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Solar Data from the UK Met

I get these in email now. I love this summary of earth facing sunspots baby. The beta-gamma-delta spots are the most complex.

Solar Region Summary

Space Weather SRS

Issued on Wednesday, 30 October 2024 at 09:04 UTC

Observed Sunspot Regions:

Report issued four times a day (0300, 0900, 1500, 2100 UTC) from analysis of NASA SDO imagery and data from NOAA SWPC.

No.LocLoAreaZLLNNMag TypeGrowthCMXP
Total Raw %99741723
Total Issued %99702099


There are now eleven sunspot containing active regions, with AR3863 fading from view on the west limb and AR3875 redeveloping in the northwest disk. The south-centre disc contains a cluster of three spots. AR3869 is the largest and most complex with its polarities in the reverse configuration to what would typically be expected for a SC25 southern hemisphere spot. AR3872 is a simpler open bipolar spot, but with a potentially unstable N-S orientation, that could still allow for some activity. AR3876, just to the northwest of this group, has seen its small spots coalesce, and has seen the weak delta spot on its northern proximity fade somewhat. AR3878 remains the most likely flare source, with the moderate strength delta spot on its trailer. AR3879 in the NE is large and simple, but is likely the returning ex-3848, which produced a notable eruptive X-flare on the previous rotation.

Moderate activity in the last 24 hours, with a peak flare of M1.1 at 29/1633 UTC, chiefly from AR3872, but with some contribution from an ongoing long duration C-flare due to a filament eruption from the SW disc. Moderate to high activity is expected going forwards, with occasional M-flares expected given the activity on the disk and a chance of an isolated X-class flare. The ongoing S1-Storm is expected to continue easing, unless further notable flares occur. These giving approximately a 20 percent chance of further enhancement.

Carrington 0-deg Longitude: at 30/0800 UTC = 183°

Observed Penticton F10.7cm flux: on 29 October = 266 sfu

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