stock here: Materials are amazing. I was the official Material Scientist advising researchers in Lahaina about the different atuomotive materials, and their melting points and how the move and re-solidify. And that blew the story wide open. Here is an interesting quick clip on some other materials from a Facebook post, I hope it works. And below some new material from the Biggies of Lahaina, Eric West, Traci aka Brush Junkie, and Blossom Inner Wellness (she has a book out and I am buying it for airplane and beach reading). Oh, I forget Michelle Melendez, she interviews with Eric West. She wrote the “Great Maui Land Grab”. I have tried to insert a link to the book at Amazon, and it has become impossible. How weird is that. I bought 3 total books…we have to support these brave hard working people, as we are shuffled into the Great Reset by Sociopaths and Worse!!!!
If you do a Youtube Search, on Lahaina Fire, you will get none of the greats I mention above….