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Excess Deaths: Many of the Jabbed Now Have So Much Evidence, They Respect The Unjabbed That Withstood Every Lie, Every Coercion

Transcriber BTranscriber B’s Substack Mar 30, 2023·edited Feb 20

stock here: I coined it in Summer 2021: The Great Genocide.


My covid story: I thank you unjabbed people! 

A little about me.

I am an older Aussie in Western Australia, lost my only child to suicide in 2016. I fought to get access rights to his very young daughter and she is the whole reason I had to cave in and have the jab. I needed to keep my job so I can provide her with a better future, to keep my fortnightly access (Family Court enforced) and to not become homeless. 

Yes, I’m fully aware that the fact I caved is what will take me from her sooner. This makes me sad but it’s what I had to do. The mother of my granddaughter is a challenge. Initially, she was going to have her jabbed. I would have been laughed out of family court if I’d tried to prevent that happening. I’m just so glad that the bombarding of information finally made her mother see sense. My beautiful baby girl remains unjabbed. Several of her school friends were jabbed and it horrifies me that she has witnessed her friends dropping in the playground.

I have lost many people to this experimental jab. None have had cause of death rightfully recorded as ‘death from experimental jab.’ I also know of a lot of other people who have suffered injuries from the jab.

WHY? If it’s so ‘safe and effective.’ 

I have seen outstanding and exceptional health professionals leave their careers due to not getting the jab or suffering jab injury. Being outcast by peers and afraid to talk honestly about their position on this amounts to bullying and segregation. This is rife in the health system in this country and seems to be acceptable.

Most importantly, in this letter, I want everyone to know that I appreciate every unjabbed person. I feel safer around anyone who is unjabbed. I fear the jabbed! 

My attempts to get covid failed

I was desperate to have that 3-month exemption from the illegal and ridiculous mandate, and the lengths I went to get covid astound me now.

Initially, I was scared of covid. I bought into the fear being forced on us by the Government. People I know came back from overseas, and at the very start of the so-called pandemic, they were sick (coughs, high fevers, throwing up) but the government also refused to test them because they weren’t ‘sick enough!’ 

As time went on, I was more afraid of the jab than I was of covid. I wanted to contract covid to get my rightful exemption so I could work. I became so excited to hear of anyone with covid so I could try to contract it. I asked my grandkids to spit in my water bottle while they had it, forced them to drink from my water bottle, wiped the spit from their mouth and ingested it. I was desperate. Did I catch it? NO I DIDN’T. I was forced to be jabbed.

My jab 

I initially thought that I would be exempt due to my existing medical problems. Didn’t that change when McGowan1 mandated it! I was provided a protocol to start by a naturopath. I started this as soon as I knew I was being mandated and I left each jab right until the last minute of being locked out of my workplace and facing disciplinary action. To this day, I still swear this protocol is the only reason I am still alive.

My first jab was late 2021 (Pfizer). Within 4 hours, the symptoms started: headaches, blurred vision, black spot vision, tinnitus, chest pain, throwing up, rashes, lethargy, foggy brain, burning feet, numbness in hands/arms, swelling in legs, pain everywhere and breathing problems. This has never resolved.

I had a very good doctor at the time and my visits increased and became very regular. I asked for an exemption and while she agreed with me that it was all jab related, she said to me “I will lose my career if I lodge or document an official report.” I was given a mask exemption and that’s all she could do for me.

Second jab (Pfizer) 1 month later. I had to start using an asthma inhaler so I could breathe. Never in my life have I needed that stuff! My legs were so swollen it was eventually found that I have an 8cm clot, 8cm above my knee, in an artery.

Third jab (Novavax) 4 months later. Then 4 months later I became so ill, barely conscious, basically dying in my bed. My granddaughter was with me. That poor child called someone and screamed “Nannie is dying, I can’t wake her up.” (I’ll skip the long story of the medical f- ups). Second ambulance trip, I was rushed to Perth2 priority one to neurological department. I had leaking brain aneurysms about to burst and kill me. I had interventional surgery within 12 hours.

