stock here, saw this comment on ZH, have not vetted all of it.
Trump assassination, CoVid and 9/11 among a litany of hits proves to anyone conscious that we cannot trust Washington, DC.
“Every bit of the stories were true. The 61 page DEA report gives detailed information about their identities, actions and claims. Some of the phony art students (IDF bomb technicians) were allowed to live on the 91st floor of the WTC for a whole year with 24 hour access into both buildings to work on an alleged art project.
They called themselves the “E – TEAM” aka “Gelatin B Thing.” Now it’s clear the “E” was for EXPLOSIVES TEAM. Gelatin is also an ingredient used in bombs, hence the “B Thing.” Israeli terrorists have never been subtle. The art project involved rigging both buildings with fuses to put their name “E-Team” in lights on 1 building. No doubt a trophy record of their handy work to go along with the photos they took of themselves rigging the bombs. Their name in lights was exactly where one of the planes hit.
The claim that they were tracking the middle eastern terrorists was a lie. No middle eastern terrorists were involved, only Israeli & American ones. More than half of the alleged terrorists have turned out to be alive. Yet the FBI refuses to clear them. They also found Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad front but haven’t addressed it. Just more evidence that the terrorists were Israeli & American. Other Israeli’s were pulled over for driving around in their truck with a mural of a plane flying into the towers that day. They too were released.
Among the different types of bombs they used, two 2 kilo ton mini nukes (aka backpack nukes) made in Dimona were placed in each tower basement. FEMA’s Human Remains Recovery Team GPS map proves it. It shows the almost 3,000 people inside the towers were blown into 21,812 tiny pieces of flesh found as far as 3,368 feet away (the distance of 11 football fields).
Nothing else in the world has the power to blow objects the distance of 11 football fields. That’s the real reason hundreds of cars within a 5 block radius caught fire (evidence of nuclear fission) and why so many people died from cancer (mostly thyroid from radiation as opposed to lung from asbestos). It’s also why most of the buildings turned to dust with fires burning for 3 months” – Izraul Hidashi.
It can be argued the US government was not only complicit, but that it asked the Israelis to be here. The Israel Lobby was instrumental at getting this mess swept under the rug, and memory-holed (turns out this puzzle was solved long ago). For good? I would say We the People hold a Sword of Damocles over their heads.
4 replies on “911 Used Mini-Nukes”
Many of us who actually had the TV on
that morning of 9/11, and then studied
long about it, we found out that there were real journalists squelched out,
and that we were in danger of being
ostracized, hassled, fired for talking
about it. At EDAC that day, we had
remote sensing data showing way high
molten-metal temperatures in the
bottom of the rubble. Within days, the
Govt agencies acquired all the previously proprietary, commercial satellite imagery and removed it all
from our access. Our students flew by
a grant award to DC, actually Goddard SFC, which is right next to NSA, in
January 2002, because our original plan
was to be in October but the attack changed everything. A crucial moment
for our understanding was when the
students separated from the Department Chair and staff, and saw
them go into a big conference room
with medieval 13-foot tall doors, which
were dramatically closed by footmen
as we drove away. This was the multi-
faceted, multi-jurisdictional Dividing of
the 9/11 Pie, Billions of Dollars to be
justifiably plugged into Universities like
ours, anti-terrorist, advanced surveillance, remote sensing Biometrics,
cellphone tracking was just getting going… the PNAC, Paul Wolfowitz, Cheney, Larry Silverstein, how about all
of our Profiteering Warbucks people.
Business hard nosed demons would say
The wtc towers Had to Go, because they were now going to need massive
asbestos removal, and now those
buildings were obsolete, needing also
all the new internet wiring, fiber optic cables, etc….so the Economic decision was made to set up the Insurance Scam, justifying War against the scapegoat Islamists, massive money for
Israel, billions in unaccounted graft,
pallets of US currency. Pretty Slick,
and they must maintain the Lie.
It took me over 10 years to figure out the truth. I was kind of a normie, running a small business in Hawaii (up to $2M per year revenue), and just dealing with all the obstacles the government placed in front of me. Now, there is no going back. Thanks for the detailed comment.
Thanks for posting this material and
doing the Good Work. It is disappointing
to hear, just now on a Rense radio show with Dane Wigington, the geoengineering guy, that they are trying to say the obvious DEW molten metal damage we saw at Lahaina and elsewhere is only a distraction from what Wigington is selling. It appears that
Rense is revealing more of a “controlled opposition” mouthpiece. They went on
saying it was ridiculous a heavy laser
could be used because of logistics of
18 semi-trucks needed. Then Rense
fizzled the conversation going off talking about HAARP and not about
the evidence we all saw with the cutting
Torch type of strikes, molten metal in a
zone next to unburnt bushes. I’m afraid
that Rense has sold Out.
I haven’t followed Rense but know of them. How many would never sell out, even for say $15M bucks…..I would not.