stock here: I am amazed that this conversation is even being had. But at some point things reach such an extreme, that they cannot be ignored. As the Left continues to win, they will not be exhausted by the effort, but energized in “their righteousness”. So be aware of the situation. Be aware of situational alertness.
On this day of the Octoberfest celebration in my village, and very likely the last day of the outdoor pool at the gym, with a beautiful harvest of fresh vegetables and the planting of garlic, over 100 cloves of “German Hardy” which are huge in size and will produce massive product, to be harvested in early to mid July next year. Then that same land can be used for a secondary crop, or a zone for honeydew or musk melon to crawl into.
I am thinking that as this election unfolds, almost everyone is accepting that huge things could happen. It appears that they have set the stage well. An execution of Trump just days or a day before the election could set the stage for their next rollout of their bullshit New World Order, Marshall law. This is not the time to be working on stupid stuff.
And realize, about half of the population has a personality lean to the wrong side, and 30% of them are likely willing to act on it, or at least watch as atrocities are committed. We never understood how the Holocaust occurred, how could it have occurred.
A certain percent of humans are truly defective, but just as Bill Gates, decades ago was proud of how a vaccine could reduce spirituality, I wonder if an effect of the injections was to target the Hypothalamus and Limbic System, or other areas of the brain that are related to Super-Ego or Conscience, such as anxiety, anger, stress and fear response. And make shitty people, just more shitty.
And just why the hell has Trump not hired his own security force?