The interventional procedure was coiling of the aneurysms. They went up to my brain through my wrist artery (a lot less recovery time than through groin artery or opening the skull) and inserted titanium coils into the aneurysms to hopefully prevent them growing, bursting or leaking any further. I have no idea how this coiling will impact my life or if it will shorten my life. I have been given so little information.

I voice loudly, that I totally blame the jab for this happening, every time I see a doctor or specialist. Nobody listens to me! I was what I’d consider pretty healthy before I had the jab. I rarely went to the doctor. That all changed.

Anzac day 

The McGowan government didn’t just destroy me through the mandated jab, but also by not allowing me to participate in Anzac Day3 at Kings Park via mandated “social distancing.”

My family is a long list of Anzacs. My relatives have a strong relevance at Kings Park in Perth and at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne and along the Avenues of Honour/Remembrance. I was denied the ability to attend Kings Park outdoor dawn service as normal last year due to “covid” and had problems the year prior. Along with all others, we were all denied access. I’m not one to take that sort of crap, because it is MY RIGHT to honour my relatives and every other serviceman/woman who served this country when called to do so. 

On the day of the dawn service, I was threatened, manhandled and ended up being chased from Kings Park. Total disrespect. I felt like the hunted. This is NOT what Anzac Day is about. It’s about thanks, honour and true respect, yet politicians could walk along behind ropes smiling and laughing. What makes them so special? You have no idea of the anger that raised in my soul. Anzac service is for us, the people, and we have been robbed of that for too long. This absolute rubbish of “stand on your driveway” STICK THAT! Rope off Kings Park so Aussies can’t pay respect but politicians can show such a lack of respect?

I am still extremely angry over this and I feel the anger will never leave me. Anzac Day is about our heroes, not about idiotic politicians! If I feel this much anger, I hate to think of what this rubbish has done to our Veterans. Our heroes.  

Lost family and best friends 

At the start of all this rubbish I lost my sister to cancer in 2020. She lived in another state. I couldn’t go to her funeral. My sister was my everything and I was denied the ability to travel interstate to her funeral to hug her one last time. 

I lost my best ever friend to suspected suicide in 2020. I was unable to attend that funeral either. The Government had enforced such ridiculous fear and conditions for this pathetic flu. That’s all it is, a flu. I’ve had it and it was easier than a cold. I have however heard of people having a bad experience with it and I feel for them, I truly do. I also find it very odd that all of a sudden there were no flu deaths recorded during the so-called covid pandemic. Did the flu just vanish? I’m so damned angry and this anger will never leave me. 

I already talked about my child but he also brought home a ‘wayward street child’ that I have called my ‘bonus daughter’ for 15+ years. She has changed her life, happily married with 3 children that all came into the world with medical problems. One of them was flown east at 6 weeks of age to have open heart surgery. If they try to force this jab on him when he turns 12 (not too far away) I will lose it! It will kill him!

My beautiful bonus girl is very aware and was anti-jab from the moment it came out that they had miraculously manufactured this ‘you beaut’ jab in record time. Unfortunately, her hand was forced. Her father has Parkinson’s/early onset dementia and was placed in nursing home care. She was refused the ability to visit him while he was at a hospital in Perth if she wasn’t jabbed. Post-jab, I have never seen this girl so bloody sick!

My niece, a survivor of severe domestic abuse, she was totally against the jab. Sadly, to keep her job to feed and keep a roof over three kids’ heads, she had to make the same decision as me. Like my daughter and I, I have never seen her so sick! For her, a simple cold turns into a nightmare.

COVID/quarantine camps: my thoughts 

When this first came about, my initial reaction was “I WANT A JOB IN ONE” 

Why, you may ask? Because, like others, I had a fear these would become internment camps for the unvaccinated. As a jabbed person, I wanted a job there so I could give the people there – the unvaccinated – a voice! I wanted to record stories of the wrongdoing, the bullying, the separation, being ripped from your life. I would still do this today. I’m not real tech savvy but I’m damned sure if I had evidence/stories I’d find a way to get that out there. As it should be.

