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They Are Mocking Us, One Purpose Is Their Arrogance, Another is the Usefulness In The Form of the Abuse

stock here: They want to flex their media control. Look at me!! I did this to you…..the most ridiculous, blatant ticket.


It seems inevitable that Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.) is going to be chosen as Kamala Harris’s running mate. 

Assuming this is correct, the goal of selecting Shapiro is to put Pennsylvania back in play for the Democratic ticket—if not completely out of play for Donald Trump. But, Shapiro’s Jewish heritage and pro-Israel positions are likely to cause a real problem with the far left. Shapiro is one of the only candidates that is outwardly auditioning to be Kamala’s running mate, and sadly, he’s already trying to memory-hole his support of Israel.

First is the way he’s distancing himself from his past position that peace “will never come” to the Middle East and that a two-state solution wasn’t likely to succeed.

2 replies on “They Are Mocking Us, One Purpose Is Their Arrogance, Another is the Usefulness In The Form of the Abuse”

So now it’s Walz of Minnesota.
Lots of Fox commentary, a leftist.
Still a long ways to the October Surprise, and the Iranian alliance
could choose to strike US mainland
and the most strategic points of asymmetric warfare. Of course,
the obvious stereotype of the Ferengi
comes to mind: they Always make a
Profit. Shapiro is more valuable in Pennsylvania than to go to DeeCee.
The 9th of Av is the dark day for the
Jews. Is that the 14th of August this year? Gotta look it up.

Interesting internal conflict they
will fight: the Big Money Oil and
Real economics Vs. The political
“mish-mosh” of so-called Green,
Progressive, Barbra Streisand type
of so-called “Jews”… it is So painful
to need to truly Educate Jewish folks
that they have always received real
protection from Christian people
against their own Jewish Mafia, and
the so-called Star of David is referred
to in Amos 5 as A Star God that
you made as false worship: representing
Saturn with your two triangles: indicating Moloch, Molech, Satan,
the people who burned their own
children in sacrifice. The Mossad
kills real Jews, Jewish kids, to suit the
needs of the Satanic organization.
Scott Ritter wrote that the IDF killed
the vast majority of victims of the Oct.7
Then our US Government took away
Ritter’s passport as he was traveling.

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