfected a system for targeted boosters developed within 45 days. A fringe group a greedy psychopaths who could care less about the rest of society, and sociopathically cannot even empathize that they are putting all of society at risk by not taking the vaccines will be treated. Some may be cured by custom State Provided Injections.

Because we sent each batch of custom vaccine to at least 20 different states, we now know exactly how our initial 4000 various batches affects the populations, in different demographics and States and even temperatures so problem areas of the country can get custom vaccines to push that area to greater prosperity and affluence. Some individuals who still refuse to join the People’s Affluence Movement (PAM), will receive mental health screenings and AI robots will use repetition to get rid of harmful and hateful ways of thinking.

The vaccine is all we need to solve all problem and let everyone live their best life. Follow the science, have faith in the science. The James Webb telescope has now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no grand creator, no God, and that is why it was launched on Christmas day….your real savior is science formed by our great computers in our hallowed halls. It’s one for all and all for one!


Rapist of The Olsen Sisters, Brags of the Booster Jab in Dec 2021, “Found Dead” And The World Is A Better Place

stock here — I call this the first positive effect of the Jabs


Robert Malone, Chief Scientist of mRNA Tech, Provides Scientific Description of COVID Mass Hysteria

Mass Formation: Deployed on You After Over 200 Years of Study

Junior academics cited by “Forbes”, AP, Reuters and “The Independent” have not done their homework

 Robert W Malone MD, MS Jan 10 Comment Share

Today in “factchecking the factcheckers”, junior academics cited by Forbes, Associated Press, Reuters and The Independent have just not done their homework concerning the work of Professor Dr. Mattias Desmet of the University of Ghent in Belgum. All I can say about this is that I hope that their naive, ignorant, grandstanding statements to the press are brought up during their future Academic Tenure and Advancement reviews.

But there has been an amazingly coordinated effort to shoot the messenger and actively character assassinate (or “defenstrate”) me as a surrogate while avoiding any reference to the highly credentialed academic Professor Dr. Mattias Desmet who actually developed the theory and has documented the extensive evidence in an upcoming academic book. So, what can we learn from this in the short term?

Clearly, Google was not the only corporation triggered by Joe Rogan podcast # 1757 which previously reached #1 podcast ranking worldwide, has been referred to as “the most important interview of our time” and has been seen by over 50 million viewers. But what absolutely has been generated by all of the coopted reactionary press and Big Tech titans metaphorically tripping over their shoelaces is a massive trove of real time data validating the brilliant Mass Formation intellectual synthesis developed by Professor Desmet over the last two years.

In this coordinated propaganda and censorship response, we can clearly see the hands of the BBC-led Trusted News Initiative, the Scientific Technological Elite, the transnational investment funds and their World Economic Forum allies which control Pfizer and most of Big Pharma, Legacy Media and Big Tech (and many national governments) acting in real time to suppress a growing awareness by the general public of having been actively manipulated using crowd psychology tools to generate clinically significant fear and anxiety of COVID-19 (otherwise known as “Coronaphobia”) to advance their agendas on a global scale. Multiple governments have now admitted to actively using fear and ‘Mass Formation’-related theories as a tool for totalitarian population control during this outbreak. This is occurring at the same time that Omicron is destroying the legitimacy of government and WHO propaganda concerning the “Safe and Effective” mRNA vaccines and associated mandates.

But what confuses me is why the western press is all following the same narrative as Forbes, which is now owned by a Chinese media holding company. Is this all really just about China wanting to advance a New World Order agenda, and working in a coordinated fashion together with captured western legacy media and their transnational fund overlords?

Break out the popcorn, because we have an “approved narrative” dumpster fire in progress.

“Mass formation has been studied for over 200 years, beginning with such scholars as Gustave Le Bon, Freud, McDougal, Canetti, Hannah Arendt, etc. In the twentieth century, psychologists such as Ash and Sheriff have studied mass formation experimentally.

These scholars did not always call it “mass formation”, but what they studied was basically the same: the way in which individual’s mental states is influenced by their tendency to conform to group thinking. I myself have over 130 publications on Web of Science, a large part of them focusing on how individuals’ personality structures is influenced by their relationships with other people.

In my upcoming book: The psychology of totalitarianism, I analyze and describe the way in which the psychological process of mass formation got stronger and stronger throughout the last two centuries.”

Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium

Please follow this link for Professor Dr. Desmet’s Prior Academic Works

Abridged from M. Desmet: “The Psychology of Totalitarianism”

Mass Formation – brief summary

• Totalitarianism requires the total obedience of the mass

• This obedience is been created via mass formation process inside the population

• Four conditions are needed:

  1. The masses must feel alone and isolated.
  2. Their lives must feel pointless and meaningless.
  3. The masses then must experience constant free floating anxiety, and
  4. They must experience free-floating frustration and aggression.

With these conditions met, people are now ripe for hypnosis.

•No matter how stupid, senseless or even harmful the “solution”, people are made to feel solidarity, which validates the whole thing for them

• They are now changed, no longer rational. This automatically excludes analyses based on mathematical approaches like Nash’s game theory, where all agents are assumed to act completely rationally.