The world around me has changed

Recently I have noticed an increase of mental health problems, an increase of suicides and a massive increase of homelessness.

Where I work, there is a vast bushland. Since the so-called pandemic was forced on us, I also became very aware of the increase of people (including single women with children and pets/people with severe medical problems) living in tents in the bush. They look out for each other because the Government of this country don’t bloody care. I used to sit outside at night on my break but I had to stop this because I would inevitably come across a suicidal person or homeless person. It breaks my bloody heart! I survive week-to-week. I have no ability or training to help these people.

The man I met one night in particular, he was going to end his life. He asked me for a light for his cigarette and as he went to walk off I asked him “mate, come talk to me, are you ok?” No, he wasn’t. He was in serious overload and pain because of the so-called pandemic; he trusted nobody. I told him my story of surviving loss to suicide and we deeply talked. He did promise me that he would stay and would fight the demons forced on him. I never saw him again but he never leaves my mind. Nor does the man I found near an area I used to sit at night. He had severe medical issues – he had a bag attached that needed to be emptied often. He’d lost his rental along with his partner because he was unjabbed and couldn’t get a jab exemption. He’s been providing protection out in the bush for a single mum living out there in a tent with 3 kids and 2 dogs as well. (The mum and kids did eventually get a place to live). This story almost broke me.

I’m pleased to say that others where I work also meet these amazing people and through word of mouth, this man was able to secure a safe environment to live out his days. Dogs were returned to single mum and kids when she was settled. 

Living in Australia, a rich country until now, I have never had to see this sort of thing in my life. It broke me because I couldn’t bloody help, too busy trying to keep my head above water every week. I can’t even retire.

This is what this government has done to Australia.

Our so-called Government

Premier Mark McGowan: I detest you. You make my blood boil because you’re a smug, arrogant liar. You mandated experimental jabs, when it wasn’t necessary, and you did so without giving full disclosure to the people of WA. YOU LIED!!!!!!!

You made people who couldn’t afford to survive without working, take this experimental s**t! It’s all on you! I want to see you [redacted by Editor]. (Not something I say lightly considering my child [redacted by Editor]. I’d gladly watch [redacted by Editor]!!!!!). Smug low life prick you are, but play victim when people revolt. Why is this taking so long to happen? Constant lies, absolutely no disclosure and facts/actual figures being buried! If I or anybody else did this in their job, they’d be sacked instantly. Why is it that this dirt bag is exempt from that and laughs in the faces of WA people? He is delusional and thinks he’s a god to be worshipped. I don’t think I can ever safely express my true inner hatred and anger of Mark McGowan.

I’ve already touched on McGowan and his dismal treatment of ALL West Australians, especially the unjabbed. Let me now go to Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison. That disgusting man stood and blatantly LIED to every Australian. He stated “THERE WILL BE NO MANDATES” What did he do when Premiers started mandating? ABSOLUTELTY NOTHING! As the Prime Minister of this country, he could have stepped in and prevented the intended genocide, but he did nothing! Morrison is just as guilty and needs to be held accountable as well for what he has ignored and allowed to go ahead. Our new Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese has refused to acknowledge anything of jab injuries, has not held State Premiers accountable and still allows the disgusting discrimination of the unjabbed to happen.

Former West Australian Health Minister Roger Cook: never once did I hear that man spill anything but lies and stuttering avoidance of questions. Current WA Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson has such total hate and disrespect for health professionals. Another waste of space that is in the position to keep up the lie that every West Aussie has been told.

Every time any Government official has been asked for the proof/the jab injury numbers/the actual statistics, how have they responded? By deflecting the questions and turning it around to make the people wanting this information look as if they’re the danger. How can this be so when they were so keen to try to shove down throats “this is a safe and effective jab.” Where is the actual proof of this? THERE IS NONE!

