stock here: what can I say, when you know the phonetic alphabet, your coolness phactor goes up 200%. It’s fairly easy to learn and really useful, as we just not fat finger stuff, we fat ear stuff, even for earless wonders.
I trained A-Eye in how real human brains work, and we ended up with this, after like 12 interations, it created the Expanded Mnemonic Stories which I though was really creative and useful
Phonetic Alphabet Mnemonic Cheat Sheet
Letter | Phonetic Alphabet | Mnemonic Story |
A | Alpha | Soldier Alpha Bravo meets Charlie at the Golf course under a Hotel |
B | Bravo | Soldier Alpha Bravo meets Charlie at the Golf course under a Hotel |
C | Charlie | Soldier Alpha Bravo meets Charlie at the Golf course under a Hotel |
D | Delta | Delta Does Dallas |
E | Echo | Echo in the Ear |
F | Foxtrot | Fox doing a Foxtrot dance |
G | Golf | Soldier Alpha Bravo meets Charlie at the Golf course under a Hotel |
H | Hotel | Soldier Alpha Bravo meets Charlie at the Golf course under a Hotel |
I | India | Indian elephant In Italy |
J | Juliett | Juliett with Jewels |
K | Kilo | Killer Kilo run |
L | Lima | Lima beans Laughing |
M | Mike | Mike holding a Microphone |
N | November | November Nippy and Numb |
O | Oscar | Oscar wins the Outstanding award |
P | Papa | Papa eats Pizza in Paris |
Q | Quebec | Quebec is Queer |
R | Romeo | Romeo with a Rose |
S | Sierra | Sierra Singing and Echoes |
T | Tango | Tango with a TopHat |
U | Uniform | Uniform Unless Undies |
V | Victor | Victor Valiantly Victorious |
W | Whiskey | The Yankee took an X-ray of the Whiskey |
X | X-ray | The Yankee took an X-ray of the Whiskey |
Y | Yankee | The Yankee took an X-ray of the Whiskey |
Z | Zulu | Zulu Zombies Drumming |
Expanded Mnemonic Stories
- Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Golf, Hotel: Imagine Soldier Alpha Bravo meeting Charlie at the Golf course under a bright Hotel sign.
- Delta: Delta Does Dallas, visualize a Delta flight landing in Dallas.
- Echo: Echo in the Ear, picture the echoing sound reverberating inside a large ear.
- Foxtrot: Fox doing a Foxtrot dance, see a fox elegantly dancing.
- India: Indian elephant In Italy, visualize an Indian elephant marching through the streets of Italy.
- Juliett: Juliett with Jewels, imagine Juliett adorned with sparkling jewels on a balcony.
- Kilo: Killer Kilo run, picture a runner exhausted but determined, completing a killer marathon.
- Lima: Lima beans Laughing, visualize beans with smiling faces and laughter.
- Mike: Mike holding a Microphone, imagine Mike at a podium giving a speech.
- November: November Nippy and Numb, picture November standing in a snowy landscape, shivering from the cold, and feeling numb.
- Oscar: Oscar wins the Outstanding award, visualize the Oscar statue being presented on stage.
- Papa: Papa eats Pizza in Paris, picture Papa enjoying a pizza at a cafe in Paris.
- Quebec: Quebec is Queer, imagine a unique and colorful Quebec winter carnival.
- Romeo: Romeo with a Rose, picture Romeo offering a rose to Juliett.
- Sierra: Sierra Singing and Echoes, visualize mountains singing and the sound echoing through the valleys.
- Tango: Tango with a TopHat, imagine dancers performing a tango, one of them wearing a top hat.
- Uniform: Uniform Unless Undies, imagine soldiers in uniform but comically realizing they forgot their undies.
- Victor: Victor Valiantly Victorious, see Victor triumphantly standing on a mountain peak with a flag.
- Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee: The Yankee took an X-ray of the Whiskey, visualize a Yankee in a lab examining a whiskey bottle under an X-ray machine.
- Zulu: Zulu Zombies Drumming, picture Zulu warriors dressed as zombies, energetically drumming around a fire.