• People who are consumed by the mass formation process become intolerant and cruel.

Development of mathematical models to describe this process are currently in progress in a collaboration between Professor Desmet and Dr. rer. nat. habil. Norbert Schwarzer. This work is building upon prior academic modeling work including the following volumes:

Earlier seminal academic works regarding mass formation upon which Professor Desmet has based his theory include the following

Elias Canetti (1905-1994) Crowds and Power, 1960
PDF (pp. 495), WorldcatOverview of Crowds and Power

Use of fear to control behavior in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists

Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods.

The Telegraph. By Gordon Rayner, 14 May 2021

A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth


A State of Fear: how the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic

This is a book about fear. Fear of a virus. Fear of death. Fear of losing our jobs, our democracy, our human connections, our health and our minds. It’s also about how the government weaponised our fear against us – supposedly in our best interests – until we were the most frightened country in Europe.

Fear is the most powerful emotion. Hardwired into humans, fear is part of our evolutionary success. But that also makes it one of the most powerful tools in the behavioural psychology toolbox and it has been used to manipulate and control people during the pandemic.

In one of the most extraordinary documents ever revealed to the British public, the behavioural scientists advising the government said that a substantial number of people did not feel threatened enough by Covid-19 to follow the rules. They advised the government to increase our sense of ‘personal threat’, to scare us into submission.

But why did the government deliberately frighten us, and how has this affected us as individuals and as a country? Who is involved in the decision-making that affects our lives? How are behavioural science and nudge theory being used to subliminally manipulate us? How does the media leverage fear? What are the real risks to our wellbeing?

Ahead of any official inquiry into the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, Laura Dodsworth explores all these questions and more, in a nuanced and thought-provoking discussion of an extraordinary year in British life and politics. With stories from members of the general public who were impacted by fear, anxiety and isolation, and revealing interviews with psychologists, politicians, scientists, lawyers, Whitehall advisers and journalists, A State of Fear calls for a more hopeful, transparent and effective democracy.


London Is Toast, It’s a Ghost City With Dead Businesses Everywhere


Summary Chart on Vax Injuried Kids in Wisconsin — It’s Ugly

stock here. There were 5 teenage girls in Wisconsin, clearly killed by the Vax. Bad enough, so I decided to review all adverse events in Wisconsin. A swing state, and they are receiving “special batches” as you will see, even on this small sample size, the killer batches can be quickly spotted. You can download the whole spreadsheet at Box, link below the table…..its for all the VAERS data under 18 YO



Fauci — Sad Little Man — Continues Misdirection Whilst Walensky Towers Over Him


stock here: It seems clearcut their intentions….to create a scary caseademic, by taking COVID afflicted people out of quarantine just 5 days after start of symptoms, many people take a full week to recover.

Around the country, schools and health organizations scrambled to interpret the news release and adjust their policies — only to change course again when the CDC filled out details and its rationale in full guidance published about a week later. 

“That gap left us guessing what we should actually do,” Kilkenny said. “That’s not good management and good communication. It leads to misunderstanding. It leads to distrust.”


COVID Vax Ave 800 Deaths per Million Jabs, But Some Lots Have 40,000 deaths per Million

stock here: If you just looked at the First Chart, you would think that the Influenza vax had a high percentage of death. But the reality is that the Flu Vax is quite safe at least in relation to death, and there have been way more Flu Vax than any other, over 30 years of VAERS data.


Natural Immunity IS Long Lasting and Broad Against Variants

stock here: calling out the balderdash of the liars that be. Immunity can last a long time.

Here we show that of the 32 individuals tested that were born in or before 1915, each showed seroreactivity with the 1918 virus, nearly 90 years after the pandemic. Seven of the eight donor samples tested had circulating B cells that secreted antibodies that bound the 1918 HA. We isolated B cells from subjects and generated five monoclonal antibodies that showed potent neutralizing activity against 1918 virus from three separate donors.


I can’t believe this was allowed to be published in a Chicago paper….natural immunity is broader than vaccine induced immunity.


CHICAGO (Reuters) – A critical component of the immune system known as T cells that respond to fight infection from the original version of the novel coronavirus appear to also protect against three of the most concerning new virus variants, according to a U.S. laboratory study released on Tuesday.

Several recent studies have shown that certain variants of the novel coronavirus can undermine immune protection from antibodies and vaccines.



4 Scientists Discuss How the Varying Batches of VXX Are A Deadly Experiment Within An Experiment


stock here: I went through my archive, prior to the massive Google ban and Blogger Shut Down in August. It can be found in the link below.


I found on July 31st
Pfizer Has Over 5000 Batches Of VXX Responsible for At Least 1 Reported Death, Some Batches Are The Devils Work

Also 2 spreadsheets and charts, although the charts don’t show up. I may be able to access the original images via logging in as Admin to the old blogger. I imagine they will take that down too at some point, haven’t been in there in weeks or months.

Above is html, lets see if that works.


The Eagle Provides an Easy Way For Lay Person To Sort Through VAERS



Everything JAMA Does Is Directed By The Globalist Cartel