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Linking Every Social Media Event to a “Phone” Is Partly to be Able to Dox Those Expressing Meaningful Disssent

stock here: A theory long held, but never presented so plainly.

There are pretty much insane lefties and their useful idiot liberals that are potentially a danger at the local level.
We see the intense effort at all levels of media and social media to suppress not just free speech, but often the truth.

The intention of all of the “send a code to your phone” and now linkedin asking me for a government issued ID is the effort to control, prevent, censor free speech by not allowing anonymous commentary as in the days of old when anonymous authors put out the truth as stories in a book…and then if free speech does get out….find that person and attack them in any way possible.

Bugs in the computer, fake accusations, physical violence. The act of doxxing is the act of conspiracy and promotion to unlawful attacks and physical violence. You are warned.

4 replies on “Linking Every Social Media Event to a “Phone” Is Partly to be Able to Dox Those Expressing Meaningful Disssent”

note to self and all…..time for a full backup of all websites and blogs. It’s coming again. Not just the collapse of free speech, but a full on attack on those speaking truth. Shameful. I have pondered if even the mRNA is able to squelch for damage the super-ego, aka the conscience. +Con +Science, LOL

A mark without which you shall not buy nor sell. And just like the quick rise in
drone flying toys which has been squelched today: that kid’s toy crashes
into somebody’s property, all of your financial life is mixed with your responsibility for that toy. Another one:
Battle Bots and Robot Wars on TV
seems to be squelched, though I’ve not
pursued. At one point McDonalds was featuring Battle Bots toys in their Happy Meal. The rulers don’t want folks to be
encouraged to make their own weapons. And now they can have our
friend A-Eye simply cancel your accounts, shut off your car, put out an
All Points Bulletin that You are a cop-killer child molester on the run, send tracking drones to get you, and these
handsets you carry, linked to the net
and the grid and the beast, are trackable even with the battery taken out, every encryption and fancy security
useless If they want to get you.

I have had drones fly over my property, probably just neighbors “having fun” but i wonder if they don’t know the ramifications of flying over someone else’s property, at 30,000 feet I get it, but at 100 feet? I have yet to throw lead, preferring to not inflame the neighbors…maybe a mildly worded letter to the entire neighborhood?

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