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How Will They Try to Hide The mRNA Caused Deaths? Drug Overdose Comes to Mind

stock here: How do the normies keep on doing it. A totally captured liberal friend was planning a trip to Italy, so she thought getting a booster would be good. Then a week later she got COVID. Not a close enough friend to “end the friendship”, LOL almost, and inform her of the truth about the mRNA experiment.

Obviously main stream media is not covering the excess deaths and lack of fertility, decreasing life spans. Has no one noticed the vast increase in Zombie drivers? I am on guard everytime I drive, and pretty much see at least one Zombie in say, 10 miles. Did anyone notice their car insurance up double digits?


Mark Crispin Miller has worked tirelessly to expose the Injections…..

Since “vaccination” started, 91 rappers (that we know of) have “died suddenly” worldwide, with another 13 sickened

For this toll, the hip-hop world can thank Kamala Harris, Spike Lee, Tyler Perry, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey and all their peers who joined the push to get black people jabbed

Do a Google search on “DMX death COVID vaccine,” and here’s what you’ll see first: “Fact check: No evidence DMX’s heart attack was caused by COVID-19 vaccine” (USA Today); “No evidence rapper DMX had COVID-19 vaccine before his death” (Full Fact); “No, the COVID Vaccine Didn’t Kill DMX” (Dallas Observer); “Fact-check: Did DMX receive a COVID-19 vaccine before his death?” asks Politifact, which calls the story “false.” “Did DMX Take COVID-19 Vaccine Days Before Heart Attack,” asks Snopes. “We wouldn’t consider an unnamed source from a gossip site as a reliable source of information.”

Those are among the more restrained denials that DMX’s death had anything to do with his injection. Others went beyond purporting to “debunk” a (putatively) baseless claim to casting all those sharing it online as a Fifth Column of “far-right” extremists—a war-whoop vented with disturbing zeal by faux-left propaganda mills affiliated with the Democratic Party (Big Pharma). “Far-right accounts use DMX’s death to baselessly fearmonger about COVID-19 vaccines,” shrills Media Matters. (“Some people keep trying to overlap any negative health event with the vaccines [sic],” fumes the subhead.) “Far-right Extremists Unite to Peddle COVID-19 Vaccine Disinformation,” warns Right Wing Watch (“A project of People for the American Way”): “From QAnon adherents to full-blown white supremacists, far-right extremists appear to be uniting in their quest to undermine the COVID-19 vaccine.”

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