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1 day ago (Edited)
The truth is it has been tried and failed grandiosely in the Soviet Union. What you see now in China is nothing like what he envisioned either.
Why do American Jacobins and Marxists hate Russia so much? Because it is no longer a Marxist distopea and it is the place where the Marxist experiment failed magnificently. They can’t stand that. There f-ck buddy Neocon pals just can’t stand a strong state rival of any kind and need to put taxpayer bread on their tables.
Why are these new Marxists happy to join together with murderers? The deal is you control the American people we control the rest of the world. One big happy club.
The big show about saving Palestinians is just that, a big disingenuous woke moron circus act. If the squad and its minions really cared they would do something about it. But how would they then pay for their Teslas and beach houses?
What of the Euro Marxists? More resentment that it failed in the Soviet Union. They forget, however, that were it not for the Russians, they would all be French or German serfs. And ironically, that is essentially what they are now. Europe is one big ideological concentration camp. But they are too busy Schwabbing their anal rainbow green orifices to realize it.