If every jabbed person hasn’t woken up to this by now, then I fear there is no hope for them.

What is my future?

Well, I’m certain that I will die a lot sooner than I want to thanks to this rubbish experiment. That is all on me though because I had to make the decision to keep my job and survive, like so many others.

I didn’t realise how deep my anger ran until I started writing this. My anger is so deep at the web of lies and burying of true facts. Every Australian has been duped by the government and I am not happy. When will accountability come? I hope that happens in my lifetime because I am so hungry for that. How can any government get away with this? How can they label the unjabbed as “a risk”? I absolutely do not understand what has happened. Kids’ minds have been poisoned, lives have been put on hold and disrupted so badly……ALL FOR THEM TO EXPERIMENT. I’m bloody angry! I hope every bloody Australian is! This is no different to the polio so-called vaccine (a relative of mine was crippled from that) MMR jab, thalidomide treatment, the list goes on. When are these bastards going to be brought forward and held accountable?


I will never turn my back on any of you, I appreciate every one of you. You have no idea how much I admire and appreciate every single one of you. I would willingly stand by you and fight. The names you have been called, the hatred that McGowan and his pathetic cronies have tried to have forced on you is unforgivable and totally unacceptable. I will never accept what has happened.

I just can’t fathom how they have gotten away with this. If anybody else had thrown around the same words, they’d have been arrested. What makes a politician, who is essentially employed by the people, come under a whole different set of rules, regulations, laws? I just want each unjabbed person reading this to know that there are indeed people like me. There are an increasing number of jabbed who are waking up (taken them long enough) and appreciating what you have done by standing firm on what was being forced, the lies being told, the hiding of information.

In closing, I just want to again say THANK YOU.
Thank you for reading my rant.
Thank you for having the courage to stay away from this jab.
You are appreciated more than you will ever know. 


Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Thank you for sharing your story (and thank you, ExecessDeathsAU, for posting it here). I can begin to appreciate your anger, for a horrific and unholy injustice was done to you, and to so many others. Those who perpetrated these crimes, may they be held accountable before the law.

In a spirit of solidarity, and to make a gesture towards showing that there are so many out there who regret the jabs and who also respect the unjabbed, I would like to share this transcript of a video by an American woman who was badly injured by a Pfizer jab:

TikTok @ michelleeeu03


MICHELLE: I was asked to reply to a comment, what do I think of people who refused the vaccine, the covid vaccine?

I’ve been hurt by the Pfizer vaccine, I have CIDP, chronic inflammation demyelation polyneuropathy. It’s changed my life completely. If I had to do it all over again I would have never got the vaccine. Um, I do work in health care, so I do work with patients. So, where I work we were told, you know, if you get the vaccine you’ll save lives, you won’t get sick, you won’t die. The media was saying the same thing. So I believed it.

Um, my friends that didn’t get the vaccine, I thought, how could you not get it? You’re going to go home, what if you have it, you don’t know it, you give it to your family members? The worse case scenarios were playing out in my head because of what I was seeing inside the facility.

We would have cookouts and things like that with my friends, that I had a lot of friends that were unvaccinated and they still aren’t vaccinated. We’d have cookouts and at first I was scared to go there because I thought, oh my gosh, what if they’re spreading covid? It was like the dumbest thing I’ve ever thought of, now that I think of it.

And once I started hanging out with them and things, they weren’t getting sick. And the ones that did get sick, they got covid lightly, they were back on their way.

I had already gotten my vaccine, I had already started having issues and seeing a neurologist.

I totally have changed my mind. They were the smart ones. They were the ones that didn’t wear the masks. They were the ones that hung around each other and never caught it, never spread it. Some of the ones did get vaccinated because of their jobs. But the ones that aren’t, I totally commend you and I wish I was one of you. I think very highly of you.

And I’m upset with myself. No job is worth it. No job. So. There’s my answer